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Oh, my poor child

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We bought some school supplies yesterday. Dd decided to sharpen some pencils. She stopped and said the sharpener needs to be emptied, and walked into the kitchen. I figured she had given up and would empty the shavings container the next time she needed a pencil.


No, she has drug the trashcan from the kitchen to the pencil sharpener which is in the living room. Now she is dragging the can back.

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We bought some school supplies yesterday. Dd decided to sharpen some pencils. She stopped and said the sharpener needs to be emptied, and walked into the kitchen. I figured she had given up and would empty the shavings container the next time she needed a pencil.


No, she has drug the trashcan from the kitchen to the pencil sharpener which is in the living room. Now she is dragging the can back.


My husband worked with a nurse who once told her 21 year old daughter to make supper for the family. The menu included corn muffins. The directions for the corn muffins said:



Mix by hand.


When the mother got home her daughter said, "Mom, I enjoyed making supper for the family, but mixing those muffins by hand was so messy." :001_huh: Yes, she used her HAND.




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My husband worked with a nurse who once told her 21 year old daughter to make supper for the family. The menu included corn muffins. The directions for the corn muffins said:



Mix by hand.


When the mother got home her daughter said, "Mom, I enjoyed making supper for the family, but mixing those muffins by hand was so messy." :001_huh: Yes, she used her HAND.








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We bought some school supplies yesterday. Dd decided to sharpen some pencils. She stopped and said the sharpener needs to be emptied, and walked into the kitchen. I figured she had given up and would empty the shavings container the next time she needed a pencil.


No, she has drug the trashcan from the kitchen to the pencil sharpener which is in the living room. Now she is dragging the can back.


Well, that makes sense to me.


We have the wall-mounted kind of sharpener and it is much neater to move the garbage can to the sharpener...

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OMGOSH!!!! I am laughing outloud!!!!


My husband worked with a nurse who once told her 21 year old daughter to make supper for the family. The menu included corn muffins. The directions for the corn muffins said:



Mix by hand.






When the mother got home her daughter said, "Mom, I enjoyed making supper for the family, but mixing those muffins by hand was so messy." :001_huh: Yes, she used her HAND.






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Yes, she used her HAND.



Sometimes, I prefer mixing by hand. Some things are just easier that way.


No, she has drug the trashcan from the kitchen to the pencil sharpener which is in the living room. Now she is dragging the can back.


My son always does things the hardest possible way. I find that I have to teach him how to do it.


Actually, my daughter does sometimes too. I have a hamper in the kitchen and asked my daughter to sort the clothing. She picked up one item, walked it over to the middle of the room, and dropped it into the proper pile. Then she walked back to the hamper, got another item, walked it over to the middle of the room...you get the picture. She wasn't even grabbing the top items in the hamper. Fifteen minutes later, she had only done half the pile.

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We bought some school supplies yesterday. Dd decided to sharpen some pencils. She stopped and said the sharpener needs to be emptied, and walked into the kitchen. I figured she had given up and would empty the shavings container the next time she needed a pencil.


No, she has drug the trashcan from the kitchen to the pencil sharpener which is in the living room. Now she is dragging the can back.


:blushing: I'm ashamed to say, this sounds like something *I* might do! I find myself watching with fascination when someone does something "the easy way". Why didn't I think of that?!


Common sense is just not my forte :D.

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sometimes i think i am raising amelia bedelia here with my dd's literal take on things.

That is it exactly. Amelia Bedelia.


The sharpener is electric and sitting on a shelf. When she got done I looked at her and she shrugged her shoulders then said, "I don't know."

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