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Best Bottles for Breastfeed Babies ?

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I breastfeed all three of my children. I used Dr. Browns for my first two and Advent for my third child. I was wondering if anyone has tried the Born Free Bottles. I found them on sale 50% and I was going to buy some. I didn't save any of my bottle from last children and I want to buy bottles that are BPA free and reasonably priced. Thanks in advance for suggestions :)

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When I researched it, I decided on Breastflow bottles. The nipples require both suction and compression for the milk to come out, so it's more like breasfeeding. I've been happy with them, but I've only had to use them a few times. They're a bit more of a pain to clean since there's a double nipple. My guy was happy to use them then go back to the breast, but we didn't try it for the first time until he was five months.


ETA - They're BPA free

Edited by Annie
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Here's something I found from my state's lactation consultant association that might be useful:



I will say, though, that I occasionally used Avent bottles with my DS and never had the biting problems mentioned in the link. For my next, though, I might try out some of the ones recommended.

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The only ones my breastfed babies will take is the Nuk ones, with the orthopedic nipple. I tried EVERYTHING else. Oddly enough my mom says it was the only one I would take too, when I was a baby. The wide ones they make now are very much like the breast. I've had zero latch issues and nursed the first one until 3 years and the second one is still going strong at a year.



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