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Bumper Sticker...

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I saw this one as I was pulling out of Kroger....


"My kid got your honor student pregnant"




I saw a GREAT one (insert sarcastic voice) it said this:


How to make our country better? (this was in blue with white writing)

Kill the Republicans (this was in Red with white writing)



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Break room in an industrial plant where my boss and I were doing some field work.


A mom was telling her friend about her daughter's achievement in school, how she's in line to graduate with honors, and for such-and-such a scholarship, etc. Except that she just pulled a B in math, which may hurt her chances. She had talked to the teacher and he wouldn't allow any "bonus" work to bring the grade up.


"But I showed him...



I lipsticked his car!"



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Break room in an industrial plant where my boss and I were doing some field work.


A mom was telling her friend about her daughter's achievement in school, how she's in line to graduate with honors, and for such-and-such a scholarship, etc. Except that she just pulled a B in math, which may hurt her chances. She had talked to the teacher and he wouldn't allow any "bonus" work to bring the grade up.


"But I showed him...



I lipsticked his car!"




The mom lipsticked his car?? It would be bad enough if the daughter had done it, but the mom??

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My child is an honor student but my president is a moron




Liberals: one in the trunk, one in my sights


(this is a gun reference)

There is also a popular one around here that has the name of a band (I have forgotten). I finally googled this band and the website is full of pictures of concerts. Every picture (every single one) is crowds of people flipping the bird. Does this not get old? Don't people get tired, cold middle fingers or carpal tunnel or something?

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I really hate to say this, but...my sister would find this very hilarious! The rest of my family always wonders if she was switched at birth...;) Oh, yes and she is a mom to five children...go figure.


That's okay, I found the post about "liberals" funny, and had said so, but I deleted that line before posting.


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That's okay, I found the post about "liberals" funny, and had said so, but I deleted that line before posting.


Yeah, I chuckled myself! I still wouldn't really want to see it on a car though.

One of my sister's has a bumper sticker on her car that reads "George W Bush: how dumb is too dumb?" It is on the front of her car so no one sitting behind her has to look at it....it still bugs me, but I'm the only conservative in the family (so maybe I was the one switched at birth???);)

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"My kid got your honor student pregnant"


That's even funnier than my former favorite: "My kid beat up your honors student." (Okay, I know I'm sick. And NO, I wouldn't put this on my car. But I did laugh out loud when I read it!)


Of course, my REAL favorite just sums up the essence of all bumper-stickerdom: "Nuke the gay commies. Whales for Jesus." :smilielol5:

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I saw this one as I was pulling out of Kroger....


"My kid got your honor student pregnant"




Well, it may not be "ha! ha!" funny, but lemme tell you about where I'm from. By the time my high school graduation rolled around, out of 123 students, 6 of us had plans to go away to college, but 10 students were already parents.


Must be some truth there.:001_huh:

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