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You know the "trash bag" method?

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I saw it mentioned in a previous thread about a daughter's messy room. Where you go and put everything in the trashbag that wasn't in its place? and then she gets one bag at a time back, and has to put it all away before getting anything else back?


Yeah, I'm about ready to do that to my whole house. :glare: its driving me nutso. and I think I'm the only one who sees it. and its not even that its dirty, its just SO CLUTTERED! and I can't find anything. I need a serious destash.

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I know the other trash bag method . . . the black trash bag method. That's the one where I wait till my girl isn't looking and then swoop by with a black trash bag. Trashy, broken, misused, forgotten but can't possibly live without it now that I know you want to get rid of it toys accidentally fall in and disappear. It has to be black, of course, b/c if she could see through to see what's inside, there'd be a problem.


This is a special version of the trash bag method which isn't used with great frequency but is deeply satisfying when finally employed.


I threaten myself with the black trash bag but so far I haven't done it to myself.


Maybe I should threaten myself with your trash bag method. It would be more likely to happen.



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We're getting it in shape tomorrow if it kills them. :gnorsi:


:lol: :lol: :lol:


I was just getting on the computer to make the mother-of-all-chore-lists for the same reason!


I got, uh, sidetracked on the internet... I wonder if that has any bearing on the messy state of my house sometimes? :confused:


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:lol: :lol: :lol:


I was just getting on the computer to make the mother-of-all-chore-lists for the same reason!


I got, uh, sidetracked on the internet... I wonder if that has any bearing on the messy state of my house sometimes? :confused:




If you get that list done would you post it? Then I don't have to make one. :tongue_smilie:

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I've used that method. My room (we don't have a garage) filled up with bags and laundry baskets overflowing with toys, yarn, books, DS, everything and anything found abandoned. For me it's a HORRIBLE method. They don't care about what's gone, because their having such a wonderful time finding new stuff to play with.


I commented on a thread started Friday about never being seen again, while cleaning out a kids room. Well, it's Sunday night, the jobs only half way done! We really were never seen again, (at least not this weekend) :). I've thrown tons of stuff away, made several donation bags, etc., the kids are in there having the time of their lives. I get rid of one bag, and they find some origami paper to fold, cut, and annihilate.


It's a losing battle.

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When I was a teen, my mother used the RAKE method. She went into my room with a grass rake, and raked up all the stuff on the floor. I had 15 minutes to put stuff away and then the rest went into the rubbish(trash).

I only had to have it done once, my sister had it done at least 10 times. It really works well for older children.

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I did something rather different. When the boys went away for a week, I asked them in advance if they would like me to tidy their rooms. They both agreed - they were as frustrated as I was. I put all the broken, junky, rubbishy things into black plastic bags in the attic. They are welcome to go through the bags, but anything that's not retrieved in three months gets thrown out. So far - a month later - they are delighted that their rooms are easier to take care of and have no interest in retrieving the junk.



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When I was a teen, my mother used the RAKE method. She went into my room with a grass rake, and raked up all the stuff on the floor. I had 15 minutes to put stuff away and then the rest went into the rubbish(trash).

I only had to have it done once, my sister had it done at least 10 times. It really works well for older children.


I rake. :glare: And not just the kids' rooms. Why does everything get thrown on the floor around here? I'm looking at my family room floor right now and there's laundry and shoes and toys and stuffed animals and books. And TRASH! My kids draw and write a lot. They're obsessed with secret codes right now so they're always writing out little messages and creating new codes and this involves a lot of paper and it's all on my FLOOR. ARG!


I want to start Flylady but she just annoys me. I believe in her system but every time I subscribe to her list I'm subjected to these mushy sappy testimonials and encouragements. I know I'm being such a grouch but it just grates on my nerves and I unsubscribe. I need to just figure out the whole system and implement it without being involved in the email list.

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I want to start Flylady but she just annoys me. I believe in her system but every time I subscribe to her list I'm subjected to these mushy sappy testimonials and encouragements. I know I'm being such a grouch but it just grates on my nerves and I unsubscribe. I need to just figure out the whole system and implement it without being involved in the email list.


Can you say email CLUTTER, Fly Lady? I can't stand the sap, either, and the relentless emailing . . . :glare:. I'd be so much happier with a live-in someone like Aunt Bee (Andy Taylor) or Alice (Brady Bunch) or someone like that.

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I rake. :glare: And not just the kids' rooms. Why does everything get thrown on the floor around here? I'm looking at my family room floor right now and there's laundry and shoes and toys and stuffed animals and books. And TRASH! My kids draw and write a lot. They're obsessed with secret codes right now so they're always writing out little messages and creating new codes and this involves a lot of paper and it's all on my FLOOR. ARG!


I want to start Flylady but she just annoys me. I believe in her system but every time I subscribe to her list I'm subjected to these mushy sappy testimonials and encouragements. I know I'm being such a grouch but it just grates on my nerves and I unsubscribe. I need to just figure out the whole system and implement it without being involved in the email list.


Dear Flylady,


Thanks to you I am FLYing!!! i know what it means now to Finally Love Yourself, err, uh, MYself! Before I found your list I couldn't find anything in my house and I was a poster child for Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome! Yes, ma'am. I was living in CHAOS and not loving myself. I thought, if only I could control myself with some kind of journal...and then I found your CONTROL JOURNAL!!! I love putting out my Hotspot fires after I get dressed to my shoes!


I have to confess, though. My "kitchen sink" isn't my kitchen sink! :lol: It's my dishdrainer! I have to clean my dishdrainer everyday and then I feel the self love.


Thanks so much for helping me FLY!!! ooops! there goes my timer...email time is over....




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oh you wonderful people! The de-clutter bug must be moving thru homeschools across the land!

I declared today an IN service day!

My kids are swapping beds...and with that, everything comes out in rooms! and cleaned.

Mass sheets, blankets and curtains washed today!

They do the work, I supervise!

Hubby is home to do dump run on the side yard!


as to flylady! she is the queen of cluttering my email!

I do flylady light!

make my bed, clean my sink(well, my kids do), and swish!!

Declutter has become my mantra.


Go watch one Hoarders on A&E and it will motivate you to throw things away!! It worked for us!!

I love to start the cool weather with a clean and DECLUTTERED home!!


we could post what we did today? to declutter?

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I was just contemplating last night getting a rental unit for 3 months so that I could just get stuff out of the house!!!! Of course....how would I ever get the time to go the rental unit and actually sort through stuff. :glare: Even though I logically know it's not possible....I would swear that paper and clutter breeds at night. I have been decluttering since Lent and I still do not have the empty spaces that I envisioned in my mind. I did the 40 Bags for Lent (1 bag each day of stuff out of your house). Had a garage sale, plus a few trips to the Goodwill and I still do not have empty counters and for some reason there is still paper piled everywhere. I did get hooked on that Hoarders show which I watch on-line when I feel like quitting the de-cluttering thing. I find homeschooling and a clean house to be totally imcompatible. Clutter doesn't bother me lots....but oooh, it pushes DH buttons!!!!:mad:


I would like to see that master chore list as well. Off to finish gathering the 7 bags of "stuff" I am dropping off at Goodwill on the way the eye Dr. appt.



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