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This sounds really bad....

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I am a camp fan for kids who want to go because kids often need time away from parents as much as parents need some space. It's a good experience to be out of sight of parents at times, and I wouldn't feel guilty for a single second. I love my parents, but I never missed them when I was at camp. Not for a single second. :D Of course, I wasn't 5. I hopre my mother enjoyed the peace, and I wouldn't want her to feel guilty for it.


One thing, re-entry is a pain. Kids are often cranky at first...kids who are ready for camp and go to camps which fit their needs have a blast. It's a very bonding experience in the way normal life is not. The skits, the laughing, the firepits at night...it's all very special. She is going to tell you she likes camp better than being home. It will pass. Although...sometimes I wish I could lose myself in time the way I did when I was a young person at camp. A good camp for a ready child is awesome.


I think it's great that you have some time without attitude or bickering. I'll bet your child enjoyed it as well. You are not the middle child at camp, or the oldest, or the crabby one...you can sort of break away from all of that.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I don't think it sounds bad at all.


My son is heading off to a month-long camp on Sunday. We'll miss him, but we also have a secret list of Things We Can Do When the Kid Isn't Home. Good for everybody involved, I think.


But yes, that re-entry can be a bear.

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My dd (12 yrsold)is coming back from camp today. I've missed her somewhat, but to tell you the truth, it has been SOOOO nice to not have the attitude around here. No arguments, complaining, pouting....sigh....I wish she'd come home and leave the attitude at camp.


Believe me I hear you! All three of mine were at camp this year. First the youngest 2 at the same camp, same week. Then the oldest at the same camp, 2 weeks later. For some reason with 3 kids, you take one of out the mix and everyone gets along better. It doesn't matter which one you take out.


But that re-entry is a bear. We were in the car on the way home both times when I was ready to yell "Don't make me come back there!" It's all back to normal now.

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My dd (12 yrsold)is coming back from camp today. I've missed her somewhat, but to tell you the truth, it has been SOOOO nice to not have the attitude around here. No arguments, complaining, pouting....sigh....I wish she'd come home and leave the attitude at camp.


Truthfully, I don't think it sounds bad -- it sounds realistic. When my dd29 was away at college, there were times when I would see her phone # on Caller ID and just look away. :grouphug:


I think you display tons of mental health with your realistic attitude as opposed to thinking she is going to come home a changed child.:grouphug:

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I just got home from picking my dd 11 up from camp.


It was a horrible ride home.


- sad because she's leaving all her friends


- sad because the friend who was going to ride home with us changed

her plans and rode home with someone else.


- and the kicker ...... "Oh yeah, I lost my retainer 3 days ago." !!!!! :001_huh:

Yes, she threw it in the trash. She realized it right away after she went to her cabin and returned to the cafeteria to get it from the garbage, but it had been emptied. She asked her counselors if she could go dumpster diving to find it. They laughed at her and told her no. She asked if she could call me because it was really important to find and she was sure I'd come and dumpster dive for (she was correct!). Nope they wouldn't let her call me.


So I call the camp halfway home to see if when the trash was picked up cuz I was ready to turn around and go dumpster diving. Nope. Garbage went out on Thursday. :nopity:


Must teach daughter the fine line between disrespect and determination.


I can't tell you how much I wanted that trip home to be a celebration. It was horrible. She was upset. I was upset. The babies all caught our emotions and the 4 yo started chucking trash out of the garbage can in the van. :chillpill:

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I'm not big on the idea of sleepover camp, but I am sending my kids off to camp with my parents for 3 weeks, with me joining them for the final week. I try to send them, sometimes together, sometimes individually, at least 3-4 times per year. It gives all of us well-needed breaks from each other.


I admit I felt like the OP when my ds was 11/12; very relieved to have him gone, and not that anxious to have him back. Now that he is 13 1/2, he is turning into a young man, much less moody and defiant, whose company I truly enjoy. So, there is hope!

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I just got home from picking my dd 11 up from camp.


It was a horrible ride home.


- sad because she's leaving all her friends


- sad because the friend who was going to ride home with us changed

her plans and rode home with someone else.


- and the kicker ...... "Oh yeah, I lost my retainer 3 days ago." !!!!! :001_huh:

Yes, she threw it in the trash. She realized it right away after she went to her cabin and returned to the cafeteria to get it from the garbage, but it had been emptied. She asked her counselors if she could go dumpster diving to find it. They laughed at her and told her no. She asked if she could call me because it was really important to find and she was sure I'd come and dumpster dive for (she was correct!). Nope they wouldn't let her call me.


So I call the camp halfway home to see if when the trash was picked up cuz I was ready to turn around and go dumpster diving. Nope. Garbage went out on Thursday. :nopity:


Must teach daughter the fine line between disrespect and determination.


I can't tell you how much I wanted that trip home to be a celebration. It was horrible. She was upset. I was upset. The babies all caught our emotions and the 4 yo started chucking trash out of the garbage can in the van. :chillpill:




A few yrs ago our youth group had a lock in (dh and I are youth/children's ministry workers). A guest of one of our youth lost her retainer. I helped her dad go through all the trash from that night in our dumpster. I know those things are expensive. I can't imagine that the camp was not more accommodating. That must have been a difficult situation for your dd.

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Oh yeah...right there with ya! DS and DH are coming back today from boyscout camp. dds (17, almost 19) are enjoying the peace and quiet without volcano boy around (he's 13.5). Yesterday they were saying "I wish he could stay longer, it's been so quiet around here". Ha. I informed my oldest, who was a quirky/hyper/volcano child in her day, that when *she* used to go to camp it would be 10x quieter also. So you are not alone!

Kayleen ....in the throes of a major "Sound of Music" production with her dd's (200 kids k-12, VERY big deal, exhausting)

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Oh my goodness! This thread is timed so perfectly--ds12 got home late last night from scout camp...I just saw him this morning and I have been feeling depressed because the vacation is over! Suddenly there is contention and arguing and pestering and crankiness in our home again! I feel bad for saying it, but this week was SO nice!!! (I agree with pp who said it doesn't matter so much which one is gone, but with one out of the mix, things just seem more peaceful....)


Hopefully an afternoon nap will improve the situation at our house!

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