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Can I brag on my ds10 for a minute?

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A bit of background: My older 4 boys go to an all day enrichment program 1 day a week. After we signed up for it, several of our long time (our kids have known each other since birth) signed up as well. D, one of these long time friends, is in class with my ds10.


Last week ds10 told me that D often asked him for help with spelling things, and when he did another boy, J, would make comments like "I can't believe you don't know how to spell that" to D. Ds10 & I talked about how this probably made D feel (ds10 isn't a great speller, either), and how this wasn't a kind way to treat another person. We also talked about sticking up for others when someone was saying hurtful things, and doing the right thing even when it's hard. Ds10 has always lacked confidence, and while he agreed it would be the right thing to do, he was worried he would be embarrassed.


When we got home today, ds10 told me J made more comments today about D's spelling. He then told me that he told J "You know, D might not be the best at spelling, but he's great at art. You might be good at spelling, but you might not be so great at art." Then ds10 told me D told him that it "meant a lot that you said that".


Anyway, I'm so proud and thankful that ds10 found the courage to speak up for his friend, and I'm so thrilled that D took the time to thank him. I just had to share.

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