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Is there a sport a 14yr old can take up casually?

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My 14 yr old is a serious skateboarder. When he started there were 2 privately owned parks in town. A couple of days ago we found out the 2nd one is now going out of business. He is devastated. You know how a 14yr old is. He's been skating for over 2 1/2 years, is good and firmly believes this is what he's going to do his whole life. I'm not rolling my eyes at him. We are very supportive but really? It's not realistic of something you can do your whole life.


So, sense his last local skatepark is closing and the surrounding ones are 20min to 2hrs away, I'm wondering if I can offer my outdoor guy alternatives. He did play Upwards soccer and basketball several years ago and enjoyed them. I think he enjoyed soccer most. However, getting involved with community teams at this age seems to me like an impossibility. In my head they are all serious and intense at this point. I'm wondering is there a way to find out if there are casual teams that really do just play for fun. Maybe something a bit like the local church softball teams.


Is there any chance that I'll find anything like that? How is it in your area?


Thank you! I've got to try and help this guy. I'm going to take him to the other surrounding parks as much as possible but he was at the skateparks 3 times a week on average. I just can't do that.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Not outdoors, but my kids have enjoyed bowling very much. They are on a homeschool bowling league, but most bowling centers offer youth leagues. The play is usually equalized by a handicap, so that the real competition is in bettering your average. It's a lot of fun, without a lot of stress.

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Ultimate Frisbee! Does anyone in your community play? Ultimate players are usually very welcoming.


Secondly, does your son have inline skates? If he is in a growth spurt, I would go to a used sporting good place for a pair. When my son was 13 or 14, an afternoon skate helped him regain his focus after doing a lot of seat work.




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If he liked skateboarding, he might love rock-climbing. My daughter is on a climbing team at a local gym so we are there at least 2 days a week. Despite all my physical problems, I am improving every week as a climber. It is a very individual sport, but there is a camaraderie that is wonderful to be around. Aside from my homeschooling friends, these are some of the least materialistic people I know.

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Guest boushela


Our city has several summer programs that are free for children to join and participate. These typically range from swimming, soccer, basketball, tennis and general sports like that. The ususally play in non-competitive settings and get rewarded at the end of the summer with trophies and things of that nature. It might be worth it to see what your state/city offers.


Also maybe martial arts, wrestling or other singular sports like that. Hope this helps.

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We've been blessed with a rock climbing program where we live. It is run by a great instructor who is experienced, certified and safety minded. They've climbed indoor gyms as well as several outdoor climbing sites. The oldest was even asked to come back and help teach knots to this years beginner class and ended up being a helper for most of their lessons.


It is good outside stuff. I've been pretty impressed with the people we've met through it (who are also into backpacking, hiking and camping) and might appeal to the adrenaline seeker.

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Jessica, we thought the same thing last year when my dd was looking for something else to do after competitive swimming. There was a local recreational soccer league that the high schoolers could join. It was great. It had been many years since she had played soccer and there were all different skill levels involved. Very casual and very fun. If your child likes to swim, you can look at a summer rec league or water polo.


Hope you find something that works for your family.

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You are all wonderful! Thank you! These are some great ideas to bring to him. I'll check my local sports to see if there are some relaxed high school sport options. Unfortunately I can't imagine our area has and serious rock climbing sports. He would love that, however.


Keep 'em coming if you have 'em. :)

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Can you build something for skateboarding at your house? Does he have friends who would join him? One consideration would be the insurance and liability risk. I would also advocate for your town to build one for the kids. Maybe your son could start a petition. :)


If he likes skateboarding, maybe rollerblading? Is there a park nearby that he could get to on his own? Is there anything that your 12 yo is into that they could both do?

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If there is a Venture Crew in your area, it's a great way to meet other kids (co-ed) and try out different activites. My husband and I started a Crew for DSS and some of his scout friends who wanted to try activities like sea kayaking, canoeing, rock climbing, hiking, archery, horseback riding, and shooting sports.

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