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How do you cut off the binding of a book?


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Grab an exacto knife and a metal ruler...or a wood ruler w/metal edge. Lay the workbook flat on a cutting board, hold the ruler steady with one hand right at the spine, and then cut down the length of the ruler. It takes a few cuts down to reach the last pages, but a good sharp knife will make very nice straight edges...and doing it slowly by hand means the binding comes off evenly. (I've seen a few posts venting about Staples or some other store ruining wb pages b/c they cut too much off.;))


It's quick and easy....faster than driving to Staples or Office Max imho.

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If you go to Staples or Kinko's or somewhere like that, they can also drill the pages for a three-ring binder for you.


... and sometimes you have people who don't know what they're doing and drill holes in the WRONG SIDE of HALF of your MOH book that cost you $50....:cursing::cursing: (It's happened more than once.)


Next time I'm going to try it myself with an exacto knife. I have control issues when it comes to doing things RIGHT.

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If you go to Staples or Kinko's or somewhere like that, they can also drill the pages for a three-ring binder for you. Then you can put the book(s) into a binder and put the cover in the pocket on the front. Your life will never be the same. ;)



I do this to all my large books--student workbooks as well as just about anything else. :-)


However, I only take my books to Kinko's for that, because the others in my area (Staples and Office Depot) don't have the equipment to drill holes all in one fell swoop; they have to do a few pages at a time, and I feel awful taking in 6" worth of books for them to drill, lol.

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