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Eczema in folds of arms.

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Both of my sons have eczema. Right now my youngest is dealing with it in the folds of his elbows and no where else. Does anyone else deal with eczema being so sporadic? My oldest son deals with it on his hands (as do I) and on his face. Both have been using Neutrogena lotion, but I've forgotten to remind them lately. My youngests inner elbow looks awful. :001_huh: Luckily, it doesn't itch.


It's yet another reason why I hate winter.


Anyone know how long it is 'til spring?

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My daughter gets it in the crooks of her elbows, backs of her knees, and a few other small patches here and there. Had is since she was 3 or 4. Ds2.5 has it on his bum and frontal area, neck, back and sometimes a patch on his face. It flares up sometimes in dry weather and other times I can't figure out why. We use lotion or hydrocortizone and it clears it up. When he was a baby (I mean less than 1 year) I would use coconut oil, olive oil or vit e (I would just pop open a capsule) on it so if he got it in his mouth no worries.


Having sporadic patches and flare ups at odd times is normal here!

Edited by Mynyel
Spell check!
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If it's bad, you might need a prescription medication to get it clearing, and then you can start over again preventatively. I get eczema only in winter in the insides of my elbows, so every fall I start putting Aveeno heavy-duty lotion there before bed. Sometimes I use AquaPhor (spelling??), which is much heavier, almost vaseline-like in texture. Put a big sign in your bathroom (I taped mine on the mirror until I got into the habit) to remind you; it makes all the difference in the world. Occasionally I get a small itch starting, but it hasn't yet spread again (crossing fingers) as long as I remember the lotion. Aveeno worked better for me than Neutrogena for some reason; try a few brands to see what works best for your sons.

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If it's bad, you might need a prescription medication to get it clearing, and then you can start over again preventatively. I get eczema only in winter in the insides of my elbows, so every fall I start putting Aveeno heavy-duty lotion there before bed. Sometimes I use AquaPhor (spelling??), which is much heavier, almost vaseline-like in texture. Put a big sign in your bathroom (I taped mine on the mirror until I got into the habit) to remind you; it makes all the difference in the world. Occasionally I get a small itch starting, but it hasn't yet spread again (crossing fingers) as long as I remember the lotion. Aveeno worked better for me than Neutrogena for some reason; try a few brands to see what works best for your sons.


I don't think it's too bad at this point. One spot was pretty red. Part of the problem is that at my son's ages I don't bathe or dress them, and since it's winter and they wear long sleeves I don't see it. :tongue_smilie:


I like the note idea and I think I have some Aveeno on hand.



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One of my babies had eczema constantly on her face and then by the age of two all under her armpits. It was awful. She was itchy and irritated. Finally the dr. put her on zyrtec for allergies (there were other symptoms) and we have not dealt w/eczema since. Worth a talk to the dr. about.


It's an odd thing because my youngest has asthma & eczema, but does NOT have allergies. He's been tested. I have eczema as did my grandmother. We can trace the source...I wonder if Zyrtec is still an option? I guess I should first let the lotion do its work.

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My girl has just gone through this. She had it so bad that she had sores from the butt down her legs and wrist to elbows. She was all messed up. Since we couldn't get into the dr in a timely fashion, I googled home remedies and came up with ...........Mayonnaise!!! I tell no lie!!;) I covered her in mayo for three nights in a row, let her sit for 10 minutes and then gave her a bath. Then I rubbed almond oil into her skin (vigorous rubbing) In the morning, I coat her with my all natural cucumber lotion. It's been a week and a half and all spots are gone and she just has some bumpy arms that we are now treating. She now is only just maybe slightly dry by the end of the day. It's cleared her up so well that I'm just amazed!. i told my neighbor and she said that's what the old people in her family used to do to them when they were little except they used regular oil. Who knew??

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It's just so strange to me that the only place he has eczema is on the inside of his arms.


That's the only place I had it as a child. Didn't even call it eczema, and my mom didn't even really do anything about it--


I outgrew it, I think--I don't wear long sleeved sweaters, just in case. Cotton is my friend! :001_smile:

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Here are some things that have worked for my son's eczema:


Primarily, we do our best to eliminate contact with whatever we suspect is causing the eczema to flare.

Borage oil - used topically and available at health food stores

Vanicream - cream sold OTC but you have to ask for it. I find it at Sam's Club pharmacy and a dermatologist's office

Jojoba oil - used topically



If you live in a dry area, could you use a humidifier during the dry months? I'm so happy to hear it's not itchy and bothering your children! Hopefully, you can heal up the skin before it gets infected or does makes them miserable.

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My girl has just gone through this. She had it so bad that she had sores from the butt down her legs and wrist to elbows. She was all messed up. Since we couldn't get into the dr in a timely fashion, I googled home remedies and came up with ...........Mayonnaise!!! I tell no lie!!;) I covered her in mayo for three nights in a row, let her sit for 10 minutes and then gave her a bath. Then I rubbed almond oil into her skin (vigorous rubbing) In the morning, I coat her with my all natural cucumber lotion. It's been a week and a half and all spots are gone and she just has some bumpy arms that we are now treating. She now is only just maybe slightly dry by the end of the day. It's cleared her up so well that I'm just amazed!. i told my neighbor and she said that's what the old people in her family used to do to them when they were little except they used regular oil. Who knew??

:lol:Wow! Mayo?! :lol: I probably can find Almond Oil. I'll look for it. I don't think he'll want to smell like cucumber lotion.


I've heard mayo is good for your hair, but I have never of it used in this manner. How cool! :D

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