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It was cold & rainy here, so I made soup.

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This is our cold rainy season. Most other places in the world during June are sunny and warm. Here, I'm drinking tea, making soup and wearing flannels at night. Current temp 57*.


Of course I don't mind the cold at all. I'm sorry that you don't like it but had to deal with it.

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lol Go right ahead. I think only those of us who live in areas with miniscule summers understand. I believe in Global Warming/Climate Change....but the warming part seems to have passed some of us by right now.



I hope you don't mind but I'm going to quote you in my sig. tag. That about sums up my thoughts on life right now.
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LOL! Yesterday was a horribly windy, rainy, cold day and I was going to make soup...but my family talked me into a ham. So, I was hoping it would be rainy today so I could make...yup, minestrone!...but it was sunny, so we ended up having tacos. However, it will rain this weekend. Have minestrone ingredients and a pile of fresh spinach (no kale :-( ) to put in that much coveted soup. Maybe it will rain two days in a row and I can make pea soup, too! Ooh-la-la!


Is it pathetic that summer just started and I'm looking forward to cold, rainy fall-like days based on the food I'd like to eat? :confused:

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It was upper 80's here yesterday and I ended up with a sunburn at the pool. Today it is raining and 65 and I'm drinking a mocha. Tomorrow it will be 90. I've enjoyed the pool but I really enjoy my toasty mochas. I've been missing them.


We went grocery shopping today but my groceries are sitting in the van until the rain slows down. I didn't plan that trip well.



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Please send some cool air my way. It was a balmy 89* today here. Thank goodness my hubby and I believe in AC even if Europeans don't. ;)


We have a/c too, but because I'm EFMP for allergies and HAVE to keep our windows closed. There's no way we could survive without a/c. What is wrong with Europeans? I don't know how they stand it.

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