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I'm sure that this has been covered, but I thought I'd throw this out there anyway. A friend of mine could use some advice regarding her dd's severe, cystic acne. Their dermatologist is pushing Accutane, but they are hesitant to use it because of the cost and side effects. The other recommendation is birth control pills which they also want to avoid due to hormonal changes.


What other suggestions do you have? Anything natural, homeopathic, dietary, and/or OTC work for your or your dc?



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if you search for apple cider vinegar and honey they have been discussed a previously on this board and many have had success. Honey was too sticky for me to stick with long, but apple cider vinegar worked really well for me for awhile. It stopped working after a few months. Lately I've been using this tea tree oil scrub and as long as I keep up with it morning and night, it works very well.


Things that didn't work for me: changes in diet, proactiv, dermatologist prescribed antibiotics and steroids, and pretty much everything on the shelf in the store. I would not go on bcps or accutane unless I had tried absolutely everything else.

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Has she tried tomatoes?




My friend's dd has terrible acne (don't know if it's cystic or not), and she was getting good results from Proactive. Well, she ran out, so mom decided to have her try a natural remedy until she could get to the store to buy more Proactive.


Well, she'd read that rubbing fresh tomatoes on the skin, leaving it on for 10 minutes, then rinsing it off, will help clear acne. They had some little grape tomatoes, so dd gave it a shot. She used it twice a day.


Two weeks later, dd asked Mom when she was going to get more Proactive. Mom said, "Have you looked at your face lately? The tomatoes are working! Why would I spend a fortune on Proactive, when a $2 tub of grape tomatoes work just as well?"


Several months have passed, and they're still using the tomatoes. It's definitely worth a shot!

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I have read that Accutane can cause major stomach problems so I would definitely avoid that.


Some suggestions might be:




Clear glycerin soap


Bragg's apple cider vinegar mixed with water


Dietary changes such as dairy etc... It could take a long time before noticing a difference with diet changes.


Really being careful with cosmetic choices. This could just be making her go in circles if she's trying all the other things but still using cosmetics that are not good for her skin.

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I'm not a teenager, but since my son was born I have battled severe cystic acne. Believe me, I've tried EVERYTHING: OTC, Natural, RX! I've been seeing a derm and we've tried many combos and here is what finally is helping: oral rx med - Spironolactone, Rx topical creams Duac Gel and Tazorac (use on alternate days), CeraVe cleanser and lotion (it's available OTC). Don't know if all of these are ok for teenagers, but I'm so happy to have mine under control I wanted to share!

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zinc supplements & washing with a wet washcloth only (no soap) has made a big difference for ds#1.


Dd has acne issues as well. A dr. at uni put her on BCPs & that made a little difference, but the biggest improvement is always when she returns from a weeklong tramp & hasn't used any cleanser, only a wet washcloth to clean her face & has drank plenty of water. She does use teatree oil on breakouts & that has helped.


We tried the:

---oil method (too messy, & we didn't stick with it long enough to get through the initial "clean-out" stage)

---honey (too sticky)

---baking soda (too drying)

---many OTC acne cleansers (most just made the acne worse)

---prescription anti-biotics (no help at all)

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My son uses Doryx but only when he needs it. We have mostly had good luck with a high protein diet that limits sugar. He is off the meds when we are really good with our diet. But when we fall off the wagon he usually has to take a day or two of Doryx and start watching what we eat to get things back in good shape.

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I had very severe, painful acne as a teenager and went on accutane at around 20. This was after trying everything else - it made such a huge difference. Twenty years later, I still have acne scars from before I went on accutane. I wished I had done it earlier. Now, I am using Duac and Tazorac and it works very well. When my own kids start getting acne, I will definitely use what works to clear it up. If your doctor prescribes Duac/Tazorac, I found that I was able to get the prescription filled much more cheaply in Canada. It was unaffordable to have it filled here. Good Luck!

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