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The movie "Inception". . .

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Is it worth owning?


Dh and I never buy movies. I'm far too cheap to spend money on a movie that often watching once is enough. We rent most of ours from the small local gas station that only charges $1 per movie, but they don't rent Blu-Ray.


Thing is, I'd really like to see Inception on Blu-Ray. By the time I rent it on Blu-Ray, I figure we may as well buy it if it's as good as most people say it is.


So, what does the Hive say... for a family who only owns a half dozen movies but does enjoy seeing the good ones on Blu-Ray, is Inception worth owning? Is it one of those movies that you watch multiple times?

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You could always sell it if you don't like it. I agree though, it needs to be watched a few times to completely understand it. You also need to watch without distraction to understand the finer points of the plot. We have a lot of movies but we Netflix most of the them before deciding to purchase.

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You could always sell it if you don't like it. I agree though, it needs to be watched a few times to completely understand it. You also need to watch without distraction to understand the finer points of the plot. We have a lot of movies but we Netflix most of the them before deciding to purchase.


That's a thought. I don't like selling used stuff anymore than I like buying it lately. Just too much hassle.


Just last week I went (rushed out to beat another person to it, actually) to buy a bookshelf that a lady had on Craigslist for cheap. I got there first... to find out that she put the wrong size of shelf in the ad (Ikea Billy). She posted with the correct price original selling price for the size of shelf I wanted :glare: but alas, it was the smaller version. Such a waste of time.

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I don't think it's an owner. I saw it just a few days ago for the first time. But, I am not a movie owner in general. I think I own Pride and Prejudice and Anne of Green Gables and things like that. Just because, those I could watch a million times and they never get old. :001_smile:

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I saw it in the theater. The storyline was a lot of fun, but there was about an hour of action scenes throughout the movie that completely bored me (and didn't move the story forward at all. It was just a waste of time. Car chase after car chase type stuff.)


Now that I have Netflix, I'm just going to get it from them and rewatch it, but only because my dh hasn't seen it. If he had seen it with me, I wouldn't watch it again. It was a lot of fun, but not something I'd watch over and over.


Sounds like you're going to get conflicting answers to your questions based on our personalities.

Edited by Garga
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