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Induction with no epidural

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I have, with each of my pregnancies, walked around for at least a month dilated to 3 or 4 and 50 to 75% effaced. I have not ever naturally gone into labor early. And my first labor was still 25 hours long (I didn't have any pitocin or anything to speed it up). Some of my others have eventually been induced when I couldn't take it any longer, and because I was dilated well and effaced, the inductions progressed nicely and without much trouble.


But, just because your body is doing a great job getting ready, doesn't mean labor is necessarily imminent. :(



The OP hasn't ever had a baby before...so she may labor perfectly if given the chance.

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If you have to be induced there is no reason you would have to have an epidural. I had a no pain relief for one of my births even though we used pitocin. I can say however that my natural births with no pitocin were easier and less painful but it can be done. I would hold of on getting an induction if you can though. You can try some natural things at home to try and get labor going. But if there is no emergent reason to start labor I would try and let nature take its course.

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Still waiting for my OB to call back.

I am going to ask if I can wait until 40w which would be next Monday. I have a biophysical profile scheduled for this Monday so it would tell us if there were any problems that warrent immediate delivery.

I am also going to ask if I have to be induced if we can start with the gel, then to breaking the water, then to pitocin in a low dose.

My body acts like it's ready for labor, 4cm, 70% effaced 0 to -1 station just no contractions.

I really think another week would do it for me to go into labor.

If he does not call back tomorrow I will not be going in Monday for Induction. We called yesterday afternoon, this afternoon and are calling again first thing in the morning.


Sounds like a good plan! He needs to give you solid, scientific reasons. If you do end up with an induction, you DO have a choice in how it is done. Unless it is an emergency situation, I have no idea why your plan would be bad. Again, he needs to give you solid reasons. If he says something "might" happen, ask how likely that is to happen, and what he sees that leads him to think that it will be that way in your situation. Don't let yourself be pressured into anything!

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Well after all my worries and questions she is here and happy and healthy.

I went into labor on my own on Friday June 18 at 2:15am. My water broke with NO contractions. We went to the hospital about an hour later and I was still not contracting. They started me on Pitocin not to much later.

I did end up with an epidural after a few hours of hard labor. I was devestated. It all ended ok though because of my awesome nurses, My OB wanted to do a c-section and they flubbed how far I was to give me one more hour of labor, It worked. At 8pm I started pushing at 10:09 pm Lily Grace arrived.

Oh and my epidural only worked in my legs during pushing. I felt everything else. So I kinda got what I wanted out of the experience .:tongue_smilie:

Thanks for all of your stories they really did help!

She was 7pounds 1oz and 20inches long.

She's a beauty.

I have some pics on my blog at www.keepersathome.blogspot.com

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I was induced with #1 and 3, and didn't have an epidural with either. Pitocin was used both times and while I wouldn't say the labors were more painful they were definitely harder, if that makes sense. I had stadol fairly early in my labors with both, but by the time it was time to push it had pretty much worn off. With my first they did try to pressure me into having an epidural. Dh and I had discussed it while we were taking childbirth classes. I had let him know that unless it was medically necessary I did not want one, and I was very glad I did. I was ready to give in, but because I had already had the stadol they needed DH's signature and he refused knowing how important it was to me.

Edited by akmommy
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