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I'm having a baby girl!

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After dreams about him being a boy, people looking at my belly and telling me it was a boy, and a whole bunch of fake signs, it's a girl! I had the ultrasound today. She's very, very active, moving quickly, and a week ahead in growth.


Ds was a bit disappointed, as he wanted to say he had a sister and a brother. Now he has two sisters!


I'm excited. Thinking about names, I'm leaning toward Sienna.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

Oh, how exciting! It's nice that they'll be close in age. I always think that's nice. DD is sometimes sad that she doesn't have a little sister because the boys, "have a brother and a sister." I think we're going to get her a kitten instead. :lol:

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Congrats! I had girl, boy, girl with similar age spreads. There is never a dull moment here. I love it, most days;). My baby girl is a diva princess, but man is she entertaining! DS has asked if we could adopt an orphan boy, but one day he will accept that he is the only little man in our lives. Hopefully. He will also make a very fine husband to some lucky woman. Enjoy the girl!

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Thank you, all! :)


Sienna goes well with our last name as well. I just feel she is a Sienna, after looking at her on the screen.


Now how to combine three names..?


Sienna Karina Rachelle?

Sienna Karina Danielle?


My kids and I all have three names. It's a family tradition.

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