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I chopped off my hair today.

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I'm sure it can be fixed. I did that during the winter - I had JUST.HAD.IT. I could have had an audience with the Pope sooner than I could get a haircut appointment with the person who has been cutting it for years.:glare: (no offense meant.)


She fixed it. it's fine. I know the feeling.:grouphug:

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By yourself!!?? You are one brave woman!!!! I'm sorry you don't think it looks great. I bet a good stylist can fix it for you!


Can you post pictures???



HE**, er I mean heck no. :D I want one place where most people have to guess what I look like. Personally I want to make Peek's or Old Dominion Heather's avatar mine. That way people think I'm sexy and not a 41 year old overweight mother of 4. :tongue_smilie:

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HE**, er I mean heck no. :D I want one place where most people have to guess what I look like. Personally I want to make Peek's or Old Dominion Heather's avatar mine. That way people think I'm sexy and not a 41 year old overweight mother of 4. :tongue_smilie:


Personally I think it is important to use an avatar that accurately depicts our physical appearance--you know---like I do with my avatar. ;)

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Wow - you are the bravest woman I "know". Seriously! The last time I did that, I was 8 years old and I got grounded for almost the entire summer! :D (And no, my parents didn't take me to the salon to get it fixed :glare:)



Personally I think it is important to use an avatar that accurately depicts our physical appearance--you know---like I do with my avatar. ;)



I don't really look like Mrs. Weasley. Just so every one knows. ;)

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HE**, er I mean heck no. :D I want one place where most people have to guess what I look like. Personally I want to make Peek's or Old Dominion Heather's avatar mine. That way people think I'm sexy and not a 41 year old overweight mother of 4. :tongue_smilie:




:iagree: If I was drinking coffee, I would have snorted it out by now. I'm going to be 41 on Monday!

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So - do you look like your avatar?


Way to go, Newlifemom. Take the bull by the horns... or the scissor by the handle. You are in control!


Yes, as a matter of fact, I do look like my Avatar, and yes my hair is THAT short! I LOVE it and will never go back to the newscaster bob helmet hair which I sported for 15 years. Too much work. I have never had so many compliments on my hair since I cut it short while I was pregnant with my first. It was 105 degrees outside, I was preggo and really had bad morning sickness. I didn't want to deal. DH said, "why don't you cut your hair off?" So I did...here's a pic from Easter this year:



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Totally cute 'do and I'm so jealous! My hair is currently halfway down to my waist and it sure is hot in this weather...



Same here as well as it being curly/wavy and having enough hair for three people. I am not exaggerating! I constantly keep it up in a half pulled through ponytail and that is all I can do with it.


Wish I could find something to do with it but don't have the time nor the inclination in the summer! :)

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Well it is even shorter now and the hairdresser was kind enough to do the choppy scissors thing to take out some bulk. I too have enough hair for 3 people. It isn't a perfect look, but it does feel so much cooler. Ahhhh. I love short hair, but honestly do not feel as comfortable in a short style with all the extra weight I've been sporting for oh the last 5 or 6 years. :tongue_smilie: If only I could make my neck longer. [sigh]

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Yes, as a matter of fact, I do look like my Avatar, and yes my hair is THAT short! I LOVE it and will never go back to the newscaster bob helmet hair which I sported for 15 years. Too much work. I have never had so many compliments on my hair since I cut it short while I was pregnant with my first. It was 105 degrees outside, I was preggo and really had bad morning sickness. I didn't want to deal. DH said, "why don't you cut your hair off?" So I did...here's a pic from Easter this year:





OMH! NOW I know what you look like! Your avatar is attractive BUT you are absolutely PRETTY!

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Yes, as a matter of fact, I do look like my Avatar, and yes my hair is THAT short! I LOVE it and will never go back to the newscaster bob helmet hair which I sported for 15 years. Too much work. I have never had so many compliments on my hair since I cut it short while I was pregnant with my first. It was 105 degrees outside, I was preggo and really had bad morning sickness. I didn't want to deal. DH said, "why don't you cut your hair off?" So I did...here's a pic from Easter this year:




Wow, you look gorgeous! I cut my hair short ONE time...and not as short as yours is even...but I immediately grew it back out. I just didn't feel like 'me'. Weird huh? My hair is very long but not much trouble. I keep it up when I am hot and working...I usually let it air dry and sometimes straighten it....and I wash it every other day. For ME long hair is easier than a short cut...well, maybe not as short as yours....that looks super easy.

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You inspired me. I made an appointment for tomorrow at 4:00 pm. Now, what style do I want for this straight, fine hair? I would wear long hair if I liked putting it up but it gives me a headache. Gotta go short.


I found short hair HOTTER....(unless you go as short as BBB)....I couldn't get it off my neck like I can with it long.


When you get headaches from wearing it up...are you using clippes or rubber bands? Clippies hurt my head, but rubber bands don't.

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I cut my hair short ONE time...and not as short as yours is even...but I immediately grew it back out. I just didn't feel like 'me'. Weird huh?


[insert southern accent] Why Scarlett of course you didn't feel like you with short hair. :D




I just wanna know if you still have what was it? a 15 inch waist? :lol:

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[insert southern accent] Why Scarlett of course you didn't feel like you with short hair. :D




I just wanna know if you still have what was it? a 15 inch waist? :lol:


Hee hee....um...sure...SURE!!!!! :lol: Fidddle dee dee. You don't believe me? Why do you think I only had one child?

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