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So, do you have a Garth and would you be willing to admit it? :)

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I'm going to have to check out some of the vamp novels suggested in this thread!


'Garth' books: The Twilight Saga and all of the old V.C. Andrews novels...Flowers in the Attic, etc.


'Garth' television: The Dave Chappelle Show


'Garth' music: Oh my...so many...I've made no secret of my undying devotion to Bon Jovi (the band...and JBJ himself :tongue_smilie:). I also kind of love Air Supply, Michael Bolton :001_huh:, Alabama, and even Garth (egads!)


'Garth' foods: I will eat an entire bag of Funyuns by myself, in one sitting. Ditto for Chicken in a Biscuit crackers. Slim Jim. Pork Rinds.

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Well Garth is one Garth :)


I love Johnny Cash, but always got made fun of, so I suppose it is a Garth as well.


Sometimes, I pop in a Winnie the Pooh movie. They make me feel safe.


Books- Sword of Truth Series. I was never one of the sci-fi people, so it shocks people a bit when I say it.


Show- Legend of the Seeker. Above reason :D

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My musical Garth is that I am a big Green Day fan. I'm sure they would be horrified to find that they are the object of my affection, but I can sure clean a house in record time while singing their appaling lyrics as loudly as decorum permits (and based on who is home at the time:tongue_smilie:).


I also enjoyed watching the WCG Ultimate Gamer competition online and am becoming a fan of Swamp People. I am somewhat drawn to various extreme sports shows and am biding my time until dd reaches the age of majority and then I secretly plan to try a few! (One of my favorite role models is GGG from Hoodwinked:D).

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My guilty pleasures:


Books: Tom Clancy (I think I <3 Jack Ryan.)


Movie: Bride and Prejudice (If I'm sad, in it goes!)


TV: Battlestar Gallactica :)


Music: Journey: Anyway You Want It {blushing!}




It's Don't Stop Believing for me. Anywhere I hear that song, I will belt it out. Loudly. Off key. Missing a few words. I just don't care.

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