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Another Baby Name Thread

What do you think of the baby name, November?  

  1. 1. What do you think of the baby name, November?

    • Yuck! What were you thinking?
    • Awesome! Unique! Love it.
    • Meh. Whatever.
    • The all-important Other.

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I've heard worse (a lot worse!) but nope, don't like it. It just means the ninth month, and you wouldn't call the kid Ninth (would you?). If you like Nova, why not just use that? Autumn or Winter would be much prettier and still reflect when she was born. I like Naomi too though


November Rain reminds me of a little girl I know called Ruby Tuesday.

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I like the name November. I even prefer it to Naomi.. and April and May for that matter.


I don't think you should put too much weight on what other people say. I have met people who love and people who strongly dislike the name I have given my middle ds. It doesn't matter either way. I love it and it suits him.


Also, a creative child will find a way to tease someone about their name no matter what it is.

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I've heard worse (a lot worse!) but nope, don't like it. It just means the ninth month, and you wouldn't call the kid Ninth (would you?). If you like Nova, why not just use that? Autumn or Winter would be much prettier and still reflect when she was born. I like Naomi too though


November Rain reminds me of a little girl I know called Ruby Tuesday.


That's what bugs me the most about it. I like their names to mean something nice. When naming our other children we always picked one family name and one biblical/hebrew name. This is neither!

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I don't think Nova is all that terrible. I kind of like it actually but it does remind me of the Chevy.


I don't like it for a nickname for November - they seem like two different names. I kind of like November too.


What about Noie or Noey as a nickname for November?


Can you share you other daughters' names?

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I'll post my girls' names, but I'll probably edit them out in a day or two. Internet privacy and all. Eliana Claire and Annika Faith. I love both their names, but especially Eliana.



Wow, they have such gorgeous feminine names, I'd really want your 3rd to go with them. Nova and November just don't really blend well, kwim. How about


Catrina (or the Celtic spelling Catriona),





Ayla (proun. Eye-la or Ay-la)





Edited by 3littlekeets
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I think November is a very pretty name! Nova...not so much. I'd go down swinging over that one, but I really like November.


If *I* were going to name a daughter November I'd try like crazy to convince my husband of Rain for a middle name. :D


My cousin's name is April Dawn. I always thought it sounded Native American. Or Hippie :)



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I'll post my girls' names, but I'll probably edit them out in a day or two. Internet privacy and all. Eliana Claire and Annika Faith. I love both their names, but especially Eliana.


Their names are lyrical and your third daughter deserves one that blends, or she may go through life resenting her sisters' lovely names. November comes so hard on the 'br' sound and it's such a jarring contrast when you say them altogether.



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I thought Mariann's NOVA was for NOrth VA. no?


DH just suggested skipping November and just naming her Nova. lol



I can be so slow! :blush:


I'll post my girls' names, but I'll probably edit them out in a day or two. Internet privacy and all. Eliana Claire and Annika Faith. I love both their names, but especially Eliana.


Beautiful names! No wonder you're stuck. I thought it was hard the second time around! Have you let the kids throw in their ideas? You might find they come up with a name you really like.





PS I LOVE the name Naomi, but DH vetoed it for our second dd. What is up with husbands and Naomi?!

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Yeah, the kids suggestions weren't that great. They suggested the names of people from their reading or friends. So they were all very common names (We like to stay out of the top 10, at least :) ) or names DH and I just don't like. They are having fun coming up with suggestions, though!

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Nova is not a pretty name (I think of the Spanish meaning "doesn't go" and the ugly old Chevy Nova car).


My perception of November is worse, though, as there is a popular local stripper named November Chills. Apparently, she does a special wet t-shirt act. And, she plasters her posters all over the area towns. I'm told her price of $40 for a lap dance is pretty reasonable. Whatever that means. :001_rolleyes:



So... umm.... I'd think I'd go with Naomi.

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Just say no!


This 1844 Thomas Hood poem, November, describes my sentiments exactly:


No sun - no moon!


No morn - no noon -


No dawn - no dusk - no proper time of day.


No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease,


No comfortable feel in any member -


No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,


No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds! -



( http://www.csh.rit.edu/~jerry/november.html )

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For me, there are two strikes against November as a name:


(1) It doesn't fit with the beautiful, flowing, feminine-sounding names of your other two daughters. Naomi, or another feminine name that ends in a vowel, would be a much better match. You could always use November as a middle name (not with Naomi, though).


(2) I think it does conjure up strippers and centerfolds, and I suspect you would get that response a lot more if you were polling a bunch of guys instead of homeschooling moms. Imagine your daughter in college being asked by every. single. guy. she meets at a party or sits next to in class: "Which issue are you in? wink wink" or "Do you have a staple in your navel, heh heh heh" or something equally tiresome and stupid. Imagine kids calling your grown daughter "Miss November," while every middle-aged guy within earshot snickers. With that name, you've pretty much eliminated teaching as a career option! :tongue_smilie:



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I would think it would cause way too much confusion for the girl her whole life, filling out forms, arguing with dippy clerks who just don't get it:


Dd: Here's the form you asked me to fill out.


Clerk: Oh, well, it's asking for your name here, not your birthday.


Dd: That is my name.


Clerk: No, I mean right here (pointing). What is your name.


Dd: November.


Clerk: No, your name!


Dd: My name IS November.


etc, etc, etc. . .


It would be a pretty name, but I just prefer simple names because they're less hassle. :)

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I understand not liking the name DH picks. What we did once when I just could not get used to the name he really wanted, was the name my husband liked became the middle name. How about Naomi November?? Or another first name you like that sounds good with November as the middle name?


But whether we like it or not, the decision should be between you & dh.

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