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Prayers need please -- CC

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Dear Hive,

Today is Christmas and I feel joy and peace in my heart, despite the fact that we are facing a huge trial. I don't want to say a whole lot because there is no need to unload every detail. God knows all about it, and I know He is the One who holds the future. I am not writing this to seek sympathy in the least, but I do need your prayers for my family more than ever.


It has been a hard year for us. Last year at this time my dh faced several months of reduced hours and finally a permanent layoff from his job, and he was out of work for three months. He did get a job as a temp for a really good company in the spring, and it did turn in to a permanent job this past fall. Dh makes a good wage, and the company provides a fantastic benefits package for our whole family. The problem is that we were still trying to catch up from the previous months of unemployment when his new employers had to lay people off temporarily for the slow winter season -- so dh has once again been on reduced hours for the past two months and we are getting even further behind. This is all so serious that we are on the verge of losing our home.


Dh and I are united in our faith and we are trusting God to help us get through this. It is bigger than we can possibly manage to fix ourselves, so we are clinging to the Lord and His promises. This need is not just for us, but also for our dd and my elderly mom that lives with us. Dh and I are stronger in faith than my mom, and she is very scared.


We would appreciate your prayers so much. Please pray for continued faith and for strength as we stand on God's promises and wait for God's direction and provision. Please remember to lift up my mom so she can see God's hand in it all and find peace. As you pray, remember that we not only need to catch up, but we need very much to find supplemental income of some sort to help us through the slow seasonal months of my dh's work. I am already working part-time at a school, and also teaching private students, caring for my 80 yo mother and hs'ing our dd, so I am particularly in need of wisdom about how I could help more than I already am. As for this part, I'm not asking for suggestions on what that might be, I am just asking for prayer that God will lead us in the right direction, give us His wisdom and provide for our needs.


Thank you so much for reading this post and for your prayers. You have no idea how much it means to me!




Edited by HSMom2One
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I feel so loved! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers! We are not sharing this with everyone, although our pastor and our benevolent board at church know. Just know that your additional backing of prayer gives us such a boost all in itself. I will be sure to share with updates as they come up.




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Dear Hive,

Today is Christmas and I feel joy and peace in my heart, despite the fact that we are facing a huge trial. I don't want to say a whole lot because there is no need to unload every detail. God knows all about it, and I know He is the One who holds the future. I am not writing this to seek sympathy in the least, but I do need your prayers for my family more than ever.


It has been a hard year for us. Last year at this time my dh faced several months of reduced hours and finally a permanent layoff from his job, and he was out of work for three months. He did get a job as a temp for a really good company in the spring, and it did turn in to a permanent job this past fall. Dh makes a good wage, and the company provides a fantastic benefits package for our whole family. The problem is that we were still trying to catch up from the previous months of unemployment when his new employers had to lay people off temporarily for the slow winter season -- so dh has once again been on reduced hours for the past two months and we are getting even further behind. This is all so serious that we are on the verge of losing our home.


Dh and I are united in our faith and we are trusting God to help us get through this. It is bigger than we can possibly manage to fix ourselves, so we are clinging to the Lord and His promises. This need is not just for us, but also for our dd and my elderly mom that lives with us. Dh and I are stronger in faith than my mom, and she is very scared.


We would appreciate your prayers so much. Please pray for continued faith and for strength as we stand on God's promises and wait for God's direction and provision. Please remember to lift up my mom so she can see God's hand in it all and find peace. As you pray, remember that we not only need to catch up, but we need very much to find supplemental income of some sort to help us through the slow seasonal months of my dh's work. I am already working part-time at a school, and also teaching private students, caring for my 80 yo mother and hs'ing our dd, so I am particularly in need of wisdom about how I could help more than I already am. As for this part, I'm not asking for suggestions on what that might be, I am just asking for prayer that God will lead us in the right direction, give us His wisdom and provide for our needs.


Thank you so much for reading this post and for your prayers. You have no idea how much it means to me!





Praying for you and yours...:grouphug:

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Just lifted you all up in prayer! When things are tough, I always fall back on this: Jeremiah 29:11 :grouphug:


That is one of my life verses too! Even as I request prayer from you all I do trust Him and know that is in charge of all the details and that He loves us.




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Thank you all so much for your continued prayers! Over all of Christmas weekend I have had so much peace in my heart, and I know it is the Lord at work. As long as I keep focused on Jesus, I know I'll be all right and that my family's needs will be met.


"You will keep him in perfect peace,

Whose mind is stayed on You,

Because he trusts in You."

Isaiah 26:3




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I think of you whenever I see the Prodigal book you sent me last year. I did read it and it provided hope that no one's redemption story is ever finished as long as there is breath. Your note (which I still have) is such an encouragement to me.


I will lift your situation before the Lord. Your faith precedes you and He is faithful. May it please the Lord to provide your every need and increase your love for Him in the process.


Let me know how He answers.


Warmly in Christ -

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I think of you whenever I see the Prodigal book you sent me last year. I did read it and it provided hope that no one's redemption story is ever finished as long as there is breath. Your note (which I still have) is such an encouragement to me.


I will lift your situation before the Lord. Your faith precedes you and He is faithful. May it please the Lord to provide your every need and increase your love for Him in the process.


Let me know how He answers.


Warmly in Christ -


I am so touched by your message, Lisafriess! I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes and such gratitude for your encouraging words. Bless you, and thank you for your prayers.


God IS faithful! He led me to Ezekiel 37 last night to the story of the dry bones resurrection. I was so encouraged by it, and felt that God is saying that we are facing a time of being TOTALLY dependent on Him -- which is where He wants us to be at times. This is a situation that only He can solve, and I must trust Him with it. He is a God of restoration, and I'm holding on to that today.


I will keep you posted as you've asked, and I'll trust God with you for your own child's needs.




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You got it, girl!

BTW, we were particularly touched by your Christmas card--we don't send any, and receiving yours was so meaningful! Dd sends her affection--she was really really thrilled to hear from you and thinks fondly of you and B.


Oh Chris -- thanks for your message! You guys are dear to us too. I only sent out a few cards this year, and wanted to be sure you were on the list. Prayers and encouragement are so appreciated!!




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All of these prayers and expressions of care and encouragement really touch my heart and are appreciated. This past week, dh and I have had such a peace in our hearts. Our situation is the same, but we have peace in knowing that God has all the details covered.


Hear my cry, O God;

listen to my prayer.


From the ends of the earth I call to you,

I call as my heart grows faint;

lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

For you have been my refuge,

a strong tower against the foe.


I long to dwell in your tent forever

and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.

For you, God, have heard my vows;

you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.

Psalm 61:1-5




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