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Everyone's OK but drunk driver totalled DH's parked car last night

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No one is hurt, thank God!


After midnight, a drunk driver hit DH's parked car so hard the car was pushed about 6 feet up onto the curb. The rear axle snapped, the gas tank ruptured (full tank of gas), the whole side is smashed in.


The drunk driver then went up on Mr. Grumpypants lawn & tore it up a bit, continued onto the next neighbor's lawn where he snapped a maple sapling in half. He got caught on the stump for a bit but rocked his car off. He continued back onto the street, swiped 2 more cars doing "minor damage" and then drove to the next block and pulled into his garage and locked himself in.


Dear mr. unsinkable was out taking the dog for a walk so he missed the initial excitement but after about 15 minutes I paged him to home. He probably got quite a shock when he turned the corner onto our block & saw mutiple police cars & a fire truck in front of our house along with about 20 neighbors.


Another neighbor was watching his cat go potty :confused::D:confused: and witnessed the whole thing.


I learned about car diapers (similar to meat diapers). The tow truck guy showed us these pads he has that soak up only petroleum products that he used to soak up the gas that was leaking onto his truck. That was pretty cool.


I was struck with bouts of inappropriate laughter during the whole incident. It seemed so surreal. I had gone to bed with a migraine and DS woke me up b/c he was still awake and had heard the whole thing.


In the light of day, it still seems bizarre!


ETA: The driver was arrested. DH saw him cuffed on his own front lawn.

Edited by unsinkable
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Please say they arrested the culprit. That is awful!


When I was a kid, we had a drunk man and two underage girls in a car run over our tree and into our front porch in the middle of our block. I still remember the chaos, even though I was only 4.

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Holy cow.


I'm glad no-one was hurt -- but I can't help feeling a bit of schadenfreude over Mr. Grumpypants lawn.


Yeah. I mean, that's awful, and a massive pain in the butt for you guys, and I'm really sorry. But......I want to laugh my head off about Mr. Grumpypants's lawn! I don't believe in karma, and certainly it wouldn't have totaled your car, but really - I wish I could have seen his face! :lol:

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I'm so glad that your kids weren't hit. :grouphug:


We had a mentally/behaviorally(?) challenged neighbor who took a joy ride in his sister's car early one morning while she was gone. He hit our parked truck. We live on a one-way loop, so he couldn't have been going very fast. I think the only reason he rang our doorbell at 4am was because he accidentally locked the keys in his car . :lol: Poor kid.

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Nothing really. We called the driver's insurance company twice. The driver hasn't reported the accident and hasn't returned the insurance company's calls so nothing can happen.



But you've reported it and you have the police report (?)...shouldn't that do it :confused:

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Very glad everyone is ok! I'm sorry about the car... I must say I did laugh about your neighbor's lawn though! I hope your insurance company can track down the driver's and get this taken care of for you and DH.

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