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So how long does it take...?


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...a 4 yr old to complete 4 pages of Get Ready For The Code A? Upwards of 30 minutes (sometimes longer). Why, you ask? Because the drawing of the monster (we're doing M at the moment) needs to be colored, then there needs to be a daddy monster, and a baby boy monster, and a baby girl monster, and the daddy monster is grumpy so he needs a plate of cookies, then every other monster wants cookies....And this is only one page.


I think keeping K4 to 1-1.5 hrs at most is not going to happen.

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Teach your child how to work the pages first, then go back and color and draw. Very creative! Don't squelch the imagination. I know, it's hard!




My dd7 wants to make every math problem into a word problem. So, 8+9 turns into, "Okay, so this would be like if I have 8 pairs of ballet shoes and you decide to buy me 9 more then I would have 17!"


Not so bad if we are doing a couple problems but when I turn to a page and there are 10 to 12 problems I feel like running away. I have had to limit her to turning the first one and last one into stories.


I would save those subjects that she seems to want to embellish upon for last in the day so that as soon as she finishes the actual work she can jump right into drawing and coloring.

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My 7 yo has always drawn things on her worksheets - to the point of my exasperation - because of the time it takes. Unless I sit there with her and look at her sheet, I will end up with a flowers, bunnies families, carrots, and 2 the problems done (or partially done) from the SIngapore CWP, or anything else. Done correctly, but it is just not as exciting as drawing. It is SOOOO exasperating to me.

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Thank you! I tried gently guiding her to do the questions, then go back to the coloring. I'll just keep trying!


I would find 4 pages to be a lot to complete at one time for a 4 year old.

Just sayin'!


LOL...4 pages is what I restrain her to. She would do twice as many if I let her! The same thing happens w/math as well. I have to stop before she's ready to stop as lessons can go for an hour if I don't.

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LOL...4 pages is what I restrain her to. She would do twice as many if I let her! The same thing happens w/math as well. I have to stop before she's ready to stop as lessons can go for an hour if I don't.


I love it! :tongue_smilie:

Edited by MissKNG
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She's enjoying the "Mommy-time!":001_wub:


Go along with it as long as you have the time to give!


I have a child like this, and allowing the coloring of monsters will help slow the pace. Maybe set a time for seatwork and move on to something else she can do with you.


One trick up my sleeve is asking my dc to make their own "school work" by tracing letter/number puzzle pieces (Lauri Puzzles:001_smile:) and then creating from there. This takes up a good deal of time, and is actually great fm practice.:D

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My dd wanted one day to work her math problems as a collaborative project with her imaginary classmates. She went into a corner with her math book to confer with "Emma" or "Keira", and then came out with the answer. It made math take about 3x as long as it should have. Unfortunately, I don't have that much time to give her usually. :-(

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LOL...4 pages is what I restrain her to. She would do twice as many if I let her! The same thing happens w/math as well. I have to stop before she's ready to stop as lessons can go for an hour if I don't.


Hahaha! Today I was trying to nurse the baby and shouting to my 5 yo in the next room, "STOP doing handwriting! No more pages! What are we going to do if we finish the whole book in one week!?"


Then I realized, I will have to do actual work and make up handwriting/copywork pages for him. :001_huh:


He adores handwriting and math workbooks. It's actually refreshing to work with him after spending 20 minutes trying to convince his older brother that he will survive writing out the answers to all 6 of his math problems.:glare:

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