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Gift Basket for the New Homeschool Mom

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My sister will be homeschooling her 10th & 8th grade boys and her 6th grade daughter... YIPPEE! :hurray: I'd like to mail her a great big huge and wonderful gift basket filled with all kinds of necessary and not so necessary school goodies. I'm thinking supplies, gift certificates etc.

She is a teacher, has read the WTM years ago and I think she is leaning towards K12

What would YOU toss in that box?!?

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What a nice sister, and what a great idea for a new homeschool mom.


I would throw in a couple of my favorite curriculum catalogs, a box of cinnamon tea, some gift certificates (Barnes and Noble, Staples, Panera (big kids around here love to have school at Panera)), some nice pens and pencils (I am a fan of the Bic Liquid Expresso pens:)), and maybe a pizza gift card for those days that don't go as planned and dinner doesn't get made.


I am sure she will appreciate your thoughtfulness and encourgement.

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Index cards....I never thought I'd use them very much, but I use them for everything!

Those smelly pencils....I cant remember what they are called


The Old Schoolhouse magazine

Nice pen for her to use

Cute t-shirt with something about homeschooling on it (cafepress.com)

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a timer

a date stamp

extra printer ink

a blank book to use as a journal (maybe put in a few of your favorite inspirational HSing quotes)

a "coupon book" for those difficult days. (i.e science=take a nature walk, history=watch a favorite movie, english=write a poem about someone in the family, maths=make a double (or triple :D ) batch of your favorite cookies, etc.)

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