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Bill: My dh cooked Thanksgiving Dinner in/on the AGA...........

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it was the most fabulous meal (and I am not just saying that b/c I didn't have to do any of it). Mariano said it was the most fun he has ever had cooking a Holiday Meal - b/c ours are typically fairly elaborate and do tend to be a two person effort.


Anyway, I was driving :auto: ALL day between :auto: NJ and VA and when I arrived home, he had the most wonderful meal on the table -- he and the kids had gone to Wegman's in the early afternoon, and he roasted the most amazing 'honey-brined' turkey I've ever had.


Just wanted you to know -- he says the AGA is THE BOMB! :glare: I told him perhaps a different word to describe it would be better!:lol:

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AGA???? So, I googled AGA and came up with American Gastrointeralogist Assoc., American Gas Assoc, American Government Accountants, I'm thinking that's probably not what your BIL used:lol:


Add "stove."


These beauties kind of mess me up with the whole "thou shalt not covet" thing, so I you are like me, Google at your own risk :D



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:lol::lol::lol: It was my dh -- my BIL needs a colander and roll of paper towels to make a pot of coffee (long and funny story).;)




We have drooled over these for years, and finally bought one when our kitchen was basically ruined in a water event. We splurged and also bought ourselves a sub-zero (which we have had and loved in the past) and the amazing AGA......and a killer Bosch Dishwasher -- oh, and none of it with insurance $$$$ which we never (literally) saw a dime of.:glare:

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Add "stove."


These beauties kind of mess me up with the whole "thou shalt not covet" thing, so I you are like me, Google at your own risk :D




Mariano (laughing - b/c of course he DID pay for the AGA) says to tell you that it was the easiest and most fun he ever had cooking! He says that walking in the door from Wegman's to putting it on the table was 5 hours - we are talking two kinds of mashed potatoes made from SCRATCH (you know, like boiling).........baked butternut squash, cranberry relish (from scratch - who knew?), green veggies, pie, gravy......and that amazing turkey. I was blown away.


I SERIOUSLY CANNOT leave the AGA here when we get ready to sell.


PS: ETA: He says he'll let you know about the turkey carcass soup thing!;)

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Ahhhh, if I had another life, and another couple of decades! How I longed for an AGA in my younger days. I even took bread dough and supplies up and cooked on the AGA in a store. AGAs would be perfect in my English-like weather.


Gotta have a solid floor....[/QUOTE]


Yup, one of the first things they tell you when you show up to look at them -- heck, kitchen on the ground floor, kitchen on the first floor, what the heck?!?!?!?!:lol::lol::lol:


ETA: and as far as that weather thing, when we had the kitchen 'fitted' to accomodate the AGA, we had to take out all the baseboard heating in the cooking area, which is no biggie b/c THAT baby does a fine job of keeping the kitchen toasty --- in these cooler months.

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THAT baby does a fine job of keeping the kitchen toasty --- in these cooler months.[/color][/size][/font]


This was the biggest "con" for the AGA in my DH's opinion-THE HEAT! Of course, right now, it would be good...because it's FREEZING here!


Do you think it makes a noticeable difference in the air temp in your kitchen?


It sounds like your DH's figured out all the ovens!


We ended up going with the LaCanche (in RED!), and while I love it, I'd actually have been happiest having an AGA installed RIGHT NEXT to it!:lol:

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Oh. Oh my. *fanning self furiously* Wolf's gonna hate the Hive ppl for this one.


I want.



Hopefully buying our first home next year, and I want. I really, really, put-it-in-the-down-payment-needed kinda want.




OH, IMP: You will SO NOT BE SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw, mine came via Canada -- we were able to get it months sooner b/c there was a red one in Canada and if we let them know on the spot that I wanted red, I could have that one. Otherwise, it would not have been till after the first of the year...2011


This was the biggest "con" for the AGA in my DH's opinion-THE HEAT! Of course, right now, it would be good...because it's FREEZING here!


Do you think it makes a noticeable difference in the air temp in your kitchen?


It sounds like your DH's figured out all the ovens!


We ended up going with the LaCanche (in RED!), and while I love it, I'd actually have been happiest having an AGA installed RIGHT NEXT to it!:lol:


:w00t:THAT was MY first choice! :svengo: I let DH have the AGA. YES, YES -- An AGA and a LaCanche next to each other -- my next house, perhaps!


As for the air temp (maybe 2 or 3 degrees warmer -- dh will check that out for you - yes, the kitchen has totally become the gathering place here - for the kids and me, we do feel the difference and the kitchen is warmer. It has to be turned off in the summer -- nice big old gorgeous sideboard in the summer. See what IMP linked - the 44" -- that is the Summer Stove. It works for me -- I'm old - I figure I've earned it.:glare:


And DH not only has the ovens figured out, he LOVES that he has figured them out.;)

A friend of mine from the UK had told me that it would have to be turned off in the summer b/c of the heat.

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Say 3 "Our Fathers", and 6 "Hail Marys" :D



I'm not Catholic, that doesn't help at all. The only Hail Mary I'm remotely familiar with is in football. CFL at that. *sniffle*

OH, IMP: You will SO NOT BE SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! btw, mine came via Canada -- we were able to get it months sooner b/c there was a red one in Canada and if we let them know on the spot that I wanted red, I could have that one. Otherwise, it would not have been till after the first of the year...2011


I get the suspicion it probably came via Ontario. Oh geez. Add another weight on that whole moving issue...*sigh*


Red is my signature colour (said in the southern accent from Steel Magnolias). The blue red, not orange. *looks down at her shirt and grins. Red*

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It has to be turned off in the summer -- nice big old gorgeous sideboard in the summer. See what IMP linked - the 44" -- that is the Summer Stove. It works for me -- I'm old - I figure I've earned it.:glare:[/color][/size][/font]


And DH not only has the ovens figured out, he LOVES that he has figured them out.;)

A friend of mine from the UK had told me that it would have to be turned off in the summer b/c of the heat.


Hmmm, a Summer Stove...interesting... Well, we will be finishing the basement eventually, and, of course, we'll want something down there...:D


Wow, that was really gracious of you to let your DH choose the range! Of course, he did only have fabulous options!:lol:

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I'm not Catholic, that doesn't help at all. The only Hail Mary I'm remotely familiar with is in football. CFL at that. *sniffle*



:lol::lol::lol: i went to Catholic schools my whole life --- I go to the Presbyterian Church now, but our co-op is Catholic, and Dh and I have to sell Advent candles after 12:00 Mass on Sunday.:D


I get the suspicion it probably came via Ontario. Oh geez. Add another weight on that whole moving issue...*sigh*


Red is my signature colour (said in the southern accent from Steel Magnolias). The blue red, not orange. *looks down at her shirt and grins. Red*



I LOVE that quote from SM.:):)

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OMG, you have an AGA?





One day when we redo the kitchen I'm getting one. That's third on the redo list, though. :glare: And I had a Bosch dishwasher--that thing was glorious. I'm so happy that you ahve such a fun kitchen to play in. That must be wonderful.

Edited by justamouse
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Hmmm, a Summer Stove...interesting... Well, we will be finishing the basement eventually, and, of course, we'll want something down there...:D


Wow, that was really gracious of you to let your DH choose the range! Of course, he did only have fabulous options!:lol:


cbl-smiley-writing.jpgI can be gracious.....and I DO keep track!:lol:




"My colours are blush and bashful."


"Her colours are pink and pink. The church looks like it was hosed down with Pepto Bismal"


I don't want to cry OR I would SO watch that movie right now. Oh, and between you and me, I used to be Shirley MacLaine (no pun intended) -- I try hard to be Sally Field or Dolly Parton now.


OMG, you have an AGA?





One day when we redo the kitchen I'm getting one. That's third on the redo list, though. :glare:


I have to tell you, I own it and I drool over it.:drool5:

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I have to tell you, I own it and I drool over it.:drool5:


That is SO good to know, though because it's a *big* purchase and I would hate not liking it once I made the leap. The more I hear people love theirs even if they have to turn t off in the summer-the more I'm likely to do it.


And I know you know what it's like to need six burners...

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That is SO good to know, though because it's a *big* purchase and I would hate not liking it once I made the leap. The more I hear people love theirs even if they have to turn t off in the summer-the more I'm likely to do it.


And I know you know what it's like to need six burners...


I think that dh and I have looked at them for about 10-12 years, if that helps.


And, I totally understand what you are saying -- it's like someone who has to drive ALOT buying the car of their dreams, and then not being happy with it.

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I can be gracious.....and I DO keep track!:lol:


I don't want to cry OR I would SO watch that movie right now. Oh, and between you and me, I used to be Shirley MacLaine (no pun intended) -- I try hard to be Sally Field or Dolly Parton now.

Totally get that :lol:

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You have an Aga??? LUCKY!!! When I grow up I want one of those!


I got tired of waiting for that to happen ;), so we just went ahead (after MUCH consternation b/c it's like getting married but even MORE permanent ;)) and ordered it. DH came home from the office to see it as soon as it was delivered -- I don't even want to think about which he would choose, the AGA or me, if push came to shove.:D

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I got tired of waiting for that to happen ;), so we just went ahead (after MUCH consternation b/c it's like getting married but even MORE permanent ;)) and ordered it. DH came home from the office to see it as soon as it was delivered -- I don't even want to think about which he would choose, the AGA or me, if push came to shove.:D

Wolf really wouldn't care if we had a tin can over a candle or an Aga, as long as he was fed.


Now, making him choose watching the Oilers for a season or me, and it would get dicey.


Except last year when they sucked rocks. He's all excited and hopeful again this year...


- Imp, who watched the hockey game, yelling and hollering last night. Oilers won w/less than 30 seconds regulation time. Canadians don't just shovel snow to raise our heart rate, we've got NHL too. ;)

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I got tired of waiting for that to happen ;), so we just went ahead (after MUCH consternation b/c it's like getting married but even MORE permanent ;)) and ordered it. DH came home from the office to see it as soon as it was delivered -- I don't even want to think about which he would choose, the AGA or me, if push came to stove.:D

Corrected that typo in the last word for you. *ducks and runs*

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Wolf really wouldn't care if we had a tin can over a candle or an Aga, as long as he was fed.


Long ago a woman told me that if one has a husband who will eat SPAM (the canned kind), well, that woman would never have to learn how to cook.


Now, making him choose watching the Oilers for a season or me, and it would get dicey.


Except last year when they sucked rocks. He's all excited and hopeful again this year...


- Imp, who watched the hockey game, yelling and hollering last night. Oilers won w/less than 30 seconds regulation time. Canadians don't just shovel snow to raise our heart rate, we've got NHL too. ;)



GO, IMP!!!!! I LOVE NHL!!!!! My dad had a private box at the Meadowlands for the Devils!!!!!! I am, though, a Rangers fan.:leaving:

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Displaced Canadian. That explains everything. 'Cept for the poor taste in teams. :tongue_smilie:


It's not like I have much to choose from down here, y'know! And my dad had the box in the days of Brian Leetch and Mark Messier. And, you don't have to gt into NHL with me, I totally defer to you.


Sheesh -- you've got everyone who is any good up there ----hello!:glare:



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It's not like I have much to choose from down here, y'know! And my dad had the box in the days of Brian Leetch and Mark Messier. And, you don't have to gt into NHL with me, I totally defer to you.


Sheesh -- you've got everyone who is any good up there ----hello!:glare:



Wolf would kill me, but the truth is, the city (boo! hiss!) to the south of us has the best captain and goaltender, hands down (imnsho). Iginla and Kiprusoff. Plus, Iginla is just darn cute. :D


Our 'star' goalie was busted for 'extreme drunk driving' in the off season. Appealing, basically so he can play and serve time in the summer. Loser.


We were laughing so bad though...the guy (Cogliano) that scored 2 of 3 goals last night has been just about beaten up lately. 3 different blows to his face...2 were player stuff, the 3rd was a ricocheting puck off a crossbar into his jaw. And he breaks his cold streak, scoring 2 goals last night.


We figure, given how superstitious athletes can be, that the next time he gets a cold streak, our team is going to take him out and shoot pucks at his face. While he stands there, motionless, no doubt.

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Add "stove."


These beauties kind of mess me up with the whole "thou shalt not covet" thing, so I you are like me, Google at your own risk :D





You are so right! Dh and I really wanted to have one installed when we remodeled the kitchen and we actually have the space "saved" for when we can afford one -- lo, these many years hence.


<sigh> maybe one of these lifetimes...

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You are so right! Dh and I really wanted to have one installed when we remodeled the kitchen and we actually have the space "saved" for when we can afford one -- lo, these many years hence.


<sigh> maybe one of these lifetimes...


For us, it was NOW or NEVER. ;)


Okay, I'm confused--the only AGAs that I've ever known of were half wood stove ones. So, these are gas and electric. How are they different than a regular gas range? Sorry, I'm not getting it! We could probably use one here--it's always cold...


AGA has dragged themselves into the 21st century:D -- gas, electric and dual fuel ranges AND the AGA cooker. Google AGA ranges or AGA cooker or AGA stove and you should be able to see them.

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Thanks. My mom had one in London--it ran off of coal. Interesting house--all the pipes ran on the outside of the house, where they invariably froze! The landlord said they were easier to get to when they froze! The house was heated with kerosene heaters--we had three of them. My mom was the envy of every woman in the neighborhood--she had a DRYER!



:w00t: WOW!!!!!!! Really.

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