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Great. Now I need a major extraction.

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I have a molar that has already had two root canals and a piece broken off. Now it has an additional fracture that can't be repaired. They have to pull it and put in a bridge. I am not going to handle additional pain well. I need to have it done as soon as possible because it is already causing a lot of pain. Plus, it is going to cost $1000 and this will not count against my medical deductible. :crying:

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:grouphug: I hate dental work. I had an abscessed molar pulled in August and it turned out to be less painful than I had anticipated. I have dental anxiety AND negative zero pain tolerance. They did do dental sedation though, and that was amazing! Here's hoping that it goes better than expected for you.

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I have a molar that has already had two root canals and a piece broken off. Now it has an additional fracture that can't be repaired. They have to pull it and put in a bridge. I am not going to handle additional pain well. I need to have it done as soon as possible because it is already causing a lot of pain. Plus, it is going to cost $1000 and this will not count against my medical deductible. :crying:


so sorry! :grouphug:

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I've got an upper wisdom tooth that needs to come out. I know it needs to come out. It is in pieces. But I cannot pick up the phone to make the call. Major dental anxiety.


I have found that once I'm in "that much pain" the dental work, especially if I'm asleep, is a picnic comparatively.

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Wow. $1000 to pull a molar? That seems excessive. My dh had one pulled a few months ago, and it wasn't anywhere near that.


Sorry. I hate having dental work done. :grouphug:



That includes the price of the bridge they have to put in because it is one of the major bottom molars (I don't know the number but it is the second from back) and I need the chewing surface.

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Let me encourage you. I had a tooth that hurt me for years! Every couple of years the dentist would try another little patch on it (fillings, crown, root canal, round and round and round). It just hurt for years. Finally, he was trying to fill it one more time, and he broke it and said it would have to be extracted. Yes, it was very expensive, but I'm so glad it's gone! I don't miss it a bit. Let them give you the oral medication that almost knocks you out; you won't remember a thing. You'll feel so much better when it's over.


I'm sorry about the expense though. That would blow me away right now.

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How many if you don't mind me asking?


Two but he had some other work done as well. The implant process is not simple either. It requires several appts. and a lot of pain. Essentially the Marine Corp damaged his back teeth when they worked on his cavities. We thought he had bad gum disease but it turned out his teeth were falling apart in the sockets.


He had the option of bridges but then they would have to be redone in a few years.

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Two but he had some other work done as well. The implant process is not simple either. It requires several appts. and a lot of pain. Essentially the Marine Corp damaged his back teeth when they worked on his cavities. We thought he had bad gum disease but it turned out his teeth were falling apart in the sockets.


He had the option of bridges but then they would have to be redone in a few years.


Thanks. My husband has an implant, he has epilepsy and did a number on his teeth over the years. It was $2400, I was curious about what others pay.

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I'm so sorry. :grouphug: I've had a lot of dental work done (root canals, crowns, extraction, bone graft and am supposed to get an implant at some point)- this is all in the past 2.5 years. Gulp. Anyway- its painful, difficult & expensive...I'm so sorry. I feel your pain & anxiety and pray that it goes well for you.


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I have had some major dental work done over the past 4 years. I am curious Did you have a crown placed over that tooth, after you had the root canal?


If not, how come?


Dental work is not fun. But in the end, you feel so much better about yourself.




No, it didn't have a crown because I had the first root canal done when I was a teen and I don't even know if it was an option then. The last root canal was done about 18 years ago and the military wouldn't pay for a crown. It has been stable this whole time so I didn't want to fix something that wasn't broken. It just started bothering me about a month ago.


I do have one other tooth that had to have two root canals. The last canal was done about seven years ago. They recommended a crown but I didn't have it done until last year. The funny thing is that, that tooth has bothered me more since I got the crown than it ever did before (which is why I didn't want to put crowns on those two teeth after the fact when they weren't bothering me). As a matter of fact, that tooth is on the same side as the one that is bothering me and while they were banging around in there and applying heat and cold trying to figure out for sure which tooth was the problem they aggravated the nerve to the one with the crown and now it is screaming even though I know there is nothing wrong with it.


I'm not really fond of dentists. I always feel like they are car mechanics. You know, they don't have any business if you don't have any problems. You go in and everything feels fine but they tell you that you have some major problem that just has to be fixed so you get it fixed and then you have problems that you didn't have before. Then you have to wonder if they broke something while they were in there fixing something and now they have repeat business. Maybe they didn't do it on purpose but well it works out in their favor and you're out $1000 and are in some serious pain to boot. :glare:

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Did the dentist discuss bone loss with bridges?



Um, no and I am not sure I want to know. :001_huh: I can't afford an implant and I know I couldn't handle the additional pain. I wish they could just move the tooth behind it forward because I still have my wisdom teeth. I lost one molar on the other side (bottom right euqivilant to problem molar now) as a teen which made just enough room for the wisdom tooth to come in and scoot the molar behind the one I lost forward. They are lined up perfectly. So it seems like that should still work now but the dentist assures me that the only reason that happened is because I lost the one molar (bottom right euqivilant to problem molar now) right before the wisdom tooth came in and I was still growing. He said that this wouldn't work now. Apparently the good molar (bottom left, right behind the one they are going to pull) would just just sort of fall over instead of the whole thing moving forward. If they had pulled the problem molar (bottom left equivilant to the one I lost on the right side) instead of doing the root canal when I was a teen the same thing would have probably happened on this side as well. It a shame because I otherwise I have pretty good teeth. I am missing the one molar on the bottom right (the equivilant molar that is now a problem on the bottom left) and I have a root canal and crown on the upper left (I guess I chew mostly on that side). My teeth are not perfectly straight because I didn't have braces as a kid but I still have all of my wisdom teeth and I don't have any crowding. I don't have any new cavities (since adulthood, some fillings from childhood), plaque, tartar, gum disease or loss. If they had pulled the problem molar on the bottom left as a teen my bottom would be good to go and I would only have one root canal and crown on the top left. This would be so much easier to explain if I just knew the numbers of the teeth. I could look it up but I don't know that everyone would know that info anyhow. I hope this is clear enough to understand.

Edited by KidsHappen
Trying to make it clearer.
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Okay, I understand now. About the crown. Usually, when a tooth has a root canal, they let it "sit" for a while to make sure that there isn't any further problems, and then crown it. The tooth is very weak and brittle after a root canal is done. It sounds as if in your case, you got lucky for a long period of time.


As far as the bridge, did he say what the worse case scenario was if you chose not to go this route?


I agree with you about dentists and car mechanics. I had some doozies of dentists in my past. I have one now who is wonderful, and has been able to fix my teeth without me having to spend a million dollars. Especially since I have no dental insurance.



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  • 3 weeks later...

How did everything turn out for you?


I ask because I'm on my way out the door in an hour to the dentist. The last time I was at the dentist was nearly 6 years ago for an extraction and before then was when I was a child....embarrassing but I fear the dentist...now I'm going in for a "plan of action" and hope without dental insurance they will help me slim the bill down a bit!

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That includes the price of the bridge they have to put in because it is one of the major bottom molars (I don't know the number but it is the second from back) and I need the chewing surface.


Oh, dear. This is the same tooth that I'm in danger of losing. I was hoping that if I lost it I would not need a bridge. Bummer.


I'm so sorry you're going through this. :(

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I feel for ya, Kids.

I have to get an implant--they have to pull the second to the back tooth on the bottom right--it already had a root canal and a crown, but there's infection in the root pocket area thingy. (I am so not a dental person!)

I also need two other crowns because of cracked teeth, and a scale-type cleaning. All told, 6K. Fun, fun. Insurance only covers 1K each year.

At least the dentist is sweet to me--I started crying right before I went into my last appointment.

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