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Toy for 1 year old girl

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Okay everybody,


My baby girl has her first b-day in a couple of weeks. I'm at a complete loss on what to get her!!! :001_huh:I feel like the whole thing has just kind of snuck up on me and I need to hurry up and get myself together


Any ideas on great gift ideas. . .she's the youngest of 4, so we do have quite a few toys running around here. I'd like to get 3 or 4 nice things and spend $80-100 or so.


Any great ideas??? What are some must haves, or things you wish you would have had?:bigear:


many thanks!

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I don't know if you'll think she's too young for this (it does say ages 2-5 on it) but my son LOVED this. We used it indoors for a long time and it was very sturdy, even my daughter who was older than the recommended age would have fun riding on it. Sometimes two kids would go at once. Sometimes they'd just roll matchbox cars down on it. Eventually we moved outside onto the walkway along the side of the house, and all the neighborhood kids (toddlers through 8 and 9 year olds) would go on this thing lol.



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This is the age my children got a MagnaDoodle. (only get the name brand) http://www.abcstuff.com/items/MD001.html


No mess, no crayons, the pen is attached and cannot get lost, a GREAT toy for the car. Better than that Color Wonder stuff!

When I was tired and pg, I would make dd1 draw on it and keep sending her to do more......now draw mommy's nose.... now draw mommy's hair etc... she ended up being a great artist and I got some time off!




Edited by Lara in Colo
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When my youngest turned 1, we were in the same position. Too many toys. So I decided to get her a musical snow globe, a really nice one. It became one of her most treasured possessions as she got older. Unfortunately, a friend of hers dropped it and broke it a few years ago. :( She still loves snow globes, though!

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This is the age my children got a MagnaDoodle. (only get the name brand) http://www.abcstuff.com/items/MD001.html


No mess, no crayons, the pen is attached and cannot get lost, a GREAT toy for the car. Better that Color Wonder stuff!



This is a FABULOUS idea! My dd will be one soon as well, then there is Christmas to think about! We have lots (too many) toys. My only problem with the Color Wonder stuff is that my older dd used to chew the tips off. Of course, she does not do that now, but I don't know if this dd would do the same.


She loves to draw so the Magna-Doodle may be perfect! I do agree to only get the name brand, whether a small one or a larger one. We went the cheap route once, BIG mistake.


I was thinking of those fat little people with crayons inside. Anyone know what they are called? Not sure if she would chew on those either??


We are planning to get her her very own doll. Her older sister is very attached to her dolls. She only has one she will share, so little dd will get her own!


I did read about the Bilibo, but all the reviews said two-year-old or older, so maybe we will get that for the older dd.



Listening for more suggestions.



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This is the age my children got a MagnaDoodle. (only get the name brand) http://www.abcstuff.com/items/MD001.html


No mess, no crayons, the pen is attached and cannot get lost, a GREAT toy for the car. Better that Color Wonder stuff!

When I was tired and pg, I would make dd1 draw on it and keep sending her to do more......now draw mommy's nose.... now draw mommy's hair etc... she ended up being a great artist and I got some time off!





This was going to be my suggestion, too. It's a great way to practice learning letters and numbers. More fun than flashcards, less wasteful than paper. :) My dd is coming up on two and a half and still loves hers to pieces.

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A few things we loved:


-a little wagon to pull behind her (toy size). I love the ones I've seen I think in L.L Bean with blocks inside. We still have our little radio flyer wagon and the girls still play with it. And when they don't it will probably become a piece of classic Americana decor.


-Little people. The doll house maybe or the school or farm.


-a first doll. May not be played with too much right away, but probably during the next year she'll be ready to play Mom. Doesn't have to be expensive--my dds love the baby dolls from Target.


-doll strollers were a big hit here, but I think that was for the 2nd or 3rd b-day.


-I would definitely do a hardback classic picture book that you love and read it to her often. Guess How Much I Love You, Olivia, The Little House, Corduroy were all favorites here and will never be given away.

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Tempted to say a sand box --- ours is 8ft x 10ft (as this was BY FAR the best gift we ever gave um' which bought mom and dad some alone time)....but she may eat the sand at first....but another universal favorite was the Glowworm (that plays the music). Also the book "Where's the bone?" (the cloth book with the soft bone that hangs and you stuff in various places per page). Finally, mine loved the roll around poppers (the ones that they hold and walk with and the balls pop all around in the see-through doom -- about $10 at Walmart).



Good luck!

Edited by PygmyShrew
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My 14 month old dd loves playsilks and "pixie tails" from:




They can be capes, skirts, headwraps, flags, just pretty things to flap, parachutes for little toys, blankets, tents, nests for stuffed toys or dolls....just about anything your imagination can dream up. This shop sells mini-sized ones that are fun for little babies, and various other sizes, too.

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All of my daughter's loved push toys especially strollers. I don't know how many strollers we have gone through. Maybe it would be worth it to get a decent one that won't break. We've had several $8 strollers. They are lightweight and easy to push. I did have a Little Tykes stroller once. It is AWFUL don't get that one. The wheels don't swivel and it is no fun to push.


My youngest daughter loves doll houses and little people. None of my other children were into that. I don't know what your daughter is like.


I also highly recommend a mini-trampoline or Jump-o-lene. We wore out our mini-trampoline and got my 3rd daughter a Jump-o-lene for her b-day. It's like a great big inflatable swimming pool but the bottom, of course, is greatly inflated and has very high inflatable walls. My 1yo and 3 yo LOVE this tremendously. It's quite big so you have to have room for it. We have it in our basement with all the other toys and the kids quickly figured out that they could push it against the stairs and then jump into it from the stairs. They can do this for hours. The mini-trampoline takes up quite a lot less space and has a better bounce. Ours also had a bar (not like the exercise trampoline) for kids to keep their balance while jumping. I've seen models that can fold up for storage but they were quite a bit more expensive. We got ours at Target for about $30. The trick is keeping the bigger kids off of it because they wear it down very fast.

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I also think the doll stroller is a good idea. Mine would actually use it as a "walker" and learned to walk with it, plus they put EVERYTHING in it. It becomes a rolling purse with blocks, legos, a rock or two, the remote control, a cat........


They play with it for years and if you get the umbrella style (recommended for the childs ability to control) you can fold it to almost nothing!



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Thanks for all the ideas. Seriously, I have so many new tabs opened that I can't even see them all.:D


Some of the things mentioned, the rollercoaster bilbo, and the trampoline. . .she's not develpmentally ready for. . . she pretty small 18lbs ish and on the slow end of normal (my last two kids took steps at 15 and 18months), but I think my 2 year old would have a blast with those.:tongue_smilie:


We had a sandbox with lid when we moved here, but it became home to many spiders and crickets:scared:


We do have a magnadoodle, but its been colored on. . .so it may be time for a new one:)


I really like the melissa and doug and the wooden items mentioned, and I'm really intrigued by the play silks. They're not something I'm familiar with. . .so I'll be having a hay day looking through these links guys.

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