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I did it...(MCT)


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So, I've joined the MCT bandwagon :tongue_smilie:.


I spent hours at the RFWP booth this weekend and asked dozens of questions as I perused the books. Then I'd walk away and think and go back and ask more questions...the man working the booth (Tom?) was so patient and helpful.


Essay Voyage is what really convinced me. My 6th grader and 9th grader will both be going through that.

The 6th grader will do the rest of the Voyage series, my 3rd grader will start with Island, and all three girls will start the first poetry book together, but I expect the older girls will get through the series faster. (It was really nice to be able to ask Tom questions and get help placing my girls.)

Wow...those poetry books are beautiful~ I expect I'll be learning a lot from those books too!


O.k., so off to join the yahoo group where I'm sure I'll ask more questions!

Having used Rod & Staff for the past 8 years, I'm kind of nervous switching to something soooo different.

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The discussions on the yahoo group have been really great too. It's neat hearing people discuss their viewpoints on specific grammar issues :) You may want to read over the past couple days of posts as well.


Enjoy the curriculum! Glad you had a good experience at the conference (and sounds like MCT will be speaking at Greenville in March!).

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Welcome to the club or is it the boat or is it the hummer? :lol:


We just finished Island level. I will be doing Town level w/ my 5th grader and treading water with my 2nd grader who isn't ready for Town level writing but should do fine w/ the grammar and poetry.



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I finally got ours! I bought Town and Voyage levels used, just in case we didn't like them as well as expected.


We are LOVING them. My 5th grader is learning more about grammar in the 2 weeks we've been using MCT than he got from 2 years of Easy Grammar/Daily Grams. The concepts are presented in such an engaging manner.


I'm thrilled. :)

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My 5th grader is learning more about grammar in the 2 weeks we've been using MCT than he got from 2 years of Easy Grammar/Daily Grams.


This is what amazed me too! Only in our case it was two years of Hake for one kid and one year of GWG for the other.

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I finally got ours! I bought Town and Voyage levels used, just in case we didn't like them as well as expected.


We are LOVING them. My 5th grader is learning more about grammar in the 2 weeks we've been using MCT than he got from 2 years of Easy Grammar/Daily Grams. The concepts are presented in such an engaging manner.


I'm thrilled. :)


Cindy, this is what I discovered last year. It was a bit of a shocker to find out after 300+ pages of Easy Grammar that my son didn't know what a preposition was. Oh, he had the list memorized, but he didn't understand what they were or how they were used. When we finished the preposition part in Grammar Voyage, his comment was, "Oh! That's easy. Why didn't they (meaning Easy Grammar) just say that?" It took us three pages and two days. Now that is easy.

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My 5th grader is learning more about grammar in the 2 weeks we've been using MCT than he got from 2 years of Easy Grammar/Daily Grams. The concepts are presented in such an engaging manner.




I have learned more than I seemed to have been taught in my 14 years at a hoity toity private school (I am not even going to talk about college) with my 2 years of MCT. Luckily, we found MCT at the right time for the kids, so I don't get to have any of those "OH! That's what all that was about" moments that some of you have. ;) It's pretty cool!

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Cindy, this is what I discovered last year. It was a bit of a shocker to find out after 300+ pages of Easy Grammar that my son didn't know what a preposition was. Oh, he had the list memorized, but he didn't understand what they were or how they were used. When we finished the preposition part in Grammar Voyage, his comment was, "Oh! That's easy. Why didn't they (meaning Easy Grammar) just say that?" It took us three pages and two days. Now that is easy.


I have learned more than I seemed to have been taught in my 14 years at a hoity toity private school (I am not even going to talk about college) with my 2 years of MCT. Luckily, we found MCT at the right time for the kids, so I don't get to have any of those "OH! That's what all that was about" moments that some of you have. ;) It's pretty cool!



SO TRUE (what both of you wrote). My dh has a copy of Grammar Town, Paragraph Town, and Sentence Island in his office. He has commented repeatedly the past few years that he is appalled at the lack of foundational grammar skills he hears and sees (in writing) of the folks at his firm. He has taken to bringing his MCT with him to working group meetings and 'teaching.' He has told me that in many instances, he can 'see' the light bulb go 'on' over some heads! :D

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SO TRUE (what both of you wrote). My dh has a copy of Grammar Town, Paragraph Town, and Sentence Island in his office. He has commented repeatedly the past few years that he is appalled at the lack of foundational grammar skills he hears and sees (in writing) of the folks at his firm. He has taken to bringing his MCT with him to working group meetings and 'teaching.' He has told me that in many instances, he can 'see' the light bulb go 'on' over some heads! :D


How fun! Ok, I admit it...I'm learning, too! And I've been masquerading as a writer!

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How fun! Ok, I admit it...I'm learning, too! And I've been masquerading as a writer!


:iagree: Oh, yes........I would have to admit that what I didn't learn from my 8th grade English teacher (I've written about her here in the past - she was amazing and formidable), I have learned from MCT.


My dh has become a huge fan of MCT.

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I keep looking at this but am afraid to really research.....I fear becoming a curriculum hopper. :p


I understand your hesitation. I am devoted to Shurley Grammar and don't plan to drop that. We love the question/answer flow & jingles. I love the scripted TM.


The Island series is a nice supplement. Others use it alone for LA.


So adding MCT to what you're already committed to won't make you a curriculum hopper. :)


Warning: If you join the MCT yahoo group, there is no turning back. You'll love having Michael as your resident grammar tutor. He's wonderful.


My girls & I are just dipping our toes into the Island materials this summer. Dd 7 loves what she sees. Dd 6 is just along for the ride.


Down the road we will use the CC English materials, Essentials Of The English Language, which I can already tell will dovetail nicely with MCT.


Does that help? :)

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