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1/2 cup of coffee every morning is making me a better mom


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It sounds crazy, but I don't really like coffee. I have always tried to get my energy naturally and sleep if I felt tired. But I started drinking 1/2 cup on co-op days to make it through the day without being completely exhausted. The difference is absolutely amazing.


I still get tired around 3 or so, but I am not tired in the extreme like I was.


Now I wonder whether or not I am going to need more than a 1/2 cup as my body adjusts. My mother has always drank 1 cup per day for the past 40 years. My mil drinks about 2 pots per day.



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It sounds crazy, but I don't really like coffee. I have always tried to get my energy naturally and sleep if I felt tired. But I started drinking 1/2 cup on co-op days to make it through the day without being completely exhausted. The difference is absolutely amazing.


I still get tired around 3 or so, but I am not tired in the extreme like I was.


Now I wonder whether or not I am going to need more than a 1/2 cup as my body adjusts. My mother has always drank 1 cup per day for the past 40 years. My mil drinks about 2 pots per day.




If you don't like coffee, you might want to try 5 1/2 hour energy. It's a blend of B-vitamins, amino acids, essential nutrients, has zero sugar, zero herbal stimulants (and only 4 calories). Plus, you won't crash as with other "energy" drinks like Red Bull. It sounds like you might be fine with a 1/2 a bottle or a bit less (they are small). They don't taste the best, but they really work!

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I don't like coffee either- until I sweeten it with a ridiculous amount of vanilla flavoring, or the Sweet Italian Cream, or some such.


Well, now that I'm on a diet, I use Splenda and a small amount of fat free vanilla... and I don't drink it so much to keep me awake as I do to keep me full lol. One cup in the morning helps me not be hungry for a while.


Then I eat a late breakfast, which holds me over til lunch with no morning snacking, and since lunch often ends up being a little later too, I can usually make it to dinner with either no snacking or one light snack, then I eat my dinner, and then I have "points" left for evening snacks.


So, coffee's helping me lose weight :D

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You only need a 1/2 cup? Man, I need at least 32 oz. throughout the day to keep me in my happy place. :lol


Also a high protein breakfast, amino acids (neurotransmitter precursors), maca powder, vitamins B complex and D...


And I think plenty of rest would help too, but I've forgotten what that feels like. :001_huh:

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I don't like coffee either, but I discovered that a cup of tea in the afternoons helped me immensely. After about six weeks of drinking a cup of hot tea every day, I was addicted to the caffeine! If I couldn't get my tea, I had a terrible headache and felt way more tired than before. I went off of it cold turkey. I only drink tea now every once in awhile--definitely not every day. I didn't want to be so reliant on something like that.

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Some dark chocolate mid morning and mid afternoon keeps me sane...

And then after a child pitches a fit...

And again more after another child has a math meltdown...

And still more after the dog barfs on the rug...

And more after someone ate several key ingredients to the dinner, and others went bad before you could use them...

And then...


I can see how the 1/2 cup habit becomes 2 pots... Or 1 square of chocolate could turn into 2 bars a day pretty quick! ;)

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Some dark chocolate mid morning and mid afternoon keeps me sane...

And then after a child pitches a fit...

And again more after another child has a math meltdown...

And still more after the dog barfs on the rug...

And more after someone ate several key ingredients to the dinner, and others went bad before you could use them...

And then...


I can see how the 1/2 cup habit becomes 2 pots... Or 1 square of chocolate could turn into 2 bars a day pretty quick! ;)


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It sounds crazy, but I don't really like coffee. I have always tried to get my energy naturally and sleep if I felt tired. But I started drinking 1/2 cup on co-op days to make it through the day without being completely exhausted. The difference is absolutely amazing.


I still get tired around 3 or so, but I am not tired in the extreme like I was.


Now I wonder whether or not I am going to need more than a 1/2 cup as my body adjusts. My mother has always drank 1 cup per day for the past 40 years. My mil drinks about 2 pots per day.




i LOVE coffee, and yet my one cup of 1/2 caff. every morning is what makes me sane. it doesn't take much.

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I've just started drinking it this week and feel the same way. I got a keurig for my birthday and had to use it! I've definitely found it puts me in a better mood. I had been drinking caffeinated sodas in the morning and thought it was the same as coffee but I had no idea. Coffee works much better. I don't usually like the taste much but I've found some flavored ones that are pretty yummy with milk and sugar. I've been giving it to my DS who has a little bit of ADD tendencies and he loves it.

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I really tried to like coffee, but I can't stand it (don't like tea or soda either)! Basically, I drink water, and it does not give me energy. I've tried the 5 hour energy drinks, but they're just too pricey. I bought a bottle of No Dose coated caffeine pills and take 1/2 of one every day. It really does put me in a better mood (and keeps me from yawning constantly). Much, much cheaper than the 5 hour drinks, and I don't have to choke down coffee!

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I've been branching out into the world of teas and espresso. :D I've found a little tea after dinner gives me a boost to finish some chores after my DC are asleep. The espresso is bad after dinner though...I don't want to be up all night after all. :lol:


I've also been doing the couch to 2K running/walking program. The first few times wiped me out, but after the 3rd time, I got a nice boost of energy. After nine months of morning sickness and months of little sleep with a fussy baby, I'm starting to feel much more energetic.

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