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Do you have a weather emergency plan?

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We were awakened at about 4:30 by a big thunderstorm and tremendous winds. Soon after, the power went out. And within about two minutes we were huddled in the guest bathroom tub, because the emergency sirens were going off. But because of the wind we couldn't hear what the warning was for, and we had no electricity to check the web or radio.


Scary huddling in the dark in a bathtub with your children, wondering when the tornado is going to plow through your house!


Turned out it wasn't a tornado but 90 mph winds. Our "Binford 2000" grill was turned upside down and our teak patio furniture is scattered about like pick-up sticks. Bud finally went into the garage and listened on the car radio to make sure we were all clear.


This is the second siren we've had in one week. The first time was a real tornado. We are already getting a new roof because of the hail damage a month or so ago. I'm afraid it's going to be a bad tornado season.


Note to self: get batteries for the portable radio.

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Scary huddling in the dark in a bathtub with your children wondering when the tornado is going to plow through your house!





That's our plan!! Except we huddle in our hallway.


Dh did go out yesterday and purchase a nifty weather radio with built in flashlight. The monster may be approaching us this evening. We'll see.

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some of the storms coming through here have been pretty bad lately, and I thought about getting a small bin to put in the spare bathroom (our emergency shelter). I'm thinking of putting in a flashlight or two, a glow stick for DS and a radio with fresh batteries, but I haven't done it yet.


I'm the worlds worst procrastinator!

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Just as I was clicking to open this thread, our weather alert radio went off warning us of a Tornado Warning until 11pm tonight. I am so thankful that we bought it.


If it goes to a Warning, dh or I grabs the crank radio and a cell phone and we gather in the center hallway with the kids and wait to hear the all clear from the weather radio. Usually, the older kids grab blankets and pillows on their way to the hall. My dd's mantra (she's our worrier) while we huddle in the hall is "This house has been here for 60 years. This house has been here for 60 years." LOL!


We also have a 72 hour kit and packed backpacks with camping supplies and food and water in case of an evacuation.

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Last night during the tornado watch we had the news on and they listed some safety tips and one was to put bike helmets on the kids. I laughed at first but they thought it might not be that bad an idea.


What do you think? I HATE HATE HATE the fact we don't have a storm shelter or basement, so whatever I can do to help keep them safe, kwim?

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I already told DH I am ready to move back north where it's safe. :scared:


My dd would be happy to accompany you. :D


So far, dh and I feel very at home here in Dixie. The tornadoes, fire ants, giant wasps, rattle snakes, and 100 degree summers take a little getting used to, though. ;)


I like the bike helmet idea. I wonder if my dd would find it comforting or if it would push her over the edge worry-wise.:confused:

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My dd would be happy to accompany you. :D


So far, dh and I feel very at home here in Dixie. The tornadoes, fire ants, giant wasps, rattle snakes, and 100 degree summers take a little getting used to, though. ;)


I like the bike helmet idea. I wonder if my dd would find it comforting or if it would push her over the edge worry-wise.:confused:


DO not go there with snakes. There are NO snakes in Arkansas. NONE. I wondered if the helmets would cause them to be more scared? Especially if they saw me with one on :lol:

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And within about two minutes we were huddled in the guest bathroom tub, because the emergency sirens were going off.


The bathtub is our plan, too. And we all know exactly which one.


When my sister's home was destroyed by a tornado back in February, both of her bathtubs remained standing. Actually, both of the bathrooms were virtually untouched. Her mirrors weren't even broken, and the rest of the house was pretty much gone.

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Last night during the tornado watch we had the news on and they listed some safety tips and one was to put bike helmets on the kids. I laughed at first but they thought it might not be that bad an idea.


What do you think? I HATE HATE HATE the fact we don't have a storm shelter or basement, so whatever I can do to help keep them safe, kwim?


We use motorcycle helmets!!!!

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We need a better plan after that storm last night. The part of our fence that didn't go down in one of the last storms went down last night. At one point, my dh looked out the window. I know, not bright, but I didn't raise him. ;) He said he couldn't see anything. Egad.


We have no bathrooms on inside walls. The best place for us to huddle is in the pantry. And, we don't all fit there. I need to get all of our emergency stuff into one place. This was a good reminder to get that done.

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Our neighborhood was hit by a small tornado last night. Damage next door and right behind us. It was a scary night! Literally felt the house shake.


Our safe room is the 'radar room' (aka homeschool closet), named after our former dog, Radar. It's under the stairwell. Tight fit for 6 DCs, myself, and our dog.

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The bathtub is our plan, too. And we all know exactly which one.


When my sister's home was destroyed by a tornado back in February, both of her bathtubs remained standing. Actually, both of the bathrooms were virtually untouched. Her mirrors weren't even broken, and the rest of the house was pretty much gone.


Wow! That's comforting - in a really scary way!


I remember when that happened. Are they doing well?

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Yes, they are doing pretty well. They are in the process of rebuilding their home, complete with a tornado shelter. :001_smile:


Thanks for asking, Amy!


That's great, Jackie. Wish we had space (and DH would agree!) to a tornado shelter. In places where basements are not the norm, I wish a shelter would be an option when building a home.

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DO not go there with snakes. There are NO snakes in Arkansas. NONE. I wondered if the helmets would cause them to be more scared? Especially if they saw me with one on :lol:


:smilielol5: This has me cracking up! I thought of you having all of your kids lined up to get their helmets on (and wondering if you could get them all on before the tornado), but then the picture of you wearing one sent me over the laughing edge....


Thanks--I needed that :lol:.

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That's great, Jackie. Wish we had space (and DH would agree!) to a tornado shelter. In places where basements are not the norm, I wish a shelter would be an option when building a home.


I wish we had one, too.


We're thinking about it more and more, but I'm not sure it will ever be a reality for us.

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If I remember correctly, you live near me, so that must have been the same storm that had US huddled in the bathroom the other night. We're out where there are no sirens, but everyone I've talked to said the same thing -- they couldn't hear the sirens over the storm.


My emergency plan? Seriously? Pray. I sincerely do not believe that there is a single safe place in our house during tornado weather. It is a very, very helpless feeling because there is really NOTHING we can do.


Perhaps we should dig a shelter.....

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Katherine, yes, we're just up the road a bit.


And if the storm hadn't woken me up, we wouldn't have heard the siren. Bud was sleeping soundly and I had to wake him up. The wind was so loud!


You're right about the praying, that's for sure. You kind of feel like a sitting duck in that situation, huh?

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We do.


The boys know what to do in case of emergency. We grab the mattresses from their beds and huddle in their bathroom. We also have batteries, flashlights and water, which we just replenished.


Tornadoes and hurricanes are some scary stuff. We have already decided that we will stay put if it's a 3 (hurricane) or less.

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We have a storm cellar, but it leaks terribly and is apparently the favorite hangout of every black widow in our county. The other night the sirens went off twice (at 11:30 and again at 12:15), and dh and I debated whether or not we should get the kids up. He took the flashlight and took a peek inside -- there were a bunch of spiders in there and about an inch of water on the floor (it's a tiny little storm cellar -- 5x7 and only 5 feet deep, so not even standing room).


We ended up not getting the kids out of bed -- which was probably a really stupid thing to do.


(Which reminds me -- tomorrow I need to get down in there and clean it all out in case we have another warning!)

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My plan was to move to Michigan, where there are very few tornadoes. And even then, we have a basement.




Seriously, I stressed a great deal in Texas, because our house really had no safe area. The best we could do was the hallway, which was where the gas furnace was. I never felt safe there. I will never again buy a house in Texas (or Oklahoma, or Tennessee, etc.) without an excellent storm hiding place.

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I will never again buy a house in Texas (or Oklahoma, or Tennessee, etc.) without an excellent storm hiding place.


So it's still an option. Good to know!


You know you want to live here, don't you? Then I could come to your house and bug you with all my curriculum questions instead of doing it online. You would love it. Love it I tell you!

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TV and weather radios have nothing to do with each other. I'm sure the low-tech, low-cost weather service AM station will keep working.


Our plan: if the A/C goes out, we head to the mall or a friend's house. The most severe weather here is simply the heat. If an earthquake's big enough to be troublesome, it'll be time to go stake out some of that new beachfront property. It's too hot for tornadoes this close to the center of the urban heat zone, and rather too far from an ocean to worry about a hurricane or tsunami, etc. We don't get blizzards, either.


I did grow up in West Texas, though. So I sympathize. Except when it's 118 in the shade. Right about then I'd love a big ol' rainstorm.

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We were awakened at about 4:30 by a big thunderstorm and tremendous winds. Soon after, the power went out. And within about two minutes we were huddled in the guest bathroom tub, because the emergency sirens were going off. But because of the wind we couldn't hear what the warning was for, and we had no electricity to check the web or radio.


Scary huddling in the dark in a bathtub with your children, wondering when the tornado is going to plow through your house!


Turned out it wasn't a tornado but 90 mph winds. Our "Binford 2000" grill was turned upside down and our teak patio furniture is scattered about like pick-up sticks. Bud finally went into the garage and listened on the car radio to make sure we were all clear.


This is the second siren we've had in one week. The first time was a real tornado. We are already getting a new roof because of the hail damage a month or so ago. I'm afraid it's going to be a bad tornado season.


Note to self: get batteries for the portable radio.


Creepy as it may be, it's underground, with 8" walls, good, solid joists above, and an outside access (walk-out basement, built into the hill - LOVE IT!) The kids' old mattresses are stored down there, so they can rest. The food storage is down there, as is all the camping equipment and the utility shut-off valves (water, power). I'd worry about going into our bathroom b/c the trees that surround the house, lovely as they may be, all scare the bejeezus out of me in tornado weather. I don't trust the roof and walls not to collapse on us when one of those puppies comes down!


We were in town yesterday, at the Courthouse, and my phone rang as we left the parking lot. It was DH, telling us that if we aren't at home, we need to get home. Tornados galore headed our way, and a big, nasty land-squall style storm, to boot. I turned on the radio in time to hear a court reporter reporting from the courthouse, where they had *just* herded everybody in the building down into the basement. You know, as scary as it was to be in the car, out in the open, right then, I was also incredibly thankful we didn't end up stuck in the courthouse basement w/ five kids and no snacks or bathroom! We high-tailed it home and hunkered down safe and sound. *whew*

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