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Lisa R

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Sonlight schedules them for middle school, I think core 6 and 7. So lots have used them then!


We are starting our second rotation with SOTW 1 for grades 4 and 5. I love it so much more than the first time around.


Ideally I would use SOTW 1-4 for grades 3-6. I think they would work perfect for those ages. That is what I am planning on for my next child.

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I'm using the SOTW books with an older child. My ds is using SOTW 2 and will do 3rd in 5th and 4th in 6th. I'm not really worried about the grade levels of the books as long as he is enjoying history. I use the narration questions and maps but he's not into the colouring pages at all. He also does a written summary for each chapter and reads the Usborne history encylopedia. I imagine I'd have to add in more for him next year but he's really enjoying it now.

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Has anyone used SOTW for older children? I'm thinking of grades 4 and up?





My older kids read STOW when we're using the Sonlight Core 6 schedule. They also read selections from an Usborne World History book. Then I have them do something else like read and outline Kingfisher or read Famous Men of Rome or a book on Roman life or army tactics.


So SOTW provides an overview and a jumping off point. One difference is that my older kids read it for themselves; when they were younger, I read it to them. My youngest listens to the SOTW audiobooks.

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I'm using SOTW 1 for a K, 2nd, and 4th grader. My 4th grader did 1 and 2 a few years ago, too, but I don't think he remembers much of it. We'll go through all the volumes (or that's the plan now, anyway), finishing when he's in 7th, but I'll be adding in lots of supplemental material for him.

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We're continuing with SOTW1 for 6th and 1st grade next year (starting Jan).


My 6th grader does the WTM reading selections and outlines from Kingfisher or does essay assignments from other sources. We do the AG activites once a week with our 'History Club' of three families.

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I didn't even start SOTW until toward the end of third grade with my daughter. We tend to use it in the summer for fun because over the school year we use Oak Meadow, which is a complete curriculum, and I don't want to add things on top of that. So we did SOTW the summer after third grade and the summer after fourth and we'll go back to it this year after fifth.


To be quite honest, I found third grade to be a GOOD year for it. Sure I think some of the picture books (which make up SOME of the supplemental reading) and some of the more simple crafts could be enjoyed by younger kids. But overall, I don't think very young kids would get much out of it and that waiting til a kid is like 2nd-3rd grade would be a good time for it. That's just my opinion, I know some others agree, while still others like using it for K and 1st, so it's up to you!

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I'm using it along with lots of other things for logic stage. My son has been reading the chapters himself and outlining from them since fifth grade. It's not my only history source, but he has been enjoying it, so I plan to continue with it through next year.

I have been reading aloud to my girls (1st and 5th) but since older DD is having issues with the retelling I am going to let her read it herself after I do so she can outline what she has read. I like it for any age actually.

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