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Babies and fevers

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I hate this. I don't like when my babies have fevers. I admit it...I get upset and a little panicky. My daughter (10 months old) has had a fever of 103 for the last two days. Motrin and tylenol will bring it down to 100-101 for a while but then it goes right back up. She is lethargic and fussy. But she still eats and drinks,,,diapers are normal, not pulling at her ears, no other symptoms.


Can I take her to the doctor without looking like some kind of paranoid mom? Or do I need to wait it out a while longer?

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Lethargic & fussy, yes, you can take her to the doctor just in case. Could be ears even if she's not pulling on them (my oldest never pulled on his ears when he had an ear infection). Could be some other virus. Could be any number of things.


If your mommy instinct says it's better to go in, then it's better to go in.

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I agree. Take her in. DD never pulled on her ears when she had ear infections as a baby. She still doesn't hurt when she has them as a preschooler. She had a couple of other infections as a baby, too, and showed no signs (not even a fever) until it was a raging infection and the doctor was chiding me for waiting so long to bring her in.

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I'm glad you took her in, Heather. I hope she feel better quick!!!


And can I just tell you what joy it brings me to read "my daughter" in your post??? I still remember your post (I think) two years ago around this time about wanting a daughter so bad. I just want to cry happy tears when I think about little Natalie.

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I'm glad you took her in, Heather. I hope she feel better quick!!!


And can I just tell you what joy it brings me to read "my daughter" in your post??? I still remember your post (I think) two years ago around this time about wanting a daughter so bad. I just want to cry happy tears when I think about little Natalie.


I was JUST thinking about that... it was a post about my christmas wish and how I wanted a daughter for christmas. And ONE YEAR LATER she was born ON CHRISTMAS!!!!! Tell me God doesn't answer prayers.... ;)

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