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What 16 months of unemployment has taught me

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1. I'm stronger than I ever imagined I could be.

2. When challenged, my boys have become unselfish, appreciative, and truly grateful for the things they have and work hard to get them. I am so proud of them.

3. We need far less than what we have. (And people will buy anything!)

4. Accepting help is not weakness.

5. I am grateful to live near great libraries, beautiful parks, good friends, and family who love us.

6. We have tried to live our lives with kindness, compassion, and generousity. It has been returned to us tenfold.

7. Worrying does not change the outcome. I'm not sure how I did it, but I figured out how to put that burden of worry down. And not worrying hasn't changed the outcome either. :lol:

8. I never, ever, ever want to go through this again.


My husband starts his new job today. His self esteem is in shreds and the future is uncertain. It's all sort of surreal and we can't believe he has a job so we haven't really told anyone. I hope he has a good day today. I hope he realizes his worth. I hope, I hope, I hope.


We made it! And we're going to be alright. I feel like this is the first deep breath I've taken in over a year. It feels good.

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Your post resonates deeply with me. We are at the one year mark of my dh's unemployment (right now he does have temporary work giving him two days a week).


Just this morning I was thinking about the day last year we learned the mill my dh was working at would shut down. I remember the feeling of fear and uncertainty I felt that day. I had no idea what the loss of that job would translate into . . . my dh's health deteriorated, he became depressed . . . the stress on our family was so great.


And yet, like you said, we have survived. Indeed, even though there were days where I thought how am I going to make it, we did.


Congratulations on your dh's new job!

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Wow, kalah, just...wow.


I would never wish 16 months of unemployment on anyone. But I believe what you have gained is priceless.


Try to remember to breathe today. It's real. I will send up a prayer for your dh to have a wonderful, encouraging day at his new job.

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Thanks to God for all of this! I am convinced that our struggles are so much more important than our blessings when it comes to building us into the people we want to be. To learn to lay down the burden...this is a priceless gift. Do not forgot what you have learned and you will be well for the years to come.

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We, too, experienced what you described. 21 months for us, as dh was laid off in 3/2011, and then everything he had as possibilities evaporated in the aftermath of 9/11, the dot.com and telecom bubbles bursting, etc. it's not often you have a perfect storm, but they sure converged here in north TX.


My lesson, nearly 10 years later (8 years since he resumed employment):


1. God is faithful.

2. He will not only provide, but He will also give you what you didn't know you needed.

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:grouphug: DH has been unemployed since July 2009. He went back to school and was so busy with that until 6 weeks ago that now that he is basically just job hunting full-time it is starting to feel a bit strange. We have been ok, but it is a bit demoralizing for him to keep looking and not find anything in his old pay range, especially after completing a degree in the interim. I hope that your DH really enjoys his new job.

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I think the pay thing is the kicker. He is making less than HALF of what he made before he got laid off. We will never see those golden days of the construction boom again. And the scary part is we are so very grateful to be making even this.

Life was just so good and I never took it for granted. There are days that I just want so badly to go back. Good thing my eyes are in the front of my head....keeps me looking forward. :)

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I We will never see those golden days of the construction boom again. And the scary part is we are so very grateful to be making even this.

Life was just so good and I never took it for granted. There are days that I just want so badly to go back. Good thing my eyes are in the front of my head....keeps me looking forward. :)



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1. I'm stronger than I ever imagined I could be.

2. When challenged, my boys have become unselfish, appreciative, and truly grateful for the things they have and work hard to get them. I am so proud of them.

3. We need far less than what we have. (And people will buy anything!)

4. Accepting help is not weakness.

5. I am grateful to live near great libraries, beautiful parks, good friends, and family who love us.

6. We have tried to live our lives with kindness, compassion, and generousity. It has been returned to us tenfold.

7. Worrying does not change the outcome. I'm not sure how I did it, but I figured out how to put that burden of worry down. And not worrying hasn't changed the outcome either. :lol:

8. I never, ever, ever want to go through this again.


My husband starts his new job today. His self esteem is in shreds and the future is uncertain. It's all sort of surreal and we can't believe he has a job so we haven't really told anyone. I hope he has a good day today. I hope he realizes his worth. I hope, I hope, I hope.


We made it! And we're going to be alright. I feel like this is the first deep breath I've taken in over a year. It feels good.


Ay sweetie your post brought me to tears. :grouphug: I am so happy for your dh. I hope for you and yours too! I wish you all the best. :grouphug:

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Kalah (aka my WTM friend with all the answers),


So happy for you and yours! I didn't realize what a huge struggle it was, but am so glad to see you come out of it stronger for it...FWIW, though we've not gone "deep", per se, I never heard you say a complaining word about your situation. You shared your fatigue, but you kept a positive attitude in your communications with me. That's huge and I commend you for it.




Blessings, friend!

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