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Is your husband at home so he can look at the machine?

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NO. I'm at home and I'm perfectly capable of telling you what is working and what isn't and doing the work myself, thankyouverymuch.


It's what I wanted to say to the phone repairman for our Insinkerator today (sink disposal that hasn't worked more than it has since we got it 2 years ago). I just took a breath and said, no, I can handle it, thanks.


Well, ma'am, are you SURE you're turning it the correct way?


Another breath, yes, sir, I'm sure..I'm turning it freely in all directions, and there is no resistance.


Well, ma'am, are you SURE you have the correct size allen wrench in place.


Dude, look, I'm a girl, and I'm PEREFCTLY capable of doing this, stop talking to me like I'm an idiot.


And yes, I said the last part :glare:


Good thing the warranty is still good and they're sending us a new unit.

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Oh no he didn't!! I am still amazed by some of the attitudes and by the comments. I had one contractor who would not talk to me about the bill. He said he'd speak to the man of the house. Then, I kid you not, in the next breath he said he wanted to make sure I'd leave him a good rec. on Angie's List. Stunning. Needless to say, I did not and we never used him again.

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Oh...that infuriates me!!!!!!!! I get pretty pissy if someone talks to me like that.


I called in for tech support a while back regarding our laptop and hung up on a guy who talked to me in a similar way after telling him that I did, in fact, have a brain.


And again when I called the Sprint store last week. I had questions about our bill and he talked to me like I was a 6yo. I let him know that I did know how to read and why would I be calling about a question on the bill if I didn't have the bill in front of me? :confused:

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I equally dislike it when someone doesn't take my "that's not my jurisdiction" line and insists on continuing talking when I have no idea what they are explaining to me. I went to Jiffy Lube once for an oil change. I know nothing about cars. Nothing. I had three kids with me and I just wanted to get out of there. They insisted on showing me the oil level and what the air filter looked like. Those things mean nothing to me! I don't care! I tried to explain that I trusted them to change the oil and I just wanted to go. It was ridiculous.:glare:


Ha! this is so me. Look, I just want to put the key in the ignition and go, K?


But to the OP, you hang up on those men. Eventually they learn and if they don't lack of sales will get them fired.

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I would have had only one thing to say to that guy, "Can I speak to your manager please?"


I always right down the name of the person I am talking to when I call tech support or customer service. If they don't play nice (which is rare), I talk to the manager. Once I learned that line, life got much easier.

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Well, my husband is the delicate flower in my house. ;)


I do almost ALL fixing of anything.




My hubby is a machinist, yet most of the power tools around here are mine. :D


He can fix things all right, but if I want it done already, I don't wait for him to have time.

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I still have fond memories of the time MomsintheGarden and I went into a fancy stereo store to purchase a CD player. (This was back in the days when CD players were HIGH TECH consumer products, OK?) The unaware salesman unleashed some of his pseudo-technology sales talk on MomsintheGarden in a way meant to intimidate. :glare: Little did he know that she was at the time designing RADAR test equipment that employed techniques quite similar to a CD player but operating at speeds 1000X faster! :w00t: As she started to ask him ACTUAL technical questions about the performance of the unit, I just backed up a little bit and enjoyed the show. :D

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Well, my husband is the delicate flower in my house. ;)


I do almost ALL fixing of anything.


:iagree: This whole story kinda made me laugh because asking for my DH to help out would be the kiss of death on the insinkerator. :tongue_smilie:


I'm glad you told that man to stop treating you like an idiot. Maybe he will think twice before assuming all women are incompetent vs the disposal being the issue.

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NO. I'm at home and I'm perfectly capable of telling you what is working and what isn't and doing the work myself, thankyouverymuch.


Good thing the warranty is still good and they're sending us a new unit.


This reminds me of what happenend with our home network. DH was on the phone for several hours , then had a technician comes in twice. In fact the Internet got slower!

I got frustrated & did some digging around about diagnostics. Got some network speeds & called them back again. The lady who took my call was giving some weird answers (short of calling me a fool). When I starting throwing out the diagnostics nos., her attitude changed. She said she will fix something (latter found out they can't do anything from the office). She had

a very knowledgable young technician come in the next day. When I told him the experiments I had run & the nos. He did something with my account & Vola! our network speeds was x10 Times.


So don't underestimate us women folks! We just don't show-off like men!

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That would have ticked me off, too! The only area of our lives where my dh is in charge because I NEED him to be, is the finances. I'm not "mathletic" and my dh is a numbers guy, auditing hospitals and doctors, etc. Isn't that what marriage is about? Utilizing each other's strengths, complimenting each other? Besides, our "portfolio" is so darn complicated that I don't even bother trying to learn squat. A little opposite of the OP, I can't stand it when our bank is on the phone and they ask me like 20 security questions and they don't let me cheat and ask my dh. I have literally cried our of frustration and hung up on them. It's just not my forte. We have 5 banks and several rental properties, dh is an investor, I just don't know jack about that area and I do prefer to keep it that way. What's wrong with telling a banker "I hereby allow my dh to answer all questions for me. Thank you. Oh, and if you need security, I'll be happy to send in a urine or blood sample." :confused: I guess it all comes down to people knowing who they want to talk to, regardless of who is informed.

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I still have fond memories of the time MomsintheGarden and I went into a fancy stereo store to purchase a CD player. (This was back in the days when CD players were HIGH TECH consumer products, OK?) The unaware salesman unleashed some of his pseudo-technology sales talk on MomsintheGarden in a way meant to intimidate. :glare: Little did he know that she was at the time designing RADAR test equipment that employed techniques quite similar to a CD player but operating at speeds 1000X faster! :w00t: As she started to ask him ACTUAL technical questions about the performance of the unit, I just backed up a little bit and enjoyed the show. :D



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I recall a repair shop in the Bronx (memorable for the deer heads (bucks) and deer rears (does complete with plasticene vul@as) mounted on the walls) where the owner kept trying to convince me the brake cylinder on the firewall was the MASTER cylinder, and the clutch cylinder on the firewall was the SLAVE cylinder, not both of them master cylinders for two systems. I asked him what he called the little cylinder down on the clutch housing (the clutch slave cylinder) and he said "the clutch cylinder"...I gave up, told him I wanted a new (and pointed at the item) installed by 5. "Anything you want to pay for, darling".


I also recall the husband of the woman who gave me an estimate on cleaning my house (she sent him to clean). I told him to turn right/south on street X, go exactly 2/10th of a mile, go left/east on the only dirt road with a huge sign that said Y, and go just under 2/10ths of a mile and my house was a log house at the end. Well, the dork drove back and forth past the dirt road, calling me and getting more precise directions (I am, ferpetesake, a geographers daughter), and when he finally got there, said "Women and directions! Sheesh!" I coulda kneed him in the groin.

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My husband would direct the guy back to me. Dh doesn't even know what an Allen wrench is!


Annoying! That is one of my biggest pet peeves!


Same here. Dh is clueless when it comes to home repair!!! I do it or it doesn't get done!!!


Guys like that make me so mad :banghead:


That and when you are trying to buy something new and the guy only wants to talk to dh. Dh looks at them and says "If you want to make a sale you better be talking to her, if you don't want to talk to her we will leave and quit wasting your time"


My dh does the same thing. I"M the one who has done the research and know the technical terms. Thank-you-very-much.


Well, my husband is the delicate flower in my house. ;)


I do almost ALL fixing of anything.


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When we were looking for a contractor to build our house, I was the one who did the "shopping" so to speak. Until I knew that they were not inclined to be condescending there was no need for them to even meet my spouse. Needless to say I was able to eliminate a few rather quickly this way.

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I leased my first car, and when the lease was up, I needed to return it to the dealer and I wanted to lease a new car. I brought my Dad with me in case I didn't find anything and needed a ride home. The salesman kept telling me about all the pretty cars, and the lovely colors, and showing me things like the picnic table in the trunk (Honda CR-V). I kept stopping him and asking technical details, and he said, I kids you not, "don't worry about little details like that, your daddy will take care of stuff like that for you." I saw my father actually duck before I let the guy have it, insisted on a manager and then leased the car from the manager who cut me a nice deal.


I don't care if the car is red if it gets bad gas mileage, but if it gets great gas mileage I could care less what colour it is.

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