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Melatonin question

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Just wanted to add that try to get a good brand. I recently tried a new one to me because it was less expensive and it's not working. :glare: Source Naturals is a tried and true brand here. Def. get a time release version.




One thing that is mentioned in a review in the above link is that a woman feels she looks better/younger when getting sleep/taking melatonin. I can attest to that! Def. something to that "getting your beauty sleep".


I take this sublingual if I happen to wake up at night. It helps get me back to sleep quickly.



Edited by mommyjen
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My 15yodd is a similar weight. We recently visited with a sleep specialist and here is what he recommended for her.




  • No napping (big problem here)
  • No light from electronics after supper (TV, computer screen, etc.)
  • At supper, 1/4 mg. melatonin (you'll need a pill cutter)
  • At bedtime, 3mg. melatonin
  • Keep the same wake/sleep schedule weekdays and weekends


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One more thought...


There was a thread recently about having trouble with sleeping through the night. Some shared that the blood sugar drops about 3am which awakens some people. They suggested eating protein before bed or when you awaken in the middle of the night. This is another option you might want to try.

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I read no other replies but wanted to point out that melatonin sometimes can really mess with the mind. If your dd has vivid dreams, hallucinations, etc. (rare, but I had these from melatonin and researched..... it DOES happen) please try Calms Forte and check back here. There are other alternatives. Melatinin my be perfect for her, it wasn't for me.

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I read no other replies but wanted to point out that melatonin sometimes can really mess with the mind. If your dd has vivid dreams, hallucinations, etc. (rare, but I had these from melatonin and researched..... it DOES happen) please try Calms Forte and check back here. There are other alternatives. Melatinin my be perfect for her, it wasn't for me.


I'm glad you found something that works for you! A pp in this thread mentioned that all the other brands of melatonin that she tried did something funky to her except the SN brand. I have used SN with amazing results for quite some time, but recently switched to a cheaper brand and began having restless sleep with disturbing dreams. So, I'm going back to my tried and true tonight and hoping to get some good sleep!

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I second the recommendation for the Source Natural brand. I've used many brands and this one has been the best. Some of the others either didn't work or gave me night terrors.


I had no idea it could be brand related. Melatonin really helped me pull regular hours, but I was on edge and could remember lingering unsettling dreams. My sister takes it nearly every night and isn't bothered. I didn't give my oldest melatonin because she did suffer from night terrors.

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I work in sleep. I was just at a conf. where melatonin was discussed. It is not regulated and while one pill in the bottle may be three mg the next pill may be 10 the next 4 the next something else. This study was done for years with multibrands


I beg you to go and talk to a sleep specialist dr and get to the roots of the problem. Please remember that teens have a hormone change going on and become night owls. If it is waking up at night finding out what is causing that is the bigger issues and not stopping the body from doing what it was designed to so and protect you by waking you up. While I am not against sleep aids I think first finding out what is causing this issue is better medicating an unknown problem (sleeplessness being the result)

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I work in sleep. I was just at a conf. where melatonin was discussed. It is not regulated and while one pill in the bottle may be three mg the next pill may be 10 the next 4 the next something else. This study was done for years with multibrands


I beg you to go and talk to a sleep specialist dr and get to the roots of the problem. Please remember that teens have a hormone change going on and become night owls. If it is waking up at night finding out what is causing that is the bigger issues and not stopping the body from doing what it was designed to so and protect you by waking you up. While I am not against sleep aids I think first finding out what is causing this issue is better medicating an unknown problem (sleeplessness being the result)


Would taking the liquid form of Melatonin be better then? If the pill form seems to be varied in mg?

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I would look at the causes more, if possible, and try other things- you may have, of course, but I just wanted to mention it.

Melatonin is illegal here in Australia. It is a powerful hormone, and there are disputes as to its safety. I did order some from the U.S. a few years ago, and it did really mess me around- night terrors and did not help me sleep, and I felt terrible on it- so it must be powerful. I would rather not mess with a kid's hormonal system except as a last resort.

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Would taking the liquid form of Melatonin be better then? If the pill form seems to be varied in mg?


I think that the reason Source Natural brand is good and often recommended is because they do have better quality control on how much hormone is in the pill. This is why I use the Source Natural brand for 5-HTP (which is a natural precursor to melatonin) also.


(And no, I do not work for Source Natural!)

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Just wanted to add that try to get a good brand. I recently tried a new one to me because it was less expensive and it's not working. :glare: Source Naturals is a tried and true brand here. Def. get a time release version.

Just seeing this and I have been wondering as to why a time-release version is better than a regular one. Is that a time-release one takes longer to kick in and do its job? Wouldn't it make me feel drowsy all day? I have read this before. I'm just not sure as to why.


These are some of the notes that I have:


• Start with 1 mg just before bedtime. Take 2 hours or less before bedtime. If this is not effective, gradually increase dosage. Melatonin dosages vary from individual to individual ~ and most do not need the highest dose. Ease into melatonin in increments. I have read that some have safely taken up to to 20 and even 40 mg :001_huh:. The highest I've taken is 12 mg.

• Do not take melatonin every single night – a few nights a week

• Do not take melatonin during the day.

• When you awaken after melatonin-assisted sleep, you should feel refreshed – not tired or groggy. If you do experience grogginess, reduce the dosage.

• Do not give to children

• If you wake up in the middle of the night, you can take another 1-5 mg.

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I think that the reason Source Natural brand is good and often recommended is because they do have better quality control on how much hormone is in the pill. This is why I use the Source Natural brand for 5-HTP (which is a natural precursor to melatonin) also.

(And no, I do not work for Source Natural!)

I use Source Naturals 5-HTP also and take it sublingually. I don't work for them either. ;)

Since their quality control is good, I am going to assume that all their products are good. I'm always on the search for high-quality supplements at a reasonable price. Thanks for sharing that, Jean. :)

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I work in sleep. I was just at a conf. where melatonin was discussed. It is not regulated and while one pill in the bottle may be three mg the next pill may be 10 the next 4 the next something else. This study was done for years with multibrands


I beg you to go and talk to a sleep specialist dr and get to the roots of the problem. Please remember that teens have a hormone change going on and become night owls. If it is waking up at night finding out what is causing that is the bigger issues and not stopping the body from doing what it was designed to so and protect you by waking you up. While I am not against sleep aids I think first finding out what is causing this issue is better medicating an unknown problem (sleeplessness being the result)


My ds's dr. recommended he take melatonin because the medicine he is going to be taking has the side effect of sleeplessness - something his ADD already causes.

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My son's geneticist recommended melatonin (as did his neurologist in an unconnected conversation).


Generally, it's best to take the lowest effective dose. For many people that is even less than 1 mg. The lower the dose the less potential waking, dream issues, foggy feelings, etc.


My son takes .25 mg. I take .5 to 1 mg. I'm 120 pounds. I do think the optimal dose varies by person but start her low.


I hope it helps!


If melatonin isn't tolerated another thought would be blue blocking glasses to be worn in the evening to stimulate the bodies own melatonin. Some people are very sensitive to light turning off melatonin production. There is quite a bit of research to support this so it's a legitimate option.


On the sleep studies--we've been the sleep specialist route. In my experience unless there is an issue like apnea or restless they aren't really good with helping. Generally if there are major issues like shifted sleep phase or even insomnia without apnea or restless leg they tend to recommend melatonin or similar.


That said, I think anyone with fatigue or unexplained sleep issues should have a sleep study. I had mild apnea and I would never have dreamed it--I don't fit the apnea "profile" or picture at all. My mother had both moderate apnea and restless leg. My son had frequent waking and delayed sleep onset and they had no suggestions. I also had frequent waking and delayed onset as well and while they did have treatment for apnea nothing was suggested for the others. Most aren't aware of/don't test or interpret upper airway resistance syndrome as well. That said, when we treated the apnea the other two went away for me. I went from sleeping 10 + hours a night and still struggling with fatigue to waking without an alarm clock refreshed with 8 hours of sleep. At any rate, it's worth a sleep study if what you try doesn't help.

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