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Note to newbie Netflix users

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Edited to add... Our problem appears to have been a glitch - update on page 2. THANKS HIVE! No heads up to others needed...


Don't forget to remove things from your queue after you've sent them back. It's not automatic like I figured it would be. Now we have a movie coming to us that we just watched this past week. :glare: And over a Holiday. And on a weekend. Both with no mail to return it quickly and get something new.


It's sure not the way to win a customer from the free trial period. I definitely have gone from "maybe" paying for it to "very doubtful" when our trial period is up. We don't watch much anyway, and little things like this are so annoying. Seriously, one would think once they send something it should be automatically removed from the queue. If I wanted to watch it again so soon, I'd have kept it!


So... just a "heads up" for anyone else out there trying it. If you want to avoid an annoyance...

Edited by creekland
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Don't forget to remove things from your queue after you've sent them back. It's not automatic like I figured it would be. Now we have a movie coming to us that we just watched this past week. :glare: And over a Holiday. And on a weekend. Both with no mail to return it quickly and get something new.



Sounds like a glitch - I never have to remove things from my queue - once they're sent they get moved up to the top and show that they're sent and then once they receive the movie back, it gets removed and doesn't show up anymore. . .

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I've been a Netflix user forever and I've never had that happen to me. Usually the dvd disappears from your queue when they sent it out to you. It moves up to the top part of the page where it lists your "movies at home."


I'm sorry that happened to you. Sounds like a bummer.

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Ok, I knew it before, but now I know it even more. I LOVE the Hive!!! I came here frustrated and just venting, and instead, get some much appreciated advice! I called Netflix and they are sending out a different video Monday. They aren't sure why it happened either and put a note on our account to have it checked, plus I will be checking after the next movie arrives to be sure it drops off as it should! They ARE supposed to drop off. Two of mine did not - the one we are getting again and the one we just sent back.


Any company can have a glitch. How they respond to the glitch is the key. I went from having a negative feeling toward Netflix to a positive one now!


Thanks HIVE!!! Happy New Year!


Will edit the first post for future readers...

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I have had that happen to me, but technically it was my fault.


I had a movie in my queue, but then realized that it was available via instant watch. So we watched it.


I never went back and removed it from my queue. Thus I did get it in the mail a few weeks later.


I don't see that as a glitch for Netflix. I wouldn't want them removing movies from my queu. I can see how their system would not know if you wanted it out of your queu, even if you had watched it instantly.

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I have had that happen to me, but technically it was my fault.


I had a movie in my queue, but then realized that it was available via instant watch. So we watched it.


I never went back and removed it from my queue. Thus I did get it in the mail a few weeks later.


I don't see that as a glitch for Netflix. I wouldn't want them removing movies from my queu. I can see how their system would not know if you wanted it out of your queu, even if you had watched it instantly.


I agree with you on your situation. We didn't watch it instantly though. It was sent to us earlier this week, then we returned it and got another. We just sent that one back, then are being resent the first (second overall, but first in this scenario) one we watched. The one we just sent back was still in our queue too. Had I not deleted it we'd have gotten that one (again) next. Their system was not deleting our movies. "I" deleted the very first one we were sent after we watched it when I loaded the others on our queue. I was thinking I had to do this every time. People here say that's not the case and "Ricky" from customer service says it's not the case. We have to see if the account will work correctly now or if there is a glitch that needs fixing. We won't know until after the next movie is returned.


Ricky is having an unwatched movie sent out to us Monday. I appreciate it!

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