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POLL: If you had the choice regarding weigth vs. Books . . .

Weight vs. Book size  

  1. 1. Weight vs. Book size

    • Thin with small books
    • Average weight and books
    • Some padding and larger books
    • The infamous other (please explain)

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I prefer to maintain a size 6-8 w/ Bs. I can go either way with my weight, thin (120lbs-125) or medium (125-135). I prefer to have a little more weight on me than when I am very thin (size 4 w/ As). I just get bony and feel like I look very 'stickish' with no curves. I don't like the way I look when I am very thin and really get sick of people's rude comments.


A major thing I don't like about this weight is the fact that I am right in between on jeans sizes and have a very, very hard time finding them to fit good. The weight difference puts me between a teenagers shape and fit (because I do have some hips and buns with the extra weight), but not as curry as a women's fit (thin legs).


LOL---I almost created this same poll this summer as I was adjusting my weight from being off work with a back injury. I had gained into the high 140's and wasn't happy there. I was trying to decide what I wanted to set my goal at.



This is pretty much me. I am 5'7 and have weighed about 135 lbs. my entire adult life other than pregnancy. I have always had an angular build - no curves, no defined waist, hips or butt and definitely not busty. I have always had problems finding pants because of a very small difference between waist and hips (28 & 36) and very thin legs. I also have very thin arms so even at that weight I looked very thin, tiny and frail.


About four years ago I gained another ten pounds due to a medicine I was taking. I was ok with that and didn't really give it much thought since I was getting older and I knew that the meds caused weight gain. Plus I gained it evenly all over my body so I had pretty much then same build I always had.


Then about three years ago my mother passed away and I lost 30 pounds without even trying. My family and doctors became very concerned. I looked emaciated. Bones sticking out, no curves and down to a size 4. I didn't look good.


It took me a year to gain 10 lbs. When I got up to about 125 lbs. I moved up to a size 6 and an A bra. I was still pretty thin, no curves, not happy with my appearance and family and doctors still worried.


It took me another year to gain another 10 lbs. At 135 lbs. I was in a size 8 and a B bra. I looked and felt good and everyone finally relaxed. I was average in every way, shape and form and content to stay that way.


Then in this last year I gained back the last 10 lbs. The weight has not went back on in exactly the same places it came off. So now I am 145 lbs. and wearing a size 12. I have a little padding and some curves for the first time in my life. I still don't have a very defined waist but I definitely have hips, thighs and a bit of a butt which I have never had before. I am not rolly polly or anything just a little rounder than I used to be.


If that was my only concern I might put a little effort into getting back down to 135, but I have also gained a cup size and am currently bustier than I have ever been other than pregnancy and breastfeeding. I am kind of liking it (and so is my hubby). I bought some new bras. They are full coverage and so comfortable and I look pretty good from the waist up.


But now none of my pants fit and I have a muffin top. I still have very thin arms and legs and I am disabled so I look a little grandmotherly. I am ok with this and my hubby is too. So I have been thinking about just buying some bigger, more comfortable pants. Now I am wondering though if this is because I am lazy and just resigned to getting older and gaining weight or if it is due to the fact that this has never been issue for me and I am just accepting of it. I thought a poll would help me decide if I wanted to try and lose that 10 lbs. or just buy bigger pants but it hasn't really. :001_smile:

Edited by KidsHappen
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(And can I say, that presents me with a shelf-finding problem? Working out increases my band size - due to weight-lifting - while decreasing cup size. Try finding a 38A. Just try. Especially, try finding a pretty one. - but finding shelves. Oy.)



I have this same problem. It is much easier to find a 38C than a 38A and even 38B can be difficult.

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I have this same problem. It is much easier to find a 38C than a 38A and even 38B can be difficult.


When I needed a 38B, no store for a 50 mile radius had one, but they all had 38C's.

When I got pregnant and needed the 38C, same situation, reversed. 38B's everywhere, no C's.


I want to be a 36B again. Everyone has those. That's about the easiest size to get your hands on.

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I chose other. Because if I am really, really, really, REALLY being honest? If I lost my extra weight and had small booKs as a result? I would not be satisfied and would seriously consider surgery. There, now you all know how shallow and vain I truly am.:tongue_smilie:



That's why I love you! :D I am 5'7 and my band measurement is 38 so if it was my choice my measurements would be about 42 (D cup), 26, 36. This would put me at about 135 lbs. and a size 8 pants. Oh and in this perfect world, I would have long, dark, naturally curly hair (like the witch in Golden Compass), fuller lips and my eyes would be a deeper teal color. And of course, I would spring out of bed looking perfect every morning and I would never be in pain. Not that I have given any of this any thought or anything mind you. :tongue_smilie:

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Sounds like we are the same built. 5'7" - 135lb until surgical menopause, briefly down to 125lb after surgery and then up to 140lb. But the difference is I have to work out to keep things decently flat and in shape. But bust size was and still is between A or B and now I am just wearing sports bras. The stretch and fit just about anything.

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I voted B--average. I've never been average though. At my thinnest (5'10" and 140#) I wore a B. Three kids and 40 lbs more later I can't quite fit in a B. And as a PP mentioned A's are hard to find in larger sizes. Everyone else in the family takes after mom's side--slim to average on all counts. I got mom's side for BooKs, dad's for everything else. :glare:


I can relate to the difficulty finding clothes that fit right. I've always had broad shoulders and like the XL for that. BUT, that size assumes that I have Large BooKs and/or a big belly to fill out the rest of the shirt. Um, no. So I usually have to settle for tight shoulders or a shirt that flaps in the breeze. Ugh!

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I was a little padding and a C in 7th grade :lol: I used to stress about my weight and the fact that my books keep pace with everything else, but dh loves my oversized books and my oversized everything else. I nearly got down to a little padding after Luke and it made certain aspects of our marraige painful... We weren't used to having bone hit bone, iykwIm. So now, I'm happy being an other. I'm losing weight, but it seems to be keeping to my waist and legs, everything else is staying nice and soft.


I know "flabby" is not everyone's cup of tea, but we're happy with it :D

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First off, it took me the first entire page to figure out what 'BOOKS' you were talking about...glad I wasn't the only one....


I voted average...it is what I am, but I would be ok with being smaller version of myself- LOL. I'm 5' 11", a size 10 & 34C/D. I used to be a 36B, but after gaining/losing 60lbs w/ DS, things never went back to where they started.

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I can relate to the difficulty finding clothes that fit right. I've always had broad shoulders and like the XL for that. BUT, that size assumes that I have Large BooKs and/or a big belly to fill out the rest of the shirt. Um, no. So I usually have to settle for tight shoulders or a shirt that flaps in the breeze. Ugh!


This is me. I have very broad shoulders (I never had to wear should pads to acheive the '80s look) and my rib cage measures 38" without any breasts at all. I have very thin arms and legs and no hips, thighs or buttocks. Also pretty small breasts, and no waist what-so-ever. I have been told than I have the perfect body for a swimmer or a ballerina. Unfortunately, I have no desire to be either one of those.

Edited by KidsHappen
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well I am currently in that same dilemma


before kids I weigh around 100 lb size A


post first child 112 lb size B


post second child 118 lb size B


second child now almost 14 I weigh 130 lb and really am torn about loosing down to my idea weight (probably loose 10 -12 lbs) that would leave me without my patted thighs and muffin top but would probably put me in really deflated A/B


DH would vote thin with fake books:D

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