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An observation......

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I was thinking about this just earlier today. I think I'm a middle of the road moderate who enjoys viewing an issue from "all the sides". I feel slightly "to the left" in my typical day to day. But, I always end up conservative when I'm in the voting booth. I guess that is where our true stripes are revealed.

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You are probably more aware of just how much of a continuum there really is. As well as the fact that if someone hits a certain point on the continuum on one topic, it doesn't mean that they hit the same point on the continuum on another topic.


:iagree: Just for fun, you should joining a heavily liberal board. I'm a liberal or conservative only by comparison to other people.

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:iagree: Just for fun, you should joining a heavily liberal board. I'm a liberal or conservative only by comparison to other people.


Isn't this the truth!!!! My liberal friends think I'm near amish, and my conservative ones think I've lost the way and backslidden! :)

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It's funny, but on this board and in life, I don't know if I'm conservative or liberal. I used to be so sure.....


I know how you feel. I used to be a die hard Republican and super conservative but I feel like I might be changing a bit as I get older because now in some areas I'm getting more liberal but in other areas I'm way more conservative that I used to be. My ideas are so individualized that I don't know if I could call myself either a liberal or conservative.

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I know how you feel. I used to be a die hard Republican and super conservative but I feel like I might be changing a bit as I get older because now in some areas I'm getting more liberal but in other areas I'm way more conservative that I used to be. My ideas are so individualized that I don't know if I could call myself either a liberal or conservative.


This is me to a T. I'm either a seriously confused individual :D or more openminded to what on the other side.

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It's funny, but on this board and in life, I don't know if I'm conservative or liberal. I used to be so sure.....


I don't know either. I'm too liberal for the conservatives, and too conservative for the liberals. I hate that every aspect of life seems to be divided into these two categories, and everyone seems to need to know which one you are on all of them. Because if you're not 100 percent, then you don't fit in with "them".

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I know exactly how you feel. I use to know too. It's a lot harder to separate things into nice even "us" and "them" boxes once you get to know "them" and they start making well reasoned sense.


Steve Demme was talking at our homeschool conference recently. He said one of his sons really struggled with his faith when he went away to college and met liberals who were good people. But, frankly, I think Steve sort of missed the point of his own story. I see it as another way that iron sharpens iron, you really have to think about your position when you come up against someone who is intelligent, logical, well-reasoned and moral, but thinks opposite of you.

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I was thinking a few days ago how weird this is for me. Within my religious tradition, I'm probably moderately liberal, but to the rest of the world, I'm very conservative.


That's me to a T.


I have to keep track of the things that I can talk about in front of X, but can't talk about in front of Y, and vice versa.


Unless I'm up for the debate and head shaking from X or Y.

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That's me to a T.


I have to keep track of the things that I can talk about in front of X, but can't talk about in front of Y, and vice versa.


Unless I'm up for the debate and head shaking from X or Y.


There are some things I just don't discuss with my mom, brother, and his wife. They're pretty well convinced I'm half backslid and waaay too liberal. I keep my mouth shut and thank God for His mercy and grace to all of us. It's really hard as I am a pretty straight-forward person, but I've decided since they're incapable of rational discussion, it's just not worth the aggravation to disagree.

OTOH, at university I'm that right-wing nutjob...:D

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I see it as another way that iron sharpens iron, you really have to think about your position when you come up against someone who is intelligent, logical, well-reasoned and moral, but thinks opposite of you.


I agree.


Nothing has done more to help me clarify and fine-tune my political beliefs (and motivate me to stay VERY current on what's happening politically) than the fact that my husband voted for the opposing candidate in this past presidential election. When I say "opposing", I mean the other party's candidate - my husband voted against his/our party affiliation. This came as a complete shock to me as we've always seen eye-to-eye on politics (or so I thought).


He's really swung the pendulum, but I respect him and he has his reasons for taking the positions he does. So...it's made for many very interesting (and quite heated) discussions these last 18 months. And since I don't like to lose arguments, I have to be prepared and know what I'm talking about... ;)


For the most part, this has strengthened my position, but I've adopted a more moderate view in 1-2 areas. Definitely keeps things interesting! :D

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