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McCain Question

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I hope this doesn't break board rules--at least not too much. I've noticed several people in other thread say that McCain is "scary". I am not sure I particularly like any of the candidates, but McCain will probably get my vote because he seems to be not as bad as the others. I'd like to know what specific concerns people have about McCain. Perhaps there is something I've missed.


I'd like to keep it civil though please. Just a straightforward statement without too much opinion thrown in. Something along the lines of: "I don't like his stance on health care because..." Can we do that? I think we can;)

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I hope this doesn't break board rules--at least not too much. I've noticed several people in other thread say that McCain is "scary". I am not sure I particularly like any of the candidates, but McCain will probably get my vote because he seems to be not as bad as the others. I'd like to know what specific concerns people have about McCain. Perhaps there is something I've missed.


I'd like to keep it civil though please. Just a straightforward statement without too much opinion thrown in. Something along the lines of: "I don't like his stance on health care because..." Can we do that? I think we can;)


He has a hair-trigger temper and a publicly foul mouth. I find that indicative of a lack of self-control, and that bothers me for someone who wants to be the leader of our nation. I worry about whether this is an age issue or a character issue. Either way, it troubles me.


I would have voted for him eight years ago had he won the nomination, though. I found him a thoughtful moderate though I certainly didn't agree with him on all issues. I find him less thoughtful and less moderate these days.

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Oh, just to clarify...I am NOT anti-war or anti-military and totally and completely respect, admire and give extreme gratitude to our soldiers who are putting their lives (and have put) on the line for us. My opinion is just that it's gone on too long and we really need to re-direct SOME of our focus back on our own country before it falls apart. That's all.

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I find him less thoughtful and less moderate these days.


I agree.


I did like McCain. Going into this election I swore I would vote for McCain over Clinton because I CANNOT STAND Clinton.


But now I don't think I will. I might vote Green if Clinton wins but I won't vote for McCain. He is *supposed* to be a moderate. I don't even know who he is now.

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He has a hair-trigger temper and a publicly foul mouth. I find that indicative of a lack of self-control, and that bothers me for someone who wants to be the leader of our nation.


Also, when I say scary, I am refering to the fact that he says we could stay in Iraq another 100 years. I didn't vote to be there now and I certainly wouldn't vote to be there for another 100 years.

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OK, first...just a funny. It's a parody based on the Obama "change" video but with McCain.


I wouldn't necessarily say that I find him scary. However, I do disagree with a lot of his general ideas. For example, subsidizing big business but not small farmers (not directly stated but definitely implied on his webpage).


Some of his other ideas *really* make me scratch my head such as:

John McCain Proposes A One-Year Spending Pause To Evaluate Programs. He believes that outside of essential military and veterans programs there should be a one-year pause in discretionary spending growth that should be used for a top-to-bottom review of the effectiveness of federal programs.


Errr...what? He's going to suspend all federal spending programs except for the military-related ones? What all would that affect? I can't even imagine.


John McCain Will Lower Barriers To Trade. Ninety-five percent of the world's customers lie outside our borders and we need to be at the table when the rules for access to those markets are written. To do so, the U.S. should engage in multilateral, regional and bilateral efforts to reduce barriers to trade, level the global playing field and build effective enforcement of global trading rules. These steps would also strengthen the U.S. dollar and help to control the rising cost of living that hurts our families.


Lowering barriers to trade thus far has done nothing but HURT our economy.


John McCain Will Act To Make American Workers More Competitive. We must prepare the next generation of workers by making American education worthy of the promise we make to our children and ourselves. We must be a nation committed to competitiveness and opportunity. We must fight for the ability of all students to have access to any school of demonstrated excellence. We must place parents and children at the center of the education process, empowering parents by greatly expanding the ability of parents to choose among schools for their children.


I'm against school vouchers. I pay taxes and get no compensation for homeschooling. People who *choose* to send their kids to private schools need to find a way to pay for it themselves, I shouldn't subsidize it and neither should anyone who sends their kids to public school.


Only a few examples.

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Well, there is his brilliant health care plan






John McCain Will Reform The Tax Code To Offer More Choices Beyond Employer-Based Health Insurance Coverage. While still having the option of employer-based coverage, every family will also have the option of receiving a direct refundable tax credit - effectively cash - of $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families to offset the cost of insurance. Families will be able to choose the insurance provider that suits them best and the money would be sent directly to the insurance provider. Those obtaining innovative insurance that costs less than the credit can deposit the remainder in expanded Health Savings Accounts.



Can we just keep our current plan if McCain's is WORSE than what we have now?

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Some of his other ideas *really* make me scratch my head such as:



John McCain Proposes A One-Year Spending Pause To Evaluate Programs. He believes that outside of essential military and veterans programs there should be a one-year pause in discretionary spending growth that should be used for a top-to-bottom review of the effectiveness of federal programs.


Errr...what? He's going to suspend all federal spending programs except for the military-related ones? What all would that affect? I can't even imagine.


The quote says he proposes a one-year pause in discretionary spending growth. That is not the same thing as suspending federal spending programs.



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Who is McCain calling a jerk at the end of this one?


I don't remember, but I do remember when it happened and it was lighthearted and intended to be funny. I do remember thinking it was funny at the time and suspected the person who asked the question would also have taken it in good fun. IIRC, it was about his age. ??

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The quote says he proposes a one-year pause in discretionary spending growth. That is not the same thing as suspending federal spending programs.




Sorry, was speed-reading ;) but the same question applies-what all would this affect? And frankly...it sounds like it's meant to prevent the Democratic congress from using their legislative power for the first year he's in office. If that's the case it hardly seems like a bi-partisan move.

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I don't remember, but I do remember when it happened and it was lighthearted and intended to be funny. I do remember thinking it was funny at the time and suspected the person who asked the question would also have taken it in good fun. IIRC, it was about his age. ??





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I hope this doesn't break board rules--at least not too much. I've noticed several people in other thread say that McCain is "scary". I am not sure I particularly like any of the candidates, but McCain will probably get my vote because he seems to be not as bad as the others. I'd like to know what specific concerns people have about McCain. Perhaps there is something I've missed.


I'd like to keep it civil though please. Just a straightforward statement without too much opinion thrown in. Something along the lines of: "I don't like his stance on health care because..." Can we do that? I think we can;)


I can't vote for him because he thinks nothing of trampling on little things like the First Amendment.

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Sorry, was speed-reading ;) but the same question applies-what all would this affect? And frankly...it sounds like it's meant to prevent the Democratic congress from using their legislative power for the first year he's in office. If that's the case it hardly seems like a bi-partisan move.



Well it wouldn't hinder their powers of budget cutting;) Unless one believes that a Democratic Congress is unable to do that. ;);) The Republicans haven't been very thrifty lately either.


Someone I know well has claimed McCain the perfect Manchurian Candidate for quite a few years. Guess I need to watch the movie again or try to find a copy of the book. This person connects dots left and right. I have no idea if that is warranted or not, I haven't been a fan of his based on other issues, so I'm just waiting and watching for now.

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Do you have examples or know of any? I have heard this a couple of times now, but have never seen evidence of it.


BTW I am not being snarky just wondering. :001_smile:


I do, but I'll have to postpone digging for them tonight. If someone else wants to beat me to the punch, please do so.


Otherwise, I'll see to it after exams tomorrow. And if I forget, please bump this and remind me.

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Someone I know well has claimed McCain the perfect Manchurian Candidate for quite a few years. Guess I need to watch the movie again or try to find a copy of the book. This person connects dots left and right. I have no idea if that is warranted or not, I haven't been a fan of his based on other issues, so I'm just waiting and watching for now.


Oh..that really bothers me. As much as I am having issues with McCain I really don't like people trying to trash McCain for that. :( He is a hero even if I do not like his politics. :(

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Oh..that really bothers me. As much as I am having issues with McCain I really don't like people trying to trash McCain for that. :( He is a hero even if I do not like his politics. :(


I wasn't trying to bother anyone- sorry. I just threw that out there as a reason why one Republican I know isn't keen on voting for him. Not trying to upset anyone!!

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I wasn't trying to bother anyone- sorry. I just threw that out there as a reason why one Republican I know isn't keen on voting for him. Not trying to upset anyone!!


I knew what you were referring to, I have seen some of those websites referring to McCain as the Manchurian Candidate.


I am sorry if I was not clear, it is that viewpoint that I find upsetting and wrong. I knew you were not intending to endorse it by mentioning it.

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Do you have examples or know of any? I have heard this a couple of times now, but have never seen evidence of it.


BTW I am not being snarky just wondering. :001_smile:


There was a very long article in a recent Sunday Washington Post on McCain's temper which documents old and recent incidents. I fear that the article may be too long to cut and paste here. You may need to register with the Post to read it, but registration is free.



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Guest Virginia Dawn
He has a hair-trigger temper and a publicly foul mouth. I find that indicative of a lack of self-control, and that bothers me for someone who wants to be the leader of our nation. I worry about whether this is an age issue or a character issue. Either way, it troubles me.


I would have voted for him eight years ago had he won the nomination, though. I found him a thoughtful moderate though I certainly didn't agree with him on all issues. I find him less thoughtful and less moderate these days.



I could have written this word for word. Also, the 100 years in Iraq is very scary. Just the economics of a long term presence is frightening. His stance on torture confuses me, especially after what he has been through. It seems almost incredible to me that he appears to be spouting the Bush war propaganda rhetoric, he used to seem to be such a principled individual, even if it got him bad press.

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Mrs. Mungo,


I'm not terribly pro- (or anti-) McCain, but I wanted to comment on one thing that you mentioned.


You quote: "John McCain Proposes A One-Year Spending Pause To Evaluate Programs. He believes that outside of essential military and veterans programs there should be a one-year pause in discretionary spending growth that should be used for a top-to-bottom review of the effectiveness of federal programs."


You replied, "Errr...what? He's going to suspend all federal spending programs except for the military-related ones? What all would that affect? I can't even imagine."


If the first quote correctly outlines his plan, he's not proposing a pause in all non-essential spending -- he's saying that he'd like to have a pause in the GROWTH in discretionary spending in those areas. The distinction is important. One way, he stops all spending; the other way, he keeps spending at current levels, but stops the INCREASES for a year. A huge difference.





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Thank you for the responses. I'd like to hear more if there are any.


The article Jean linked was very interesting. I'm not worried as much about the reports of his temper as those of him holding grudges. Neither of those worries me as much as not knowing how much this Black Theology and us vs. them attitude affects Obama's thinking.


The items Mungo listed were interesting, too. I don't see a problem with a one year halt on growth in spending. That sounds like a good idea to me. I'm not sure how I feel about the trade issue. I can see that from both sides and there really aren't any specifics given. I do agree with Mungo on the last issue of school vouchers.


The healthcare plan that Sis mentioned doesn't sound too horrible to me. Again, the details are pretty sketchy. I'd like it all spelled out a little more clearly. I like what is said here better than what I've heard from Clinton or Obama.


50-100 years in Iraq? Yes, that is scary. Especially since ds enlisted yesterday. I don't think he at all meant that he thinks it will go that way, just that he is committed to getting things wrapped up sufficiently over there before bringing everyone home. Whether or not that is actually possible, I don't know.:confused: I do feel that McCain, as a former soldier and POW, will try to do what he feels is best for both the country and for our military men and women.

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I can't vote for him because he thinks nothing of trampling on little things like the First Amendment.




That whole incumbent protection act is just amazing in an unbelievable sort of way.


He doesn't care much for 2nd amendment rights either. He's trying to pretend he does, but his past actions say otherwise.


My dad refers to him as a RINO (Republican In Name Only) as he is really no more conservative than a lot of democrats. I've always been a die-hard Republican, but I will *not* vote for him. I would rather see Hillary win than McCain. Not that I'm planning on voting for her either. I'll be voting third party.

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