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Optical migraine? Retinal tear? Hoo Boy...

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My daughter was having those. We thought it was a retinal tear too, but the eye doctor said it was just a mini-migraine (actually it was a more technical term I don't remember).


She had very little headache, but lots of visual stuff going on. Although I mentioned to her that it might be a migraine (she gets a lot of them), she was insistent it wasn't because it just wasn't hurting that bad.


FWIW, we took Cinnamon Toast Crunch out of her morning routine and the eye problems cleared up like magic. I suspect there was some unlabelled coloring in that cereal, despite federal law that mandates yellow #5 be labelled. She has difficulties with yellow 5, although with small amounts, it's just an unsettled, things are not right, feeling. She can eat all other dyes with impunity. But a good dose of yellow 5 turns into a migraine.

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The techinical name for it is Aura Migraine. My son gets them. The neuro told us to look at the food list on the paper he gave us and eliminate all the foods on that sheet. So he did and NO more aura migraines except in extreme cold weather for a long period of time.

Just like the poster above with the cinnamon toast crunch cereal. We avoid anything with food coloring in it since the neuro said food coloring is a big culprit in migraines esp. aura migraines.

He is not medicated yet.



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I've gotten these aura migraines since I was in my early twenties. Sometimes I have a pretty bad headache, other times, just a headache that is a dull distraction without much pain. I will go for long periods without one, and then I'll go through a stretch where I get them frequently.


Other than hormone fluctuations, the only trigger I've identified is light--bright light contrasted with shadow. One example is sitting in an office conference room with normal interior lighting, looking out of the window to a bright sun reflecting off the neighboring office tower. I also have to avoid sitting on the right side of our church (an auditorium with dim audience lighting), because the windows are up high on the left, and when the sun streams in, it creates the deadly contrast. Strange, huh?



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I get them off and on. I can go months with nothing and then get a few over a week. When I first started with them in my 20's, they where often the precursor to a good head ache. Now in my 40's, the headaches don't seem to follow. Mine usually start as a pinpoint around the middle of my vision and than gradually open up into a pulsing, sparkling circle (Don't know quite how to describe it better). Eventually I can see through the middle of it and just have to wait for the whole thing to slowly work to the outer edges of my vision and then disappear. I hope an optical migraine is all it is for you. Keep us posted.

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Glad you posted this (not glad about your headache though!). I have had pain exactly like you all have described for the last two days. Seems like I'm on the tail end if it now. I get migraines, though not as frequently as I used to. This almost felt like it had the potential to be one, but the pain remained behind my eye and never was full force like a migraine. Sorry to ramble....just glad to know I don't gave some freakish disorder. Hope you feel better OP!!

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  • 1 year later...
Guest magowana

How much Excedrin Migraine does it take to severely damage your stomach? I've heard lots of stories about Excedrin Migraine killing your stomach and giving you ulcers. Does anyone know how much it takes to actually do any of these things?


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I had optical migraine when I was pregnant with 1dd. It was bright flashes of light, like looking out over the water on a bright sunny day with the sun at a blinding angle. It made for a bright haze to try to see through them. They only lasted about 45 minutes, and then were gone - until the next time. I just laid down until they were over.


after she was born, they went back to their more typical presentation. hooboy.

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When I was 18 I was diagnosed with atypical ophthalmic migraines. I have the visual aura that lasts 30-45 minutes. If I'm having a terrible one I will also get numbness in my hands and really disoriented for that same amount of time. I do get headaches with it that will last 1-2 days, but they aren't that debilitating. Hormones, sudden changes in light, bright lights, and milk seem to trigger my migraines.

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I get these too, usually brought on by changes in light. I am more likely to get one when it is overcast but bright outside, and I walk indoors into a darker area. There is something about the light contrast that brings them on. I will see a bright jagged, jumpy "line" in my field of vision that slowly rotates 360 degrees. There is no accompanying headache and it goes away after 15 minutes or so - very weird.

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