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TOG rollcall!

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Hey, I'm back again. I just realized I posted on this same thread last year so don't count me twice. :001_smile:


We are using TOG for the third year now, but we take longer to do the lessons, typically spending two weeks on a one week plan which means we complete 2-3 units per year instead of 4.


We did Units 1-3 of YR-1 for 5th grade (UG level), and then we did Unit 4 of YR-1 and Unit 1 of YR-2 last year for 6th grade, which was our first year at D level. We are going to try to speed it up again for 7th grade and do Units 2-4 of YR-2. My goal is to be ready to focus on U.S. history and its relation to the world in the 8th grade.


Even though TOG was designed for big families, my dd and I love using it just for us. It has been a real blessing to follow the plan, read all the good books and learn together. Unfortunately, I expect this to be our last year with TOG due to our shrinking budget. I'm going to have to switch over to Biblioplan and/or Truthquest instead, or we may possibly use TWTM method. After using TOG for a while now, I feel I understand it so much better and would be able to put a customized plan of study together much easier because of it.




Edited by HSMom2One
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We are starting our second year with TOG and doing year 2, starting with the Middle Ages. I have one dialectic and one upper grammar student.


I would love to see more discussion on TOG, because I still feel overwhelmed with so much of it!


TOG is a very excellent choice, and your family will learn so much. I agree it can feel overwhelming at first, but just remember that you don't have to do everything on the lists. Marcia Somerville explains it all so well in this video about weekly planning. If you've never watched it, I'd highly recommend it for you now. I would have appreciated it so much when I was starting if it had been available then.


Anytime you have questions about TOG, be sure to post them here because with so many of us using the curriculum, someone is bound to join the discussion.




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Guest JeanetteInElSal

We are in our first year, week 5 to be exact with TOG YR1.


1 UG

1 LG


We are loving it! Every Sunday when I plan, I remember that TOG is a buffet. With so much to choose from, I can tailor it to my dds even more. I appreciate the teacher notes immensely. I view it as my time to prepare with a good cup of tea or coffee. For me, it is the best curriculum I have seen. We have used Sonlight, Winter Promise, SOTW, etc. By reading the weekly objectives, it is easy to see what my girls need to be focusing on.


Jeanette :D

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We're in W7 of Y3, our 3rd year using TOG. My kids are in 10th (rhetoric), 7th (dialectic), 3rd (upper/lower grammar), 1st (lower grammar), and K (who really isn't doing TOG).


I think I'm finally beginning to get the hang of cutting back/picking and choosing, particularly for rhetoric stage. (Takes me a while, I know ;).)

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What year are you using? TOG 1 streamlined to fit 1 semester instead of a full year; hopefully I'll keep on top of things so we can use TOG 2 starting 2cnd semester- Rhetoric level


What year(s) have you used in the past? First time using TOG


What age students are you using it with? 10th grade ds


I think I have the days, weeks organized now and understand how to use the curriculum at a basic level.


My ds loves the selection of history reading, especially likes not having to read a dry textbook.


I'm finding it a little difficult to skip around in so many different books from week to week. I kind of like to just stay with one book until I finish it.

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This is our first year with TOG. Starting Y1U1 with a child mixed with LG/UG and UG/D mix.


I have no idea what I'm doing. :willy_nilly:


Not feeling the love quite yet, but hoping to at some point. My kids are doing the reading (and the hands-on projects) but beyond that I'm a bit lost as to what to do. :001_huh:


Maybe I'm just not used to having a spine.

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So who here is using TOG? Me!

What year are you using? Year 2 classic

What year(s) have you used in the past? None. This is our first year. 1 Rhetoric, 2 Dialect, and 1 Upper Grammar. :svengo:

What age students are you using it with? 14, 13, 12, and 8 or 9th, 8th, 6th, and 3rd grades. :)



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We're still plugging away, despite being all over the map with it. :001_unsure:


I posted a few threads about dropping it but then decided I liked certain aspects of it too much to drop it entirely (plus I had already purchased all the books for 3 of the levels).


I've gone back to using it and scheduling everything we do based on TOG's sequence. For my oldest I've added in the K12 Human Odyssey book as well as the Oxford World in Ancient Times series. Those round out the readings much better for us and provide more ideas for writing assignments. I wasn't liking the TOG writing assignments although I do refer to WA when the need comes up.


We're doing the map work from TOG and I have the kids do the literature sheets as well. I also use their discussion outlines. My favorite part remains the books they selected. My kids have not hit a book yet that they didn't like. They especially like the activity type ones and thanks to TOG, we've done more hands-on history projects this year than in any other year prior to this. That's been a real bonus all around. :thumbup:


Now that I've added in K12 and WIAT, I'm really thrilled with it all. I couldn't figure how to use TOG without a consistent spine and felt that everything was a bit "loosey-goosey" for me. I feel we're more grounded now and the kids are learning lots and enjoying it.


I haven't decided yet if we'll use Y2 since I spent so much this year to supplement the already expensive program. :001_huh: But, I'm really liking how it all came together so perhaps we'll take the plunge again...

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Hello everyone, my name is Gina. I am new to this forum, actually new to any forum. This is my first and only one. I have a younger sister who is obsessed with forums and she guided me to this one last year while I was deciding on TOG. I have read a lot of threads, but never posted in one until now. I am not sure what all the abbreviations are yet, but I am slowly learning.


I am using TOG year 1. I have a 6th grader in Dialectic and a 1st grader in Lower Grammar. I am loving it, but the only thing is my personality tends to get a little turbed when I don't get to complete a project. I have gone several weeks with no project at all (mostly prior to Christmas and this last week). Do you all do a project every week? How about the Unit celebrations?

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