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Medical question about 10 yr dd - help please - female content

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I took 10 yr dd to the ped. today for a urinalysis because I thought she might have a UTI. It was negative. She has had urges to go, can't really go and it burns a bit. She even has had a few little accidents because she couldn't get to the bathroom in time. It upsets her a great deal. She also has been having upper back pain - like between her shoulder blades. The upper back pain gets so bad sometimes she lays down and wants to cry. It goes away quickly but it has been coming and going for a few months now. The dr. brushed off our concerns and sent us home.:glare: This was the second time I've mentioned dd having upper back pain and dr. doesn't think its anything. I just have no idea what could possibly be causing her pain. I already know I'm going to look into taking her somewhere else, probably a specialist. I want to at least voice my concerns to someone else and see what they say. Does anyone here know of anything that could cause these problems? I think the upper back pain is throwing me since you usually hear of UTI problems having lower back pain. TIA!

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I would go to a urologist just in case it is more than a UTI not being picked up on by the pee test. I mean, if it waddles and quacks like a duck....it is a duck.


My take is if a kid is in pain the doctor needs to find out WHY.

Edited by JFSinIL
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While waiting to see a specialist:


I'd maybe address the back pain individually at first--new pillow, flip the mattress (or replace if old), maybe a chiropractor.


My daughter was having back pain between the shoulder blades and a few trips to the chiro took care of her. When I checked things out for my son and his pain I realized he was still using the mattress I bought when I graduated from college.


I'd also start her on cranberry juice--my kids like the white better.

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Years ago someone I worked with had back pain and similar symptoms. It turned out to be an infection - I'm thinking it was kidney, but that doesn't necessarily make sense. I think they even gave her IV antibiotics to get the infection under control. Definitely go to another doctor!

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I really hope they sent off the urine for a culture. My dh had a UTI that went untreated for 3 weeks because 1. It didn't show up in the office. 2. Whatever bacteria is causing it was a difficulty to culture. After a couple attempts the dr. said well it looks like a UTI so we are going to treat it like a UTI. And he put my dh on a broad spectrum antibiotic (cipro). Knocked it out in a couple days.


I would be QUITE angry if a dr did nothing when my 10 yr old is having problems like this. Did the dr examine her? When my dd was small she passed blood in her urine, but showed no sign of a UTI in the urinalysis. The second time we took her to the dr, they examined her and found some adhesions that caused it. If the first dr. had simply examined her we would have known what was going on!


I'd bet that the urinary symptoms and the back pain are unrelated; Go to another doctor. Doctors that brush parents concerns off REALLY get on my nerve. I am not a medical expert, but I AM the expert on my children.

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I'm definately finding a new dr. We've been patients for six years and have never had a problem. She's been great, but she really just doesn't seem to think there is a problem now. I think there is and after the last few days of bathroom trouble my mom radar is going off. I found out there are only two pediatric urologists within an hours drive and I'm waiting to hear if either can work us in soon. I was just wondering if anyone else had dc who might have had same problems. Dr. did say she would send the sample off for futher testing so we'll see. I just got really angry that she blew off the back pain again.

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If a Dr blew off my kid being in serious pain I would be done with them.


I agree.


And the symptoms you described, including the back pain, do mean something. I'm just having a really hard time remembering what it was right now.


See another doctor.

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You may want to pick up some cranberry juice. Ime, it's fantastic for UTIs. Chug some and the infection clears up. All the same, when younger people get infections dehydration is a HUGE issue. Make sure she drinks lots of fluids (she'll want to avoid that, so she won't have to urinate as often, do not let her do that, it will only make the infection worse).

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