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Best trick to removing cat urine smell from carpet

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I suspect my cat has a UTI, so we are going to the vet tomorrow. Today is the first day I've actually caught her urinating outside of the litterbox; however, I've been trying to clean the urine from the playroom carpet for 3 days. Since we have 2 cats, I wasn't sure which one was peeing there until today.


What have you found to be the best thing to eliminate urine smell from carpeting aside from replacing the carpet?

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Remove carpet. Discard carpet. Remove pad underneath. Discard pad. Paint some sort of silver paint over soiled area (they will know at a paint store). Replace pad and carpet.


This is why we don't have indoor cats. :glare: You just can't get that smell out. I've been to people's houses who swear that they got the smell out.


They did not.

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Remove carpet. Discard carpet. Remove pad underneath. Discard pad. Paint some sort of silver paint over soiled area (they will know at a paint store). Replace pad and carpet.


This is why we don't have indoor cats. :glare: You just can't get that smell out. I've been to people's houses who swear that they got the smell out.


They did not.


I agree. The best you can do if you are not willing to do this is try an enzyme cleaner and then follow up with a regular shampoo/steam cleaning.

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Remove carpet. Discard carpet. Remove pad underneath. Discard pad. Paint some sort of silver paint over soiled area (they will know at a paint store). Replace pad and carpet.


This is why we don't have indoor cats. :glare: You just can't get that smell out. I've been to people's houses who swear that they got the smell out.


They did not.

:iagree: Even if you get the smell out of the carpet, it's in the pad and the flooring underneath.

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Remove carpet. Discard carpet. Remove pad underneath. Discard pad. Paint some sort of silver paint over soiled area (they will know at a paint store). Replace pad and carpet.


This is why we don't have indoor cats. :glare: You just can't get that smell out. I've been to people's houses who swear that they got the smell out.


They did not.






I just realized my cat peed on our love seat. It's at the dump and the cat is now an outdoor cat (he was already an in-outdoor cat, so no biggy.) UGH!

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This is what you need to understand about enzyme cleaners:


they need time to work. It's not a 'wipe on, wipe off' thing. Saturate with the cleaner, cover with plastic or with a damp towel & give it time for the enzymes to break the stain down. You may need to do repeat applications.


Black light will help you find the areas which need treating. (& you've probably always wanted a black light, right? It's a homeschool supply, really. Think of the science stuff you'll be able to do with it.....).


I disagree that it's impossible to get the smell out. It's not. Be persistent, & use the black light to track down where it's coming from.


Hope your kitty is feeling better soon. UTI's are not fun for anyone.


Once she's better, consider changing to a wet food as dry food is implicated in increased dehydration & uti. Have a look at vet Dr. Lisa Pierson's site

http://catinfo.org/ for info about why a dry diet is not so good.....

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I have a book "Haley's Cleaning Hints" that has saved my carpets several times.


Now first a disclaimer....our pet accident involved our dog. I know it's different from a cat but the recipe is titled:


Pet Accident Recipe

1 cup of hydrogen peroxide to 1 tbsp of baking soda. Add 1tsp of dish soap and stir well. Apply the solution to the area with a sponge. Let it dry and vacuum. Because of it's volatility it loses it's effectiveness within a short time.


I was nervous about using this on my dark green carpet because of the peroxide. I thought it might bleach it out. So I would suggest testing it someplace inconspicuous. It worked find on 2 different types of carpet in my house without bleaching it out.


I finally went ahead and used it because after repeated cleaning and shampooing it still smelled horrible and my mind set was "the carpet is ruined anyway".


Good luck.

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