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Upset last night.

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I'm so sorry, Christine. I can only imagine how scared and emotional you must be. BUT, like a pp said, I just don't see how it could spread to your spine when your lymph nodes are clear. I don't think it can happen.


Hang in there, Sweetie! I am praying for God to give you peace and keep you strong. Remember how you were convinced it was your preexisting issue. Hang on to that.


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We received the word that the mri cleared up the PET scan. I have a hemangioma (sp?) and degeneration. I haven't cried tears of joy since the birth of my children. The relief is enormous. I have prayed many prayers of thanks. Thank you Jesus. Thank you to all who have prayed for me.


I am SO happy. I will start chemo next Thursday most likely.


The next specific prayers that I need are:

1) no spread of the cancer while waiting for the chemo. Unfortunately, yes my cancer can spread in days. It is inflammatory breast cancer with triple negative markers. I will still need lots of prayers. I forgot to add in previous posts that I do have it in my lymph nodes. Apparently this is expected with IBC.

2) that I will be placed into the arm of the study where I will receive the PARP Inhibitor. This is the one thing that may fight triple negative. Because of triple negative I am unable to benefit from the drugs that so many breast cancer patients take such as tomoxafin and herceptin (not sure if I am spelling these correctly.)


Thank you again for your prayers. :grouphug:

Edited by Carpe Diem
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We received the word that the mri cleared up the PET scan. I have a hemangioma (sp?) and degeneration. I haven't cried tears of joy since the birth of my children. The relief is enormous. I have prayed many prayers of thanks. Thank you Jesus. Thank you to all who have prayed for me.


I am SO happy. I will start chemo next Thursday most likely.


The next specific prayers that I need are:

1) no spread of the cancer while waiting for the chemo. Unfortunately, yes my cancer can spread in days. It is inflammatory breast cancer with triple negative markers. I will still need lots of prayers.

2) that I will be placed into the arm of the study where I will receive the PARP Inhibitor. This is the one thing that may fight triple negative. Because of triple negative I am unable to benefit from the drugs that so many breast cancer patients take such as tomoxafin and herceptin (not sure if I am spelling these correctly.)


Thank you again for your prayers. :grouphug:




Continuing to pray :grouphug:.

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Thank You, Lord Jesus!


Thanks for the update, Christine. Good news is a good tonic!

Hope you will soon learn that you have made it into the proper study. I am glad to know you have a start date for your treatment. That was hard, when dh was diagnosed last year, to not be able to check right into the hospital and deal with it immediately.


My dear friend, a breast cancer survivor (also stage 3 at diagnosis), said she set her mind to think of the chemotherapy treatments as the thing that was wiping out the cancer. It helped her to be able to look forward to each treatment session rather than to dread it.


May your week go quickly, may more good news follow, and may the presence of Christ be very near to all of you. :grouphug:

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