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Natural Allergy Remedy?

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I am on allergy shots, and am on three meds daily for allergies.


I have "seasonal allergies" but they actually last all year long.


I have had about 3 sinus infections since October.


Gradually, I have been feeling worse and worse. Headache (all around head), fullness feeling in neck, cheek area feels full and warm to touch, nausea, burning feeling in forehead and above ears, dizziness. I feel really hot but no temp.?


My regular doctor doesn't really know what to do for me anymore. I have a meeting with my allergist in about 2 weeks but I don't know what else he can do either. The allergy shots won't even begin working for about 4 more months.

I also have a severely deviated septum and permanent mucus lining on sinus cavities but the ENT won't do anything until I get my allergies under control.


Any natural allergy remedies? Anything to relieve discomfort if even for the moment.


Also, I got my allergy shots today. One shot turned into a hive- a very painful hive that sticks out like a bug bite but covers more area. It feels like a bruise and is still sticking out but a perfectly round hive. I am not sure which allergen was injected into that area though because I get 6 shots at once. Is it dangerous to get a hive or normal?

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What meds are you using? I assume a nasal steroid and antihistamine and? My son got a big boost from adding Singulair to his allergy meds that just weren't enough.


We've tried so much natural and nothing was enough but some were helpful.


We tried neti pots. We still do hepa filters and units, showering anytime anyone comes in from outside and before bed every single time, dust mite proof his room, got rid of pets, etc.


We did a nasal gel to trap pollens called Alergol. We did Quercetin. I think I read about maybe Butterbur but wasn't comfortable with at his age.


Vitamin C in high doses can lower histamine. B12 and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate can also help with allergy control.

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My ds with seasonal allergy issues does MUCH better if we start him on locally produced honey before his allergy season starts, and then keep him on it. His allergies aren't nearly as severe as you're describing though. He loves honey on biscuits, pancakes and such, so it's not difficult to get it in him daily. If his breakfast isn't suited for having honey on it he just takes some on a spoon.

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We love love love NatraBio homeopathic allergy drops. Also love AllerEase liquid by Buried Treasures (it has a mix of EVERYTHING herbal in it and tastes good too!).


Other helpful supplements include a really good omega comple to help reduce the inflammation. And a good probiotic to boost the immune system in general. And RAW LOCAL honey is just awesome for seasonal allergies too.

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Also, for the sinus infections - A neti pot with a drop or two of GFSE (grapefruit seed extract) mixed into the salt water. GFSE is awesome at killing literally everything - bacteria, fungus, AND virus. They also make GFSE nasal spray, but hte neti will get it further into the sinus cavitiies. Also colloidal silver nasal spray is really helpful. The neti is tricky at first, but once you get teh hang of it, man it is amazing - I love mine, sinus infections GONE! I even managed to sell DH on it!

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I've been having acupuncture done for allergies/sinus issues for 7 years now. I go every month (my chiropractor does the acu, so I get an adjustment, too, while I'm there). My allergies weren't as severe as yours, but I was taking decongestants daily for the sinus issues, and since I started with the acu, I haven't taken any prescription or OTC meds. It's worked very well for me, and I sent dh this spring and he had 2 treatments to get him over his spring allergies.

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We did Quercetin.

Vitamin C in high doses can lower histamine. B12 and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate can also help with allergy control.


Gotta second these. The combination of Querceitin/C/BComplex will help lower histamines in the body..


Also, have you been tested for food allergies or sensitivities? A lot of times food issues can lower our immune/allergy responses. Chronic sinus issues are a big red flag for hidden sensitivities.

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Local, seasonal honey. Take a teaspoon a couple or three times a day at first, then just once a day. It needs to be local and from your current season to work well. So summer honey now, fall honey in the fall, etc. It works as a sort of homeopathic cure. There are some bits of pollen in the honey, so your body's immune response is stimulated to help you ward off other, larger allergen attacks.


Have you ever used a Neti pot? It's just a saline rinse for your sinuses. My parents' allergist got them started on it years ago and they got me started. Everyone I've ever gotten to use it has loved it and it has worked wonders for them. It's just a little pot you fill with water and a saline mix. You put the tip of it to one nostril and tip your head and it allows the saline to run through your sinuses, removing pollen and other allergens that may have become trapped there. Then you reverse and do the other side. Most folks don't have to use it that often after they get started with it.

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My sister introduced me to the combo of Bi Yan Pian by Plum Flower Brand and AllerLeaf. It worked marvelously for me two summers ago (Neti Pot & local honey don't do much for me, unfortunately :glare:) but haven't used it since being pregnant/nursing.:(

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OP, I'm just posting to 4th or 5th the local honey idea.


My ds with seasonal allergy issues does MUCH better if we start him on locally produced honey before his allergy season starts, and then keep him on it. His allergies aren't nearly as severe as you're describing though. He loves honey on biscuits, pancakes and such, so it's not difficult to get it in him daily. If his breakfast isn't suited for having honey on it he just takes some on a spoon.

Just thought I'd mention dd's love of peanut butter and honey sandwiches for lunch. If you ds hasn't tried that it might be an option barring peanut allergies.

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What meds are you using? I assume a nasal steroid and antihistamine and? My son got a big boost from adding Singulair to his allergy meds that just weren't enough.


We've tried so much natural and nothing was enough but some were helpful.


We tried neti pots. We still do hepa filters and units, showering anytime anyone comes in from outside and before bed every single time, dust mite proof his room, got rid of pets, etc.


We did a nasal gel to trap pollens called Alergol. We did Quercetin. I think I read about maybe Butterbur but wasn't comfortable with at his age.


Vitamin C in high doses can lower histamine. B12 and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate can also help with allergy control.


I am on Zyrtec, Flonase, and Flovent.

I was on Singular but after a year it stopped working.


Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I love honey so that won't be trouble at all. I'll be looking into all the other suggestions as well.


Thanks :)

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I feel your pain. Literally. I take Allegra, Flonase, Singluair, Zyrtec, and have a prescription eye drop. I have to take both Allegra and Zyrtec because neither last 24 hours and while Zyrtec works better it knocks me out, so I have to take Allegra during the day. I get 4 shots twice a week (8 shots per week). I've been doing this for YEARS. One of the best things I ever discovered though was the Neti Pot. OMG, you need one of these. It's gross to use, but so effective. I use mine in the shower because it's disgusting what comes out of my sinuses and easier to deal with in the shower. I'm not kidding, it will change your life. Get one! I prefer the porcelain kind to the plastic kind WM and CVS sell (they smell weird to me). I got mine at Whole Foods, but you can order porcelain pots on the internet if you can't find one. I've tried the grapefruit oil, but it makes me itch. I have an oral allergy to many fruits (I still eat them) that makes the back of my throat itch for about an hour after I eat them, and unfortunately, grapefruit is one of them. I can handle the back of my throat itching, but it nearly drove me insane to have my sinuses itch.

Best of luck to you. Dh keeps threatening to put me in a bubble.

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I feel your pain. Literally. I take Allegra, Flonase, Singluair, Zyrtec, and have a prescription eye drop. I have to take both Allegra and Zyrtec because neither last 24 hours and while Zyrtec works better it knocks me out, so I have to take Allegra during the day. I get 4 shots twice a week (8 shots per week). I've been doing this for YEARS. One of the best things I ever discovered though was the Neti Pot. OMG, you need one of these. It's gross to use, but so effective. I use mine in the shower because it's disgusting what comes out of my sinuses and easier to deal with in the shower. I'm not kidding, it will change your life. Get one! I prefer the porcelain kind to the plastic kind WM and CVS sell (they smell weird to me). I got mine at Whole Foods, but you can order porcelain pots on the internet if you can't find one. I've tried the grapefruit oil, but it makes me itch. I have an oral allergy to many fruits (I still eat them) that makes the back of my throat itch for about an hour after I eat them, and unfortunately, grapefruit is one of them. I can handle the back of my throat itching, but it nearly drove me insane to have my sinuses itch.

Best of luck to you. Dh keeps threatening to put me in a bubble.[/QUOTE]


Haha. The nurse at the allergist office threatened this after the back test.

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Haha. The nurse at the allergist office threatened this after the back test.


OMG, is that not the worst torture in the world? It's 15-20 minutes of pure agony. I told dh if I were a spy I'd tell everything I know and then start making stuff up just to get that to stop. The last time I had it done, they did 104 tests on my back and 97 of them flared positive. Some so badly they ran into each other and were off the charts. Basically if it grows, moves or produces something, I'm probably allergic to it.

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OMG, is that not the worst torture in the world? It's 15-20 minutes of pure agony. I told dh if I were a spy I'd tell everything I know and then start making stuff up just to get that to stop. The last time I had it done, they did 104 tests on my back and 97 of them flared positive. Some so badly they ran into each other and were off the charts. Basically if it grows, moves or produces something, I'm probably allergic to it.


Lol. That was horrible! A little 3-year old boy at the office the other day was smiling and chatting away and his mom was talking to my mom saying he was getting the back test.


He came out crying and groggy. I felt so bad for him.

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I would find another ENT.


Fixing the deviated septum won't fix all of your problems but will probably make life a lot better. If the sinus passages are blocked by the deviated septum, you can't really effectively treat the allergy issues. Blowing and rinses aren't as productive and leaving the mucus up there just makes you more prone to infections.

Edited by joannqn
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I agree about the locally produced honey. Make sure it is RAW. It won't look like store bought honey but it will taste very, very yummy. My junk food loving son loves to spread it on his toast in the morning. Don't put it in anything too hot or else you'll kill off the enzymes.

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OMG, is that not the worst torture in the world? It's 15-20 minutes of pure agony. I told dh if I were a spy I'd tell everything I know and then start making stuff up just to get that to stop. The last time I had it done, they did 104 tests on my back and 97 of them flared positive. Some so badly they ran into each other and were off the charts. Basically if it grows, moves or produces something, I'm probably allergic to it.


I had the arm test two years ago and they had to give me an injection at the office within 20 minutes of the test. My arm swelled, rash, hives and fever.


I tried the raw honey and had an allergic reaction to it. The doc didn't want to start me on injections because she said "you would react negatively to this treatment."


I have been off daily allergy meds for 18months. I use a neti pot twice daily, shower after coming from outside, increased my activity level, introduced flaxseed oil and gone gluten free. I only have flare ups when the allergens are 10+ at pollen.com.

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