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s/o - What did your kids not know about you?

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A couple of months ago, we finally got an outdoor fireplace. I took dh's Leatherman and began sharpening some marshmallow sticks. Then I tended to the fire, and cooked most of our dinner over it.


My girls were shocked. "Can you DO that?" "Are you SUPPOSED to do that?"


Dh is the one who usually cooks over the gas grill, so I guess I understand a bit of their confusion. But I was a Girl Scout, Leader, and Adult Scout for THIRTEEN years, and my family camped from the time I was THREE, until I was nearly TWENTY!


Yes, I can weild a blade and build a fire! I started doing so when I was younger than they are! But they don't know me from that life, and we haven't had the opportunity to give them those experiences until now.


At first, it kind of depressed me. But now it cracks me up!

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My children were shocked when I informed them that I used to do paid work! I guess they just can't imagine that I used to have a life that didn't revolve around them. :lol:


Yep - mine were shocked by the same thing! "You had a job???" Uh- yeah, from the age of 16 on until they were born!

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Mine were also surprised to learn that I'm a better fire builder than dh. I think it was surprising to them because dh knows more about things they're interested in and is generally better at building things. Just not fires. :tongue_smilie:


They knew I was in the military in my former life but were surprised to learn that I earned expert marksman on the 9mm handgun. I know nothing about guns and never go with dh and ds's when they go to the shooting range. I'm just good at aiming, I guess. Dh, though, is better--he also earned expert but with a higher score. :D



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That I conducted the Bflo Philharmonicwhen I was in 6th gr. I won an essay contest.


It was really cool!


My kids thought I was making it up. :lol:


That is so very cool! I remember when Sir Georg Solti guest-conducted our high school orchestra (my violin bow chose that morning to disintegrate, so he handed me a cello bow and told me to "make do"). What music did you conduct?


My son was most impressed when he learned I used to be a pretty good horse rider. Of course, I haven't been on a horse in 25 years, so I imagine I won't be showing up at Spruce Meadows any time soon.

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That is so very cool! I remember when Sir Georg Solti guest-conducted our high school orchestra (my violin bow chose that morning to disintegrate, so he handed me a cello bow and told me to "make do"). What music did you conduct?


My son was most impressed when he learned I used to be a pretty good horse rider. Of course, I haven't been on a horse in 25 years, so I imagine I won't be showing up at Spruce Meadows any time soon.


I don't remember!


It was a "school time" type concert and I remember hearing Ride of the Valkyries and Flight of the Bumblebee but I don't think it wasn't either one of those.


Hopefully, I'll remember which song in one of those quiet moments where something lost just pops into your brain.


Your story is great, too! "Make do!" Great advice for so many situations.

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What do they not know.....


LOL they will hopefully never know the 'me' from 13-18yo...LOL Some things a parent shouldn't divulge to good, God fearing children.


They know I wasn't an angel, they know some of the details, but barely the tip of the iceburg. LOL



I don't think my 16yo son would believe me if I told him about the lives dh and I had before we had him. He may disown me...:001_huh:....if he knew. ;)

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What do they not know.....


LOL they will hopefully never know the 'me' from 13-18yo...LOL Some things a parent shouldn't divulge to good, God fearing children.


They know I wasn't an angel, they know some of the details, but barely the tip of the iceburg. LOL



I don't think my 16yo son would believe me if I told him about the lives dh and I had before we had him. He may disown me...:001_huh:....if he knew. ;)



Dh and I were both far, far wilder than our teens are, so its hard for them that we can see through their games and that we are not even shocked by them! I mean, we would expect kids of ours to be mischevious- hence we are pretty protective of them because we know what they could be getting up to!

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