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Question about infants and teeth...

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SO Natalie is now 10.5 months old. She is walking all over the place (started walking the day before she turned 10 months old)...she babbles...she is starting to drink from a sippy cup pretty well, etc.


But she has NO teeth. She doesn't even seem to be "teething"...no fever, no slobbering, no crankiness, no chewing on things. No sign of teeth whatsoever.


So is this normal? Both of my boys had teeth by 7 months.

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late teeth family here. Oldest ds got his first tooth at 11.5 months. Acquiring adult teeth has been on a later schedule for him too. I don't remembering acquiring baby teeth, but I lost my last baby tooth at 13. Younger ds is on a similar schedule--a little slower which is attributed to his having down syndrome. My dd takes after her dad and has acquired and lost teeth at the typical rate.

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Dd#1 first tooth at 10.5 mos

Dd#2 first tooth at 14 mos

Dd#3 first tooth at 12-13mos.

And they all came in a weird order. Dd#1's first teeth were the outside top, so she looked like a little vampire.

Dd#3 had all 4 molars before she had her two outside bottom teeth. I was beginning to think these two teeth didn't exist for her:)

None of my dds drank from sippies or ate solid food until after their first tooth, so it was a lllooonnnggg wait.

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