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Easy Grammar/GWG/CLE-which would you choose?


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We are ditching Shurley English(3rd grade)..It's too much. My boys hate it and I frankly don't like it either. So, I've narrowed my seach to Easy Grammar, Growing with Grammar and CLE..

I need something that's pick up and go, I need something that's a bit easier than Shurley, I need something that they will retain the information...which would you choose?

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Why don't you have your dc look at samples of each and choose. This may sound indulgent but, if you're coming out of a grammar program that may have caused them to hate grammar, you may want to consider letting them choose as a means of grammar rehabilitation to foster happy grammar experiences in the future, or at least a minimum of complaints. :001_smile:

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I haven't tried the others but we love Easy Grammar and it was definitely pick up and go! Very easy and quick lessons that really stuck with my kids...I will go back and raise the bar when we're done with the EGPlus but for establishing a strong foundation quickly and painlessly I love EG. My kids are 10 and 13 and we've just started the Plus...

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Easy Grammar is ONLY grammar. You would want to add something for writing. EG is my *favorite* grammar instruction.


GWG and CLE both include writing as well as grammar.


"Retention" is a funny thing. Most dc will need more than one year of anything before they really learn that thing down in their heart of hearts, and people often bail out of this or that because their dc don't seem to be retaining; what they really need is to do that same thing at least one more time, the same way. JMHO. :-)

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I would go with Easy Grammar mainly because I've polled several homeschool graduates and got the highest praise for Easy Grammar. They all said that they feel that they have a really good understanding of grammar. The kids who used other programs didn't say that.

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We ditched R & S and went to GWG for 2nd grade. My son isn't complaining and in tears about grammar anymore. He gets it done and when I verbally quiz him, he get the answers right. This level doesn't really have writing instruction...maybe it's coming? They have to join sentences (rewriting the sentence/ handwriting, copywork somewhat) but it's not creative writing. Perhaps level 3 is different...

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If you just want grammar, I'd go with GWG or EG. If you want a more comprehensive LA, you'll want CLE.


My oldest did GWG3 last year & my next will do GWG3 next year. I liked that eventually, she could do it mostly without my sitting next to her at every moment. There is no "writing" component. It is VERY pick-up-and-go. She had a decent amount of retention -- as much as she normally has with any curriculum she has to write in.

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We did EG last year and my two 9&10 both disliked it very much. We are now doing CLE and ds 10 just declared two days ago that diagramming is his favorite thing in school:thumbup: !! They are both loving the writing instructions this week.

Who would have thought?

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I've never looked at GWG, so I can't comment.


I'm not a fan of CLE. Too little instruction and not enough practice. I know a lot of people love it (including an IRL friend that tried it after I told her about it), but it just wasn't a fit for me (as the teacher) or my son.


We're currently using EG. I love that the lessons are short, and that's the only reason we're using it this year. My goal in grammar this year is for my sons to not forget what they've learned in past years. I don't like the format, though.


My favorite, and what we'll return to next year, is Rod & Staff. The explanations are clear and thorough, and because it's a hardback text it's easy to look up topics if something is forgotten and needs to be refreshed. There is tons of practice, and it's easy to modify the amount your child does based on need.

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FWIW on writing instruction...I tried writing strands, writeshop primary, complete writing lessons for the primary grades...and then found Write Source. Even my ds-8, who HATES writing likes this program. I did not get the teachers manual, just he student book b/c the TM is PRICEY. I may save to buy it for next year, but for now, I'll wing it. I also use WWE, but we wanted a creative writing program as well.

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I have used both Easy Grammar and Growing With Grammar. I like both programs.


Easy Grammar required more input from me. Since my time is very limited, we are using Growing With Grammar this year as it is written directly to the student and my children do not need me to teach before they can do the assignment. I just have to be sure to review their work to verify that they comprehend what they are learning. Sometimes they need a little clarification of what is being taught.


I do miss having them memorize prepositions and linking verbs as Easy Grammar requires. I may pull those back in and take a short break from Growing With Grammar to do those things with them.


I also have them do Easy Grammar's Daily Grams each day. Easy Grammar is only written for 2nd Grade and up, and for second grade you only do Daily Grams aloud together as you teach new concepts. It is very easy to use.


I started using Growing With Grammar because I needed a program for my very enthusiastic then first grader. My current first grader requires a little more help from me since he doesn't write as much as his older sister did, but he is still fairly independent.


My fifth and seventh graders are learning to diagram sentences for the first time. Easy Grammar does not teach diagramming.


I guess I am overloading my kids on grammar, since I also use the Writing Road to Reading, and it includes daily grammar and writing composition practice out loud, on the white board, and as a group as well as writing sentences using their spelling words and whatever grammar concepts we are practicing. This is also where my children get their writing practice. I have pulled in some Writing Strands and Writing With Ease so that I remember to do dictation, and because narration and summaries are easier to do that way. I guess it is an odd combination that works for our family. Originally, Easy Grammar was supposed to be extra written practice to re-enforce what we did in Spalding, but grammar was dropped a lot last year. Growing With Grammar lets me not stress about what we miss when busy days keep us from finishing everything I want to do. At least the simple workbook format keeps us from missing something important since they can do that every day and mark it off their checklist.


How is that for a very long answer?


When I can't spend the time to really work with my children, at least I know the basics are covered with their grammar workbook and a Writing Strands assignment.


Good luck deciding what is best for your children.

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Perhaps level 3 is different...


Not so far. We love the spiral, lie-flat format. If we have done a lot of writing that day, I sometimes have kiddo correct the sentences using the proofreading marks he learned in SWO. We have a little bit of overlap with concepts from WWE...not enough to be redundant, but enough so kiddo says "I know this!" now and then. That is nice, too.


I'm not familiar with CLE, but am very happy with GWG.

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We're using Growing With Grammar. We just started using it last month but so far it's going well. I also got Easy Grammar and I didn't like the looks of it, it looked too easy. I with GWG looks quite easy too, but think it offers a bit more than EG.


We're also using Write Source and love it. It's covering grammar and writing, and we could probably get away with just using Write Source, but my daughter just loves grammar and writing.

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We have always used Easy Grammar up until this year when we switched to CLE. I have to say, it's so much more complete!

With Easy Grammar, I also supplemented with Writing Tales and Spelling Workout...CLE has it all, and seems so much more - palatable.

That's my opinion, but I did love Easy Grammar, so it's nice to know there's so many neat programs out there!

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I've never used GWG, but I have used CLE and EG. After using EG with my older boys, I would never, ever, ever consider using it again. In our experience it failed miserably. While we used it, it seemed WONDERFUL, and I raved about it to one and all. They loved it and I thought my boys were finally learning grammar! Yay! Well, I thought wrong. After finishing the big red book in jr. high (which was the last book available at the time) I had to put them in another program. THAT'S when I found out that they knew almost nothing except the very basics. Now perhaps EG has changed, idk, but it failed my boys and I refuse to even consider it for my youngest who, after years of BJU and now CLE, knows more grammar than they can even comprehend. So, all that to say, I cannot in clear conscience recommend EG.


In my years of experience, I would only consider R&S, CLE, or BJU. I have been intrigued by Shirley, but never had opportunity to try it. My youngest son really enjoys CLE, and I enjoy that it also contains spelling, so it's our grammar of choice for the time being. ;)

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I used EG 5th and 6th grades and won't use it again for my dc. It would be great for a "just the basics\review" year but not what I consider to be a comprehensive study of grammar. It was too easy.


Have you considered R&S? It will always be my first recommendation. It is very open and go. The tm is scripted but is easily adaptable to teaching using your own style. The student books are so clear and concise that my two oldest have taken to doing the lessons almost on their own. I am there for oral review questions, checking their work, guidance and test administration. The writing portion is good but not complete imo unless your students already write across the curriculum.

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