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Getting braces this afternoon - any advice?

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Yes, invest in the wax. (They should offer you some--get lots.) I was never offered any during the 5 years I had braces, and I always had raw places inside my mouth.

Take the "no hard foods" rule seriously, and dejunk your house if you have any.

Do you have a waterpik? Worth it's weight in gold!

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Thank you all for the advice. They are giving us the electric toothbrush they want him to use. Is that what a waterpik is, or should I have it in addition to the toothbrush? I will be sure to get lots of wax.


I've never worn braces so this whole thing makes me nervous!


Thank you all again,



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Second the waterpik--it's not the same as an electric toothbrush. It sends jets of water to get things out of the braces.


Soft foods. When ds has an adjustment he gets to eat pudding, ice cream, and Chef Boyardee. He normally doesn't like CB but it's about all he can manage at those times.

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My son is getting them Wed!! UGH!!! I have a shower waterpik in my cart at Amazon. Read these were awesome - no mess and it doesn't take up counter space...they just use it in the shower. I need to get it!! He had 4 brackets on a while ago, but this will be the whole enchilada!!!


Planning on getting him a Wendy's frosty - that's the big thrill!!!

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These are great tips everyone. I'm going to make a grocery run to stock up on ice cream, pudding and yogurt. I've already got lots of soup. I'll get the waterpik this week. I just really want to make this as easy and painless as possible for him.

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This for the whole process: Make sure nothing is poking or pinching him before he leaves the ortho's office. I can't tell you how many times we've gotten halfway home and had to go back because there was a wire poking son that he "forgot to mention." :glare:

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Nobody has mentioned it but I would say to pick up some sort of chapstick or lip balm. For some reason my lips chapped very badly after my braces were put on. I don't know how typical this is.



If your braces make you want to breathe through your mouth, then your lips will dry out from the air passing over them (like have a stuffed up nose).



To OP, make sure your dc eats well beforehand. The gag reflex is much stronger on an empty stomach, for some reason.

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You're probably already done, but hopefully you invested in the flossers that they sell at the office. My DS' daily use of those have kept his teeth in truly excellent shape. It takes him about 20 minutes to go through the whole process, though, so he's pretty meticulous, which helps.;)

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I just wanted to say that not everyone experiences pain with braces. My boys have complained very little about discomfort. Ds17 has had them on twice and in the 36 months of treatment, he has taken ibuprofen 5 times. His biggest issues were chewing issues due to the changes made to the bite with his Herbst appliance. Ds14, my sensory kid who regularly complains when things bother him, has rarely complained about his braces. I'd say they were on soft foods only once or twice thus far, and not when they were put on initially. The spacer for the back braces was probably the most uncomfortable part.


I just didn't want the anxiety of expecting pain to make things worse than they would ordinarily be.

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Thank you everyone for all the advice! We are back from the appt, and he says it feels like his teeth are being "squeezed" but no pain (yet).

This for the whole process: Make sure nothing is poking or pinching him before he leaves the ortho's office. I can't tell you how many times we've gotten halfway home and had to go back because there was a wire poking son that he "forgot to mention." :glare:


I will remember that - it sounds just like something that my son would do:tongue_smilie:

Nobody has mentioned it but I would say to pick up some sort of chapstick or lip balm. For some reason my lips chapped very badly after my braces were put on. I don't know how typical this is.

great tip - thank you!


You're probably already done, but hopefully you invested in the flossers that they sell at the office. My DS' daily use of those have kept his teeth in truly excellent shape. It takes him about 20 minutes to go through the whole process, though, so he's pretty meticulous, which helps.;)

The only thing they gave us were floss threaders. We watched a video that showed some sort of electric flosser and the waterpik- is that what you bought? Our office doesn't sell any products.


Thanks everyone!


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You're probably already done, but hopefully you invested in the flossers that they sell at the office. My DS' daily use of those have kept his teeth in truly excellent shape. It takes him about 20 minutes to go through the whole process, though, so he's pretty meticulous, which helps.;)


:iagree: Another vote for taking the time to floss...this makes a huge difference. dd just uses regular floss and the floss threaders.


dd also likes using a toothbrush specific to braces, it has a space so it can go around the brackets.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just wanted to say that not everyone experiences pain with braces. My boys have complained very little about discomfort. Ds17 has had them on twice and in the 36 months of treatment, he has taken ibuprofen 5 times. His biggest issues were chewing issues due to the changes made to the bite with his Herbst appliance. Ds14, my sensory kid who regularly complains when things bother him, has rarely complained about his braces. I'd say they were on soft foods only once or twice thus far, and not when they were put on initially. The spacer for the back braces was probably the most uncomfortable part.


I just didn't want the anxiety of expecting pain to make things worse than they would ordinarily be.


How did your son do with the Herbst appliance? My daughter just went in for an adjustment and now the teeth don't touch so she can't chew. How long before she can chew again????

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They have floss now that comes in pieces with one end that is stiff for threading between the wires. My daughter has found these much easier to use than the floss threaders.


If you happen to find you have a child like mine with no pain tolerance, don't be afraid to ask for a prescription for Tylenol with Codine.


Favorite smoothie was made with a frozen banana, chocolate milk, a couple of spoonfuls of peanut butter and a couple of ice cubes if needed.

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The only thing they gave us were floss threaders. We watched a video that showed some sort of electric flosser and the waterpik- is that what you bought? Our office doesn't sell any products.


They're these:http://http://www.amazon.com/Platypus-Ortho-Flossers-Pack-packs/dp/B000TO114Q/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1294898543&sr=8-2


They seem expensive at first, but they've been worth every penny.


Good luck with everything!

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How did your son do with the Herbst appliance? My daughter just went in for an adjustment and now the teeth don't touch so she can't chew. How long before she can chew again????


I think it was several days to a week, if I remember correctly. At least, he figured out how to chew after about a week (after each adjustment.) In the meantime, I made sure he had softer foods so he didn't have to do as much chewing. I also made high protein fruit smoothies to make sure he had enough food (my boys are very thin.) We did soups, very tender meats (like meatloaf with lots of veggies in it to soften the texture.

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