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When sick... Do you keep going as scheduled or allow yourself rest?

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I have a bunch of friends who have been sick for weeks because they don't allow themselves time to rest and recover. Recently I was sick so I took 2 days, allowed myself to skip all activities (and I have a lot of them) and I recovered in a few days. What is going on with this trend. What kind of mom are you? Do you allow yourself time to rest when needed?

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I can accomplish a fair amount in bed/lounging on the couch. I take things a little slower though; I assign more reading. If ds has writing to do, I have him prop up some pillows and work next to me in bed, because he does like having me nearby when he's writing. I have no problems keeping him home from orchestra or math team if I'm not up for being on campus.

I only have the one ds though. He's 11 and pretty self-sufficient.

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When I'm sick, I don't go out, because I don't want to infect others. We do a light-to-nothing schedule here at home. BUT I'm just getting over a sinus infection that has gone on for a MONTH.


Ridiculous? Yes! But it's not for lack of taking care of myself. If you're sick for more than about 2 days, people stop understanding. Nobody comes to cook, clean or take care of the kids anyway, so if 2 days doesn't do it, things get out of hand, lol. So at some point, I figure I might as well be sick while overseeing school as actually flat in bed.

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Depends how sick, I guess!


If it's a cold, I keep going. I don't actually "stop" unless I'm vomiting or feverish. But I have a friend who does stop at the slightest thing - ie if one of them sneezes, no-one does anything much or goes out of the house all day.


I think there's a balance to be had somewhere between those two.. I definitely think it takes me longer to recover because I don't take the time to rest.

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When I'm sick, I don't go out, because I don't want to infect others. We do a light-to-nothing schedule here at home. BUT I'm just getting over a sinus infection that has gone on for a MONTH.


Ridiculous? Yes! But it's not for lack of taking care of myself. If you're sick for more than about 2 days, people stop understanding. Nobody comes to cook, clean or take care of the kids anyway, so if 2 days doesn't do it, things get out of hand, lol. So at some point, I figure I might as well be sick while overseeing school as actually flat in bed.


You know what, this is KEY! Maybe this will help them see how important it is to take time to get well. So many around me have been sick. In fact, I went to one of these mother's home the day before I got sick, not knowing that she had been sick for 2 weeks and promptly got sick the following day. I felt so bad for her because she was so sick, but she would not allow herself time to get well. Now a bunch of our mutual friends all have been sick.

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If I took time off every time I felt sick I would be down most of the year. I have chronic sinus and allergy problems that feel like having a cold or low grade flu a lot of the time. When I do get sick with something else it takes awhile to realize that it really is something else and not just an allergy. I tend to forget I'm having a sinus problem until I'm talking to someone and they say "What's wrong with you. You sound like you have a cold". People who are chronically sick with something tend to stop thinking about it and just get on with things.


But yes, if I know I have been exposed to something contagious and I'm sick from it I will try to sleep a little more to get over it and I try not to expose others to it.

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Oh, I take the time off. Then again, I take the time off for many things. There is absolutely nothing so important about school that a few days of sick leave would impact the rest of my child's life. And I have 2 in high school which I do think is important.


We also have JOY days. Some days are just too nice for schooling!

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Well, if Indy were sick, I'd give him the day off, so if I'm sick, I give myself the day off too. I might give him a few worksheet to do or let him watch a DVD about whatever we're studying, but I put everything else off until I'm better. If you're sick, you're sick and there's no sense in making it worse by not allowing yourself time to heal.

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Years ago, I wouldnt take time to rest if I only had a cold. It would interrupt my program too much. Now that the kids are fairly independent - and I am more likely to take better care of myself- I take time off fairly regularly for rest as well as personal activities.

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