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Has this ever happened to you? (WTMers IRL)

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Have you ever been reading through a thread, and it suddenly hits you -- a particular poster sounds like someone you know in real life? Then you read other posts by that person, and all the pieces fit together, and you know beyond a doubt that it is that person?


What do you do? Wave hi? Send them a private message? Or do you start remembering all the wacky posts you've made, controversial threads you've participated in, and decide that it's better to stay anonymous? Is your online self a little more "out there" than your real self?

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Have you ever been reading through a thread, and it suddenly hits you -- a particular poster sounds like someone you know in real life? Then you read other posts by that person, and all the pieces fit together, and you know beyond a doubt that it is that person?


What do you do? Wave hi? Send them a private message? Or do you start remembering all the wacky posts you've made, controversial threads you've participated in, and decide that it's better to stay anonymous? Is your online self a little more "out there" than your real self?


If it's me please don't tell me. I'm a little more "out there" here than in real life and I think I might freak out if I realized someone figured out who I was.


That's just me though.

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Have you ever been reading through a thread, and it suddenly hits you -- a particular poster sounds like someone you know in real life? Then you read other posts by that person, and all the pieces fit together, and you know beyond a doubt that it is that person?


What do you do? Wave hi? Send them a private message? Or do you start remembering all the wacky posts you've made, controversial threads you've participated in, and decide that it's better to stay anonymous? Is your online self a little more "out there" than your real self?


You're making me nervous. I know a lot of musicians, and I would not want some of my complaints here about my work to be connected with my actual self. :tongue_smilie:

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I've gone to a number of PNW WTM get togethers where people came from all around the area. I also was the leader of a classical homeschooling support group for a short time.


That is SO COOL!! Those get togethers must be so much fun. Do ya'll talk in abbreviations or say the whole word. ;) :) Did they look completely different than how you had imagined them before you met them? I just think that's so neat that you know so many. :)

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It's happened to me twice - once on this board and once on the old Titus2 boards.


On this board, it was the other mom who recognized *me* and said something when we ran into each other.


On the Titus2 board, I recognized the other poster. I had lived next door to her and her family when I was a newlywed in 1992. They were homeschooling their oldest 2 daughters, and they were the first hs family I'd ever met. I had not seen or heard from her in the 9 years since we moved away, so I sent her a message to double-check and make certain it was her. :)


We still correspond quite frequently! I'm so thankful that board reconnected us!

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I'm definitely a more "free spirit" online than off, but only by a bit. In truth, my online world has made me more obnoxious in real life too. :tongue_smilie:


That said, I think I'd freak and wonder what stupid things I've said that will forever taint their view of me. :lol:

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Have you ever been reading through a thread, and it suddenly hits you -- a particular poster sounds like someone you know in real life? Then you read other posts by that person, and all the pieces fit together, and you know beyond a doubt that it is that person?


What do you do? Wave hi? Send them a private message? Or do you start remembering all the wacky posts you've made, controversial threads you've participated in, and decide that it's better to stay anonymous? Is your online self a little more "out there" than your real self?

I've had the opposite happen - someone IRL commented about a post I made online and I didn't even know they were on that forum (Sonlight)! This actually happened more than once. Each time she (different homeschoolers) never commented on the thread, but came up to me and said something about it. It freaked me out the first time, but moreso that this person is reading what I write, but not commenting or talking to me about it on the forum. I wish each one would simply post too, but I didn't mind receiving a PM from the few that did ask I was the same person they knew IRL.


I know several folks on the WTM boards IRL. One introduced me and I see her weekly, and then I met a few more IRL, so I have several friends here. I met a few at a meetup with SWB herself, and others I know from our homeschool group or they are friends of friends.

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It's happened to me in a different forum. Instead of worrying about "outing" myself, I worried about "outing" the other person. I didn't want to yank their anonymity away, even if it was just little old me.


I chose to drop obvious hints about who I am in general posts/sig, like slightly more specific location information, a bit more about my kids, etc. Things that would be hard to miss given our area and social circle.


She has not mentioned anything online or irl, so I continue to respect her... well, I guess privacy isn't quite the right word, but something like that!

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No but I've accidently responded to a "work out buddy" post on the Weight Watchers boards from a very good friend. I didn't realize it was her until I had already responded.


I would have to go back and read through all my posts and see what I've put. I have given people irl the url to this board though so who knows maybe I do know people here. I'd want to know though because it would freak me out a little that my online world cross with my real world and I didn't know. I'd want to know what people know about me, ya know?

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I have met a few WTMers IRL after meeting them here first. I am more "out" here than I certainly would be in a large group of real people, that's how online forums are. It's been nice to share that online bond with a few people IRL; it puts a face to some of the great support we have here.


There are probably a few here who know me but haven't told me. That makes me a little more uncomfortable--I'd at least like to know who I'm sharing with. If someone knew me IRL and didn't tell me here, it'd make me feel like they are peeking in my windows at home. I would definitely prefer to know.

And maybe I'd never post again, haha.

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I would want to know if someone new me. I would say the real me and my WTM forum self are basically the same.


I personally only know one other WTMer and that is because we connected on here before we both went on a vacation to the same place and then our families met up (very cool by the way).

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Tons of people know me from real life and here. It used to be that I was totally incognito as nobody came to this forum, but that has changed as the years have passed and I have kept recommending this board to close friends plus the fact that other homeschoolers have found it!


As it is, then yes, I am an open person to begin with (nothing is a secret), however, I have begun posting less and being less personal just because I like to know my real-life audience if it is not all cyber...

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My online self is the same spastic personality as my real life self.:tongue_smilie: If it were me, I would send a PM and say, "Hi". I mean, what are the chances of bumping into someone IRL online! That's just too cool! :)


Me too...and my name is out there anyway...all the kids around here call me Mamma Faithe....




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YES! This just happened to me yesterday, in fact. I was reading a gal's post and thought, gosh, that sounds like so-and-so. The more I read, I was like, that is so-and-so!!!! We have only met recently at our homeschool group and we are facebook friends, but I haven't said anything here because it would be my luck, she'd say, and who are you? :lol: Next time I see her I was going to say something, though. For some reason, I come across extremely un-intelligent online. (that's putting it nicely. :D) I'm not a good message board person. But, I think people like me more IRL than online, so I"ll say hi offline.

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