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Help me out ladies to get my 50 posts

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Hi Ladies -- I need help getting my 50 posts so I can start selling items again. You could say I'm a bit frustrated. I'm not one that just hangs out and chats because I just really don't have tiime for that -- it's nothing personal - it's just not me. And, I've been selling on the Well Trained Mind board for several years, as I've been homeschooling for 10 years. But, now with the new board, there is not any way that a member from the old board gets any kind of priorties, but still has to post 50 times before being able to post for sale items. I REALLY need to start selling my stuff and have posted a few comments or questions, but I can't seem to say enough to get my 50 posts.


So, come on ladies, I have stuff to sell and need you to ask me some questions or something so I can get on to selling, which is my main purpose here.


Here's some info about me to help you get started:


I've homeschooled for 10 years, have 5 children -- ages 17, 15, 14, 11, and 4.


Now ask away!!! PLEASE!!!

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Sorry - I don't know how to respond with the person's message in my reply -- maybe that's something someone can help me with, but anyway..



My favorite sites are Homeschool classifieds, Vegsource, and to browse curriculum -- Christian Book Distributors (CBD) they have lots of samples to look at


AND -- Shekinah -- they have loads of specials monthly


AND, Rainbow Resource


These are the ones I'm on the most

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Hi Ladies -- I need help getting my 50 posts so I can start selling items again. You could say I'm a bit frustrated. I'm not one that just hangs out and chats because I just really don't have tiime for that -- it's nothing personal - it's just not me. And, I've been selling on the Well Trained Mind board for several years, as I've been homeschooling for 10 years. But, now with the new board, there is not any way that a member from the old board gets any kind of priorties, but still has to post 50 times before being able to post for sale items. I REALLY need to start selling my stuff and have posted a few comments or questions, but I can't seem to say enough to get my 50 posts.


So, come on ladies, I have stuff to sell and need you to ask me some questions or something so I can get on to selling, which is my main purpose here.


Here's some info about me to help you get started:


I've homeschooled for 10 years, have 5 children -- ages 17, 15, 14, 11, and 4.


Now ask away!!! PLEASE!!!


What are you doing/going to do differently with your 4 year old than you did with your 17 year old? In other words, what have you learned over the last 10 years? :001_smile:

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that's a tough one, because I haven't read any in quite a while. I remember reading a book by Michael Card, but I can't remember the name of it.


I definitely have enjoyed having the Well Trained Mind book around.....I've gleamed loads of information from it....I don't necessarily follow everything in it (not even close), but I received a lot of organizational type info, as well as, what to teach different years, books to read at different grade levels....it's has given me very beneficial information for all grade levels that has helped me throughout the years. Highly recommended for everyone!!!


I also enjoyed Homeschooling from a Biblical Worldview by Israel Wayne


And, by Cathy Duffy, 100 Top Picks for Homeschool curriculum - very helpful for finding what curriculum works for your child's learning style. A nice overview --check out your local library for it -- that's what I did.

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subjects to teach -- they go hand in hand and all my kids have enjoyed them together. I have learned so much about history, which is subject I really wasn't too fond of, but now I love. Seeing how all of life fits so perfectly together. And, the fact that we could all enjoy that subject together.


And, with Bible, I've learned as much, if not more, for my own personal spiritual walk from my dc's Bible studies. If I don't get my personal devo time in, I usually learn something from their's.

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AGHHHH!! None of us are science oriented, so it has been a trial....some years it has been great and we've learned a lot, but other years -- especially junior high thru high school has been very hard! I despise doing the experiments, mainly because I'm cheap and hate to purchase the experiment kits, and then I don't have all the items for the experiments. Isn't that horrible!?!?!?!


What's your least favorite subject to teach? Anyone........

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I am a vocalist and do quite a bit of singing at church (many churches) and at events. Then, a few years back, my family and I were introduced to expressive signing, which is using sign language, very expressively, to music. My oldest daughter wanted to learn how to do it and so did I. So, we (being musically inclined as we are), as a family, learned sign language from someone who had a deaf brother and performed expressive signing herself. So, we have traveled around to different places in about 5 different states to minister in music through expressive signing and some singing too. Hence, singer and signer.


Since then, my 2 oldest, took 2 years of sign language for their foreign language credit. Several colleges are accepting it as a foreign language now.

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Hawaii or someplace northeast -- like Vermont or Maine -- maybe during the fall. Although I am not fond of flying, so Hawaii would be quite a stretch for me.


What's your dream vacation, Jenni? Or anyone else who'd like to respond.



Oh, you have to put your reservations about flying aside and go to Hawaii someday. We got to go and it was a fabulous vacation!

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There is so much more curriculum out there today than 10 years ago. I will definitely be using different curriculum, but I will also be more low key. I was a bit rigid, you might say.....of course, I think most people are when they first start homeschooling. I've enjoyed homeschooling so much, that teaching him will be a breeze (at least that's what I'm hoping)!! LOL!


There were some years that we did too many subjects, so I plan on not trying to squeeze so much in in shorts amount of time. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I did it and I've seen others do it too. It's hard, because you want them to learn so much and there is so much good stuff out there. Praying about what to teach is key for me!


I mean, so what if he's not reading at 4 yrs old, right....he'll get it. Honestly, I haven't had much time at all to do much with him at all.....anything's he's learned has been from just hands on type things, his siblings, or even educational shows. I've not done any structured things with him at all!!!!

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LOL just started replying to lots of polls. Anyways with 10yrs homeschooling, surely you have advice for the rest of us novices.



I'm sure I could give advice, but just random advice is difficult and like I said, I don't spend time just chatting.....partly because we only have one computer for all of us to use, so we have to spread out computer time. So, I usually do what needs to be done and move on, if you know what I mean!

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I am homeschooling because I am too lazy to get my kids up for public school.




LOL! We would laugh at the school bus at it drives by our house in the morning....if we were actually up at that unearthly hour!


I am helping you out, too. As we're in the same boat. I sold stuff on the FS board before the rule went into effect and that is, unfortunately, where most of my post count stems. :tongue_smilie:


Polls - eh? I figured they wouldn't count. TTFN

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Tell us about your dc - how many boys/girls/


Is your oldest thinking about college yet?


I understand your frustration - just be glad this isn't Sonlight where you have to pay to list books for sale - and even then they can ONLY be something SL sells or has sold. SWB and WTM are very generous :)

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Tell us about your dc - how many boys/girls/


Is your oldest thinking about college yet?


I understand your frustration - just be glad this isn't Sonlight where you have to pay to list books for sale - and even then they can ONLY be something SL sells or has sold. SWB and WTM are very generous :)


I have five:

Girl: 14

Boy: 12

Girl: 10

Boy: 9

Girl: 7


My oldest wants to go to Baylor this week. Last week it was University of Texas. The week before it was Houston Baptist University. Check with me next week.

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What are you doing/going to do differently with your 4 year old than you did with your 17 year old? In other words, what have you learned over the last 10 years?


Ohhhh, I like that one :)


BTW, Tamra, to quote using the quick response, just put in the copy and paste of what you'd like to quote, highlight it then click the quote icon above (the one that looks like a cartoon character is speaking). You can do the same with the regular reply screen :)

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to my comments......I still have a little time left here today before I have other things to do.


Tell me what you enjoy most about homeschooling...


Why are you homeschooling?


Do you any of you have part time or full time jobs?

Inside or outside the home?


1) the light in the eyes when something clicks


2) Academics. Not very good around here, unless you pay 20,000 a year and go to school with (some) snobs


3) work full time and can get away with it because I only have one.


I thought our name meant someone who sang and did sign language to music. How, oh knowledgeable one, does singer and signer gel with history and bible?? I don't get the reference.

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How do these other folks get to 5,000,000+ here?! I know, I'm exaggerating. But they have so many! And I feel dumb adding to threads where others have already spoken more eloquently then I could have.


So, whats new in my world? I could just chatter away here. We have a tough week ahead. I'm not looking forward to it. But in some ways I am. We have had a lot of financial trouble in the last few years so this week we are going to talk to a lawyer. I don't think I need to say anymore there. :sad: You guys are smart enough to figure it out. Sigh, I'm just trying not to freak out or be too depressed.


And to think we were actually getting a tax refund for the first time and DH had allotted me $500 to spend on curriculum. I may still end up with that, so I'm trying to think positive.


Anything else? Ohh, the other big thing this week is DH's boos is coming to the house on Thursday! Scary! :eek: We've never had a boss over! I'm nervous and called my mom to come over Wednesday to help me clean and scrub the floors. I hope it looks good when its done. Actually I know it will good, I love my wood floors. They look so warm and pretty in the sunlight when they have been scrubbed clean and oiled.


Thanks for letting me build up my 50 and babble on here!



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Tell us about your dc - how many boys/girls/


Is your oldest thinking about college yet?



Oldest - girl - will be 17 on 5/1

2nd - boy - 15 1/2

3rd - girl - will be 14 6/3

4th - girl - 11 yrs

5th - boy - 4 yrs


My 2 oldest only have 1 - 2 classes left for their senior year next fall. They are thinking about college -- big steps here. To me, this is one of the most challenging parts of homeschooling -- searching for colleges and money!!


My 17yr old wants to go into photography and/or graphic design.


My son wants to either go into accounting or personal trainer. He's still unsure -- he's so musically talented, I'm hoping he'll do something with that. He is considering colleges that have music programs as well.

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1) I thought our name meant someone who sang and did sign language to music. How, oh knowledgeable one, does singer and signer gel with history and bible?? I don't get the reference.

If you're referring to the fact that I find history/Bible most interesting to teach when I am musical, I guess it's because it's something we don't argue about. My kids are very musical too and (well, you know how teenagers seem to know it all) we tend to get in arguments about musical things because they already know HOW to do it.....makes for a really fun time - NOT! It's not like that all of the time, but it can become a challenge.

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How do these other folks get to 5,000,000+ here?! I know, I'm exaggerating. But they have so many! And I feel dumb adding to threads where others have already spoken more eloquently then I could have.


Thanks for letting me build up my 50 and babble on here!



I can barely work up my 50 in this one afternoon. But, I'm almost there! YEAH! This will be 36, I think.


How about you Christy?

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I am actually almost to 50. I might make it tonight if I am chatty enough!


I'm sorry if my last post was too personal or depressing. I thought of that after I posted it. I could go back and delete it but I kind of thought that it would just get buried in this thread. Which is a weird way to write. Sometimes I just need to throw some emotional baggage on the floor! I don't have a blog so this is the next bast place for me to dump at.


On a positive note, it has been a nice day. We went to a ballgame and the kids cleaned the kitchen after (a very late) dinner. I love that!:001_smile:



ETA: Oh 45! I'm so close I can taste the swap board!

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