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Your favorite spelling program


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I can't find a good spelling program. Has anyone ever used the Grammar of Spelling by Logos Press? Does it work and do your kids like doing it?


What spelling program have you used that you would swear by. My girls are not doing that great in spelling. They are 2nd and 5th this year.

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I'm a newbie doing All About Spelling with my 1st grader. We like it. I can customize it to her (she can write the words instead of "building" them with tiles, etc), and it seems to be building a really good foundation. We zoom through certain lessons, and slow down where needed. She'll likely be done with the first book by end of Oct, and then move on to the 2nd.


I would think it'd be a good one to remediate with.

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For struggling spellers, I like "Spelling Plus" since it teaches rules and focuses on the most frequent 1,000 words. It is for up to 6th grade, so you could use it for both. It has a companion book called "Spelling Dictation" if you want sentences that use the words. (Not literary masterpieces, but they jam a lot of the words in per sentence!)

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We love Sequential Spelling. It has been a HUGE hit in our house. I think I'm the one person on this board who absolutely hated All About Spelling, which is what we used last year.


:iagree: You could use it for both of your kids at the same time. Very easy, and it sticks. It did wonders for my "not-so-great" speller. Everyone starts in book 1 and progresses from there, no matter the age. We used a white-board for our daily "tests" and the kids loved it. They improved dramatically after just the first week.

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Rod & Staff spelling is very good. I used it for many years with several children. However, it wasn't a good fit for my son and I preferred to use something secular. Soaring with Spelling has worked very well for him. And I like it because the student does most of the work independently. It is very easy to implement and doesn't take much time. And my kids are learning how to spell.


Susan in TX

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My vote is for the Spalding method. I started with WRTR and then a friend loaned me her copy of SWR. I am using WRTR and just peek into SWR to help me figure out how to implement it. My dsd11 has went from a 4.2 level to a 4.9 level just from learning all the phonograms she never knew!

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We're another AAS family :). Almost done level 1, love that it is basically phonics in reverse, not just random lists of words. That being said, I do sometimes 'second guess' myself, because my little girl can't yet spell 'typical' first grade sight words, it is all very phonetic in level 1, and rule breakers are only introduced in future levels. :)

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I'm a newbie doing All About Spelling with my 1st grader. We like it. I can customize it to her (she can write the words instead of "building" them with tiles, etc), and it seems to be building a really good foundation. We zoom through certain lessons, and slow down where needed. She'll likely be done with the first book by end of Oct, and then move on to the 2nd.


I would think it'd be a good one to remediate with.


Seconding this. Both my kids have done great with this program.

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Guest momk2000

Building Spelling Skills from Christian Liberty Press. We strayed for a while and tried Spelling Power and Sequential Spelling, which were not a good fit for us. We are now back to Building Spelling Skills. :)

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My vote is for the Spalding method. I started with WRTR and then a friend loaned me her copy of SWR. I am using WRTR and just peek into SWR to help me figure out how to implement it. My dsd11 has went from a 4.2 level to a 4.9 level just from learning all the phonograms she never knew!



We just started SWR and love it. The book is a bit confusing to get started, but once you get going, it is open-and-go.

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All About Spelling. Start at the first level and move quickly. I have tried SWO, Logos Spelling (UGG!), Calvert spelling cds, Scott-Foresman Everyday Spelling, Spelling Power, a UK program, EvanMoor Building Spelling Skills Daily Practice, and keeping a spelling notebook. AAS sticks!

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